Hello there,

After a search on google, I still could not find the answer to this simple question.

How do you add your blog rss to your own frontpage? The site is all .php.
I have no clue on how to make your rss entries show up on the frontpage inside a table.

Little guidance? Thanks in advance.

Let me make sure I understand your question corectly. You have an RSS feed and you want to syndicate this feed on your PHP-driven site?

What you will need is a PHP-based RSS parser. A relaly good, and really powerful one, that I love is called MagpieRSS - http://magpierss.sourceforge.net

It has lots of options but don't let that overwhelm you. Read the FAQ and you will see that it only takes a couple of lines and for you to upload the magpierss folder.

Here is a very basic example:

$url = "path/to/rss/feed.rss";
$rss = fetch_rss($url);
echo "<ul>";
foreach ($rss->items AS $item)
 $title = $item['title'];
 $link = $item['link'];
 echo "<li><a href=\"$link\">$title</a></li>";
echo "</ul>";
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