Hello, I'm new to Daniweb.

I have a question. I tried too google it, without result, so I hope you guys are able to help me ;)

Anyway, I created hiscores for my RuneScape Private Server.
Everything works well, except the part to load a rank.


That is the Attack skill hiscore, where u can see at what rank who is placed.
Now I want to make it like u have a new page, showing your rank.
I can't find out how to get this done.
I only need to output the rank at which the user it placed.

Thanks in advance,

This is not a PHP question (not even any programming language one) it is simple a game question. The only one that can help you is somebody that knows the game, if you are that person just tear apart the data model the system and the specs and you will find the solution and if you don’t, you could share them with us and help.

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