weirdy 0 Newbie Poster
Hi all... 

I'm making a php interface to start, stop and control a program running on a windows pc. At the moment I can start it with

[CODE="php"]pclose(popen('start c:\users\server\mtaserver.exe',"r"));

and stop it with

pclose(popen('taskkill /F /IM mtaserver.exe',"r"));

both of which use windows tools to operate, they then get killed allowing both php and mta server to continue running happily :) (MTA server is the multiplayer mod for GTA san andreas)

Only problem is I need to send some input to the process; Anyone know how I could do this?

I'm not sure if its possible to do in PHP but I know its possible in python.. only problem is I'm not sure how to get a handle for the process to work with.

Thanks in advance :)