bufhal 0 Newbie Poster

I hope an experienced person can help me.
Our site:
attotech.com has a top menu that currently works in Internet Explorer but does not in Firefox. I have used HTML Tidy for my index page and now it looks ok in Firefox but not IE. I have reverted back to the original index which works in IE.
I have three CSS files, one Javascript and the index page. I am a bit new at this and really need someone to take a peek at the files and please tell me where the code needs to be modified so it will work in IE and Firefox.
I am hoping a "guru" can share their wisdom and help me get this menu functioning.
I have attached the files in Word because of the restrictions. The link to our site, attotech.com has the index page that is rendering correctly in IE but not Firefox.
I really appreciate any and all help..
I great thank you in advance.

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