NilovSerge 0 Newbie Poster

In LDAP base I have some attrs by hierarchy:

Inside this node there is a list objects: cn=PhysDevName, cn=LogDevName, cn=Location...
I read to read them in an array I do:
$ds=ldap_connect("localhost",389); // must be a valid LDAP server!
if ($ds) {
if (ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)) {
echo "Using LDAPv3<br>";
} else {
echo "Failed to set protocol version to 3";


$sr=ldap_list($ds, 'cn=attributes,cn=stubs,cn=lookups,cn=domain','cn=PhysDevName');
I get Warning: ldap_list(): Search: No such object in d:\my work\web\cm\_ldap_test.php on line 63
And how Ihave I to write hierarchy and filter to get all the list or part of it?
I tried some variants with filtrs like 'cn=Phys*', 'cn=*' but it fails all the same.
How have I to do?
LDAP itself was installed normally The base was loaded As I understand if the server was installed
with errors in my script I will have errors before ldap_list(?
In attachment file with server printscreen
Thanks in advance,
Nilov Serge

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