
actually nowadays i design my website to make as a marketplace,but i don't have any idea about how the space is alloted to user or make a new table in database for the user .
i mean when user register then how they store his information,upload pics etc. into their account (for e.g:- facebook,crowdspring,99designs,envato)and display it to a common dashboard so that a specific user can see the entries for their product.

Please guide me,
i had completed the login page & register page in asp.net(c#)


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all you have to do is design the flow of the system first.
Either you use ERD or OOP. This will give you a big picture on how the system works.
For example you got two tables in your database which are User and Post.
Define the relationship between this to table. eg: a user can have multiple posts and many posts are belong to a user. So from this kind of view, you may know that you have to relate between this two tables.

I'm sorry if i'm not answering it well.. :D

no no..
actually let me explain in some what easily manner

1.first user come to my website
2.Register herself/himself
3.after the login he/she redirect to a common template in which they can submit their photos or upload their pics,edit the profile ,etc.
4.but when he/she login into the website the he/she only redirect to his/her profile page from database and not able to edit into any other profile.
5.after this he/she can use that profile link as a id for showing his/her work to the world.

I hope now you people can understand my problem

i see.
use session.. :)

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