I'm learning http, and trying to use telnet to send my own http requests.

In the command prompt, I entered:

telnet google.com 80

The screen is cleared and I see a blinking cursor.
1. Why don't I see any indication that I'm connected?

Now, trying to type an http command (get index.html...)
I see the cursor moving to the right as I type, but I don't see the letters appear on the screen. Only blanks.
2. Why is that?

(Using windows7 64 bit)

The fact that you got a blinking curson when you typed 'telnet google.com 80' means that you actually made a connection. You didnt receive a response in the form of a display because the target system is not prepared to interact with you using telnet on that port.

What you did is just a common approach when troubleshooting to test for connectivity on a specific port, not for actual communication using telnet in the form of client/server communication.

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