Dear colleague:

I took web design with asp one and half year before. But I don't have full idea about Global and session variables. Now I have one project to do on my hand. As I remember these varuables are mandatory to develope a dynamic webpage.

So I need to know a big detail about these variables, there use, their difference, where they supposed to be declared, and the like.

Please forward me some points about these things for me to be a spring to go some miles ahead.


Session variables are specific to the user and will disapper as soon as that users session ends
Session("LoginName") (for example) will be different for every user
Application variables are global and are the same for all users.
Application("SystemNotAvailable") for example would be the same for all users. If a page changes it for one user, the change would affect all users.
They are created and accessed the same way.

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