hello all

ok this is my php script

<body background="backgrounds/1.png">

//SID Check ausfuehren => Datenbankverbindung wird aufgebaut und Sprachauswahl gesetzt
include "sid_check.php";

//Zusammensammeln der zur SID gehoerenden UserUID in der Sessions Tabelle
$query_UID = "SELECT UserUID FROM MallSessions WHERE sid = '$cook_sid_escaped'";
$result_UID = mssql_query($query_UID);
$array_UID = mssql_fetch_array($result_UID);
$user_UID = $array_UID['UserUID'];

//UserID, Admin+Adminlevel (fuer Mall Admin Button) und aktuelle DP aus der Users_Master des Spiels holen
$query_ID = "SELECT UserID, Point, Admin, AdminLevel FROM PS_UserData.dbo.Users_Master WHERE UserUID = '$user_UID'";
$result_ID = mssql_query($query_ID);
$array_ID = mssql_fetch_array($result_ID);

$user_ID = $array_ID['UserID'];
$curr_point = $array_ID['Point'];

if ($lang_sel == 'en')
  echo "<h2>Shaiya Reaction - Showroom</h2><br><br>";
  echo "Hello $user_ID";
  echo "<br>Your current DP: $curr_point";
  echo "<center><h2>Shaiya Reaction - Shop</h2><br><br>";
  echo "Hello $user_ID";
  echo "<br>Your current DP: $curr_point";  
  echo "<form>
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"1\" /> Consuables<br/>
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"2\" /> Amour<br/>
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"3\" /> Lapis<br/>
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"type\" value=\"1\" /> Accesories<br/>

//Alle auf aktiv gesetzten Angebote aus der GameMall Tabelle holen und anzeigen
$query_Item = "SELECT * FROM GameMall where active='true'";
$result_Item = mssql_query($query_Item);

echo "<form action=\"cart.php\" method=\"post\">";
echo "<br><br><table border=1>";
while($item = mssql_fetch_assoc($result_Item))
  $item_ID = $item['ItemID'];
  //Anzahl gewaehlter Items in Array mit Key = ItemID schreiben
  echo "<tr><td><input type=\"text\" name='buylist[$item_ID]' size=\"2\" maxlength=\"3\"></td>
        <td><img src=\"".$item['img']."\"></td>
echo "</table>";

//Ein Paar Buttons fuer Warenkorb, Einkaufshistorie und, wenn GM, Mall Admin
if ($lang_sel == 'en')
  echo "<br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Go to Cart\">";
  echo "<br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Go to cart\">";

if ($lang_sel == 'en')
  echo "<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.location.href = 'phist.php'\" value=\"Purchase History\">";
  echo "<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.location.href = 'phist.php'\" value=\"Purchase History\">";

echo "</form>";

if ($array_ID['Admin'] == '1' && $array_ID['AdminLevel'] == '255')
  echo "<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.location.href = 'mall_admin.php'\" value=\"Mall Admin\">";

now this connects to the database and i have made it allow to choose different say items they want to buy but it wont load those specific items they want

log in as

you will see what i mean

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All 4 Replies

i cannot understand ur problem. can u please rephrase it? and btw, use plain background. or a simpler one. not this, it is kinda heavy.

I also tried it and there wasn't an obvious problem (other than the colors!). I chose a few items and then displayed the cart and it showed those correctly.

use cakePHP, save the Hassle of programming querys by hand :)

yup. there isn't an obvious problem. that y i cannot understand ur problem

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