I can't get this jQuery to work in Fire Fox. I have been told it works in Oprea and IE9. I also know it works in Chrome & Safari.

// JavaScript Document
$ (function () {
    $('#filterBox1').change(function() { // when value of filterBox1 changes
        var selection = $(this).val(); // get it's value
        if (selection == 'Windows') { // if windows is selected from OS
             $(".tb-container:not(:has(img.windows))").hide(); // Hide all DIVs that do not contain img.windows
        if (selection == 'Mac') { // if windows is selected from OS
             $(".tb-container:not(:has(img.mac))").hide(); // Hide all DIVs that do not contain img.windows

Test Site: http://www.zanime.net/test

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You should install firebug plug-in when you work with Firefox.

Anyway, here is the error given by the plug-in...

ReferenceError: $ is not defined [Break On This Error]  
$(document).ready(function(){        filter.js (line 3)

ReferenceError: $ is not defined [Break On This Error]  
$(window).load(function() {          reset.js (line 2)

Yes I know that, but I don't know how to fix it for Fire Fox (beginner here).

I figured it out type="text/jscript" and it should say type="text/javascript".

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