
My web-page is not loading correctly in some of older version of browsers. Here is my website mis510proj.

Any help would be appreciated :)

I attached my naive code below :)

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			 <div class="article">
                <h2><span><a href="#">Improvements for mis510proj :: Dataholics</a></span></h2>
                <p class="info noprint">
                    <span class="date">2011-05-01 @ 22:46</span><span class="noscreen"></span>

		<b>mis510proj</b> :: Our Golf Course DB is need to be update :)
		We have recieved feedbacks from many golfers that they considered the quality of the grass and the house's beverage! and menu.
		We are working on to get those info in order to meet golfer's expectation.<br>
		Our project for mis510proj will be continued so, keep you eye on our website <a href="">mis510proj</a>
			 <div class="article">
                <h2><span><a href="#">Check your golf course</a></span></h2>
                <p class="info noprint">
                    <span class="date">2011-04-27 @ 19:00</span><span class="noscreen"></span>
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		<b>mis510proj</b> :: Now our golf recommendation engine is here! Just for your dreamed golf courses! 
		mis510proj :: You can simply click either "basic recommendation" or "advanced recommendation". You will find the golf courses!<br></br>
		Our project for mis510proj will be continued so, keep you eye on our website <a href="">mis510proj</a>
			 <div class="article">
                <h2><span><a href="#">MIS510PROJ :: Golf Course Recommendation</a></span></h2>
                <p class="info noprint">
                    <span class="date">2011-04-22 @ 11:40</span><span class="noscreen">,</span>

                <img src="./img/mis510proj.png" alt="MIS510PROJ" /> <a href="">MIS510PROJ</a>

		<strong>MIS510PROJ :: The DATAHOLICS
		We are here to help you live your dream of playing golf! As part of a course, Web Computing and Mining, we 		have designed a MIS510PROJ portal that provides golf course recommendations to interested golf players. The 			MIS510PROJ portal also has a strong business model to it through its linkage to the ebay website that 				permits buying of Golf equipment. The idea behind MIS510PROJ is novel since it is unique and contains a lot 			of unique features that many websites do not. So please have a look at the MIS510PROJ portal and tell us 		what you feel!!</strong>
            <!-- Article -->
                       <div class="article">
                <h2><span><a href="#">MIS510PROJ :: DATAHOLICS</a></span></h2>
                <p class="info noprint">
                    <span class="date">2011-04-21 @ 11:49</span><span class="noscreen">,</span>


		<strong>We want to hear from you!</strong><br/>
		<strong>Do you have any suggestions to make? Write back to us!</strong><br/>
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		  <div class="article">
                <h2><span><a href="#">MIS510PROJ :: Golf Course Recommendation</a></span></h2>
                <p class="info noprint">
                    <span class="date">2011-04-22 @ 11:40</span><span class="noscreen">,</span>


		Golf Course Recommendation.
		What is your preferences when it comed to choose golf course?
	    <div class="article">
                <h2><span><a href="#">MIS510PROJ :: DATAHOLIC</a></span></h2>
                <p class="info noprint">
                    <span class="date">2011-04-19 @ 02:00</span><span class="noscreen">,</span>


		we will tell the best golf courses for you by dedicated golfcourse recommending algorithm. 
		This website is part of MIS510PROJ.

            <div class="article">
                <h2><span><a href="#">Plan your Game Today!</a></span></h2>
                <p class="info noprint">
                    <span class="date">2011-04-05 @ 11:00</span><span class="noscreen">,</span>


		Golf is one of the most stress relieving and enjoyable sports played in the world!
		Come and choose a course closer to you!
		We are here to help you out!

            <!-- my addition for Amazon -->
            <div class= "article">
            	<h2><span><a href= "equipment.jsp"> Buy Golf Equipment here!</a></span></h2>
            	<p class= "info noprint">
           		 <span class="date">2011-04-05 @ 11:00</span><span class="noscreen">,</span>



        </div> <!-- /content -->


Well, it has nothing to do, most likely, with the servlet, but rather with the css and html it is producing. Post the produced html on a html forum and ask there, is the best advice I can give you.

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