I have an issue when I add "" around text in the statement below. With out it works fine but when I add it the whole page is blank. Can someone please help me out on this one. I need to have the quotes in the verbiage.

    **This works:**

    $lang["t_tech_v26_content"]="We have founded this net operation in 1988, only the finest work for more than 20 years.<br> <br> Many of our clients are small to medium companies. <br> <br> we're proud to be members of the National Review Board and the Area Chamber of Commerce. Together, we have a united goal to provide the best for everyone 'in technology' the best that it can possibly be, said Joe Smith, Owner.";
    This is the code we need to work with the added " ".**

    $lang["t_tech_v26_content"]="We have founded this net operation in 1988, only the finest work for more than 20 years.<br> <br> Many of our clients are small to medium companies. <br> <br>”we're proud to be members of the National Review Board and the Area Chamber of Commerce. Together, we have a united goal to provide the best for everyone 'in technology' the best that it can possibly be”, said Joe Smith, Owner.";

If you want to add double quotes inside a string, put the string between simple quotes:

$variable = 'some "text" in this string';

Or, escape the quotes:

$variable = "some \"text\" in this string";

It is kinda hard to read your post. Please use the Code button next to Italic to add the code you want to tell us about. Otherwise, leave your post normal like ours.


use PHP addslashes function
The addslashes() function returns a string with backslashes in front of predefined characters.


MarPlo - Thank you for the fast reply the second option: escape the quotes worked perfect.

Rotten: Sorry. new to the board next time I will hit the code button.

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