	include 'connection.php';
	$data = mysql_query( "SELECT Date,color_code, COUNT(color_code) FROM paintshop WHERE Date BETWEEN '$startDate' AND '$endDate'") or die('error');
	while($rw = mysql_fetch_array($data)){ 
    <td width="59" height="25" class="style5Copy"><?php echo $rw['Date']; }?></td>

i want display the dates between i post from the form..
eg: start date = 1-12-2011 until end date 7-12-2011
(meaning 1-12-2011,2-12-2011,3-12-2011,4-12-2011,5-12-2011,6-12-2011,7-12-2011):-/

So what's the problem, what do you need help with ?

Your query looks fine and should display dates (if they're selected as inputs in your form). Unless, you have fixed dates. For example, startDate begins from 1-12-2011 and endDate is only specified by your clients.

So What's up with your piece of code? Is it doing what it is expected to do or you have problems with it?


    include 'connection.php';
    $data = mysql_query( "SELECT Date,color_code, COUNT(color_code) FROM paintshop WHERE Date BETWEEN '$startDate' AND '$endDate'") or die('error');
    $result = mysql_query($data) or die(mysql_error());
echo "<table>
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH)){
 echo "<tr>
echo "</table>"
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