hi all i have this api but can not figure out for the life of me how to echo specific data from the api i am new-ish to php so any help would be great thanks in advance




    // Setup API
    $API = new LodestoneAPI();

    // Search by Name + Server
    $API->searchCharacter("Premium Virtue", "Gungnir");

    // Get by specific ID
    # $API->parseProfile($ID);
    # Show($API->getCharacters());

    // Get by specific ID
    # $API->parseAchievements($ID);
    # Show($API->getAchievements());

    // Print source code (for debugging)

    /*  LodestoneAPI
     *  ------------
     *  > parseProfile - $ID [public] (Parse the lodestone and obtain profile information based on their character ID.)
    class LodestoneAPI extends Parser
        // url addresses to various lodestone content.
        private $URL = array(
            'profile'       => 'http://na.beta.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/',
            'achievement'   => '/achievement/',
            'search'        => '?q=%name%&worldname=%server%'

        // Configuration
        public $AchievementCategories = array(13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24);

        // List of characters parsed.
        public $Characters      = array();
        public $Achievements    = array();
        public $Search          = array();

        # SEARCH                                    #

        // Search a character by its name and server.
        public function searchCharacter($Name, $Server)
            if (!$Name)
                echo "error: No Name Set."; 
            else if (!$Server)
                echo "error: No Server Set.";   
                // Get the source
                $this->getSource($this->URL['profile'] . str_ireplace(array('%name%', '%server%'), array(str_ireplace(" ", "+", $Name), $Server), $this->URL['search']));

                // Get all found characters
                $Found = $this->findAll('thumb_cont_black_50', 5, NULL, false);

                // Loop through results
                foreach($Found as $F)
                    $Avatar     = explode('&quot;', $F[0])[3];
                    $Data       = explode('&quot;', $F[3]);
                    $ID         = trim(explode('/', $Data[3])[3]);
                    $NameServer = explode("(", trim(str_ireplace(">", NULL, strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Data[4]))))); 
                    $Name       = trim($NameServer[0]);
                    $Server     = trim(str_ireplace(")", NULL, $NameServer[1]));
                    $Language   = $F[4];

                    // Append search results
                    $this->Search['results'][] = array(
                        "avatar"    => $Avatar,
                        "name"      => $Name,
                        "server"    => $Server,
                        "id"        => $ID,

                // Number of results
                $this->Search['total'] = count($this->Search['results']);

        // Get search results
        public function getSearch() { return $this->Search; }

        # PROFILE                                   #

        // Parse a profile based on ID.
        public function parseProfile($ID)
            if (!$ID)
                echo "error: No ID Set.";   
                // Get the source
                $this->getSource($this->URL['profile'] . $ID);  

                // Create a new character object
                $Character = new Character();

                // Set Character Data
                $Character->setAvatar($this->find('thumb_cont_black_40', false));
                $Character->setPortrait($this->findRange('bg_chara_264', 2, NULL, false));
                $Character->setBirthGuardianCompany($this->findRange('chara_profile_list', 60, NULL, false));
                $Character->setCity($this->findRange('City-state', 5));
                $Character->setBiography($this->findRange('txt_selfintroduction', 5));
                $Character->setHPMPTP($this->findRange('param_power_area', 10));
                $Character->setAttributes($this->findRange('param_list_attributes', 8));
                $Character->setElemental($this->findRange('param_list_elemental', 8));
                $Character->setOffense($this->findRange('param_title_offence', 6));
                $Character->setPhysical($this->findRange('param_title_melle', 6));
                $Character->setResists($this->findRange('param_title_melleresists', 6));
                $Character->setSpell($this->findRange('param_title_spell', 6));
                $Character->setPVP($this->findRange('param_title_pvpparam', 6));
                $Character->setActiveClassLevel($this->findRange('&quot;class_info&quot;', 3));


                // Set Gear (Also sets Active Class and Job)
                $Gear = $this->findAll('item_detail_box', NULL, '//ITEM Detail', false);


                // Set Minions
                $Minions = $this->findRange('area_header_w358_inner', NULL, '//Minion', false);


                // Set ClassJob
                $Character->setClassJob($this->findRange('class_fighter', NULL, '//Class Contents', false));

                // Append character to array
                $this->Characters[$ID] = $Character;

        // Parse just biography, based on ID.
        public function parseBiography($ID)
            // Get the source
            $this->getSource($this->URL['profile'] . $ID);  

            // Create a new character object
            $Character = new Character();

            // Get biography
            $Character->setBiography($this->findRange('txt_selfintroduction', 5));

            // Append character to array
            $this->Characters[$ID] = $Character;

        // Get a list of parsed characters.
        public function getCharacters() { return $this->Characters; }

        // Get a list of parsed characters.
        public function getCharacterByID($ID) { return $this->Characters[$ID]; }

        # ACHIEVEMENTS                              #

        // Get a list of parsed characters
        public function getAchievements() { return $this->Achievements; }

        // Parse a achievements based on ID
        public function parseAchievements($ID)
            if (!$ID)
                echo "error: No ID Set.";   
                // Loop through categories
                foreach($this->AchievementCategories as $Category)
                    // Get the source
                    $x = $this->getSource($this->URL['profile'] . $ID . $this->URL['achievement'] .'category/'. $Category .'/');

                    // Create a new character object
                    $Achievements = new Achievements();

                    // Get Achievements
                    $Achievements->set($this->findAll('achievement_area_body', NULL, 'bt_more', false));
                    $Achievements->setPoints($this->findRange('total_point', 10));

                    // Append character to array
                    $this->Achievements[$ID][$Category] = $Achievements;


    /*  Character
     *  ---------
    class Character
        private $ID;
        private $Name;
        private $Server;
        private $Avatars;
        private $Portrait;
        private $Legacy;
        private $Race;
        private $Clan;
        private $Nameday;
        private $Guardian;
        private $Company;
        private $FreeCompany;
        private $City;
        private $Biography;
        private $Stats;
        private $Gear;
        private $Minions;
        private $ClassJob;

        # FUNCTIONS                                 #

        // ID
        public function setID($ID)
            $this->ID = $ID;    
        public function getID() { return $this->ID; }

        // NAME + SERVER
        public function setNameServer($String)
            $String         = explode(" (", str_ireplace(")", NULL, $String));
            $this->Name     = trim($String[0]);
            $this->Server   = trim($String[1]);
        public function getName() { return $this->Name; }
        public function getServer() { return $this->Server; }

        // AVATAR
        public function setAvatar($String)
            $this->Avatars['50'] = trim(explode('&quot;', $String)[3]);
            $this->Avatars['64'] = str_ireplace("50x50", "60x60", $this->Avatars['50']);
            $this->Avatars['96'] = str_ireplace("50x50", "96x96", $this->Avatars['50']);
        public function getAvatar($Size) { return $this->Avatars[$Size]; }

        // PORTRAIT
        public function setPortrait($String)
            $this->Portrait = trim(explode('&quot;', $String[1])[1]);
        public function getPortrait() { return $this->Portrait; }

        // RACE + CLAN
        public function setRaceClan($String)
            $String         = explode("/", $String);
            $this->Clan     = trim($String[0]);
            $this->Race     = trim($String[1]);
        public function getRace() { return $this->Race; }
        public function getClan() { return $this->Clan; }

        // LEGACY
        public function setLegacy($String) { $this->Legacy = $String; }
        public function getLegacy() { return $this->Legacy; }

        public function setBirthGuardianCompany($String)
            $this->Nameday      = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($String[11])));
            $this->Guardian     = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($String[15])));

            $Company            = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($String[30])));
            $this->Company      = array("name" => explode("/", $Company)[0], "rank" => explode("/", $Company )[1]);

            $FreeCompany        = trim($String[35]);
            $FreeCompanyImg     = trim(filter_var(explode('&quot;', $FreeCompany)[1], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
            $this->FreeCompany  = array("name" => trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($FreeCompany))), "url" => trim($FreeCompanyImg));
        public function getNameday()        { return $this->Nameday; }
        public function getGuardian()       { return $this->Guardian; }
        public function getCompany()        { return $this->Company; }
        public function getFreeCompany()    { return $this->FreeCompany; }

        // CITY
        public function setCity($String) { $this->City = trim($String[1]); }
        public function getCity() { return $this->City(); }

        // BIOGRAPHY
        public function setBiography($String) { $this->Biography = trim($String[0]); }
        public function getBiography() { return $this->Biography; }

        // HP + MP + TP
        public function setHPMPTP($String) 
            $this->Stats['core']['hp'] = trim($String[0]);
            $this->Stats['core']['mp'] = trim($String[1]);
            $this->Stats['core']['tp'] = trim($String[2]);
        public function getHP() { return $this->Stats['core']['hp']; }
        public function getMP() { return $this->Stats['core']['mp']; }
        public function getTP() { return $this->Stats['core']['tp']; }

        // ATTRIBUTES
        public function setAttributes($String) 
            $this->Stats['attributes']['strength']      = trim($String[0]);
            $this->Stats['attributes']['dexterity']     = trim($String[1]);
            $this->Stats['attributes']['vitality']      = trim($String[2]);
            $this->Stats['attributes']['intelligence']  = trim($String[3]);
            $this->Stats['attributes']['mind']          = trim($String[4]);
            $this->Stats['attributes']['piety']         = trim($String[5]);

        // ELEMENTAL
        public function setElemental($String) 
            $this->Stats['elemental']['fire']           = trim(filter_var($String[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
            $this->Stats['elemental']['ice']            = trim(filter_var($String[1], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
            $this->Stats['elemental']['wind']           = trim(filter_var($String[2], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
            $this->Stats['elemental']['earth']          = trim(filter_var($String[3], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
            $this->Stats['elemental']['lightning']      = trim(filter_var($String[4], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
            $this->Stats['elemental']['water']          = trim(filter_var($String[5], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));

        // STATS > OFFENSE
        public function setOffense($String)
            $this->Stats['offense']['accuracy']             = trim(filter_var($String[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
            $this->Stats['offense']['critical hit rate']    = trim(filter_var($String[1], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
            $this->Stats['offense']['determination']        = trim(filter_var($String[2], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));

        // STATS > DEFENSE
        public function setDefense($String)
            $this->Stats['defense']['defense']              = trim(filter_var($String[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
            $this->Stats['defense']['parry']                = trim(filter_var($String[1], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
            $this->Stats['defense']['magic defense']        = trim(filter_var($String[2], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));

        // STATS > PHYSICAL
        public function setPhysical($String)
            $this->Stats['physical']['attack power']        = trim(filter_var($String[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
            $this->Stats['physical']['skill speed']             = trim(filter_var($String[1], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));

        // STATS > RESISTS
        public function setResists($String)
            $this->Stats['resists']['slashing']             = trim(filter_var($String[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
            $this->Stats['resists']['piercing']             = trim(filter_var($String[1], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
            $this->Stats['resists']['blunt']                = trim(filter_var($String[2], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));

        // STATS > SPELL
        public function setSpell($String)
            $this->Stats['spell']['attack magic potency']   = trim(filter_var($String[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
            $this->Stats['spell']['healing magic potency']  = trim(filter_var($String[1], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
            $this->Stats['spell']['spell speed']            = trim(filter_var($String[2], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));

        // STATS > PVP
        public function setPVP($String)
            $this->Stats['pvp']['morale'] = trim(filter_var($String[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));

        public function setActiveClassLevel($String)
            $this->Stats['active']['level'] = trim(filter_var($String[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));

        // GEAR
        public function setGear($Array)
            $this->Gear['slots'] = count($Array);
            $GearArray = NULL;

            // Loop through gear equipped
            foreach($Array as $A)
                // Temp array
                $Temp = array();

                // Loop through data
                $i = 0;
                foreach($A as $Line)
                    // Item Icon
                    if (stripos($Line, 'socket_64') !== false) { $Data = trim(explode('&quot;', $A[$i + 1])[1]); $Temp['icon'] = $Data; }
                    if (stripos($Line, 'item_name') !== false) { $Data = trim(str_ireplace(array('>', '"'), NULL, strip_tags(html_entity_decode($A[$i + 2])))); $Temp['name'] = $Data; }
                    if (stripos($Line, 'item_name') !== false) { $Data = trim(html_entity_decode($A[$i + 3])); $Temp['slot'] = $Data; }

                    // Increment

                // Append array
                $GearArray[] = $Temp;
                $GearArray[$Temp['slot']] = $Temp;

            // Set Gear
            $this->Gear = $GearArray;

            // Set Active Class
            $classjob = explode("&#39;", $this->Gear[0]['slot'])[0];
            $this->Stats['active']['class'] = $classjob;
            $this->Stats['active']['job'] = str_ireplace("Soul of the ", NULL, $this->Gear['Soul Crystal']['name']);

        // MINIONS
        public function setMinions($Array)
            // Pet array
            $Pets = array();

            // Loop through array
            $i = 0;
            foreach($Array as $A)
                if (stripos($A, 'ic_reflection_box') !== false)
                    $Pets[] = trim(explode('&quot;', $Array[$i])[5]);

                // Increment

            // set pets
            $this->Minions = $Pets;

        // CLASS + JOB
        public function setClassJob($Array)
            // Temp array
            $Temp = array();

            // Loop through class jobs
            $i = 0;
            foreach($Array as $A)
                // If class
                if(stripos($A, 'ic_class_wh24_box') !== false)
                    $Data = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Array[$i])));
                    $Level = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Array[$i + 1])));
                    $EXP = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Array[$i + 2])));
                    if ($Data)
                        $Temp[] = array(
                            'class' => $Data,
                            'level' => $Level,
                            'exp'   => array(
                                'current' => explode(" / ", $EXP)[0], 
                                'max' => explode(" / ", $EXP)[1]

                // Increment

            $this->ClassJob = $Temp;

    /*  Achievement
     *  -----------
    class Achievements
        private $Category;
        private $TotalPoints;
        private $Points;
        private $List;

        // CATEGORIES
        public function setCategory($ID)
            $this->Category = $ID;  
        public function getCategory() { return $this->Category; }

        // POINTS
        public function setPoints($String)
            $this->TotalPoints = trim($String[0]);  
        public function getPoints() { return $this->TotalPoints; }

        public function set($Array)
            // New list of achievements
            $NewList = array();

            // Loop through achievement blocks
            foreach($Array as $A)
                // Temp data array
                $Temp = array();

                // Loop through block data
                $i = 0;
                foreach($A as $Line)
                    // Get achievement Data
                    if (stripos($Line, 'achievement_name') !== false) { $Data = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Line))); $Temp['name'] = $Data; }
                    if (stripos($Line, 'achievement_point') !== false) { $Data = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Line))); $Temp['points'] = $Data; }
                    if (stripos($Line, 'getElementById') !== false) { $Temp['date'] = trim(filter_var(explode("(", strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Line)))[2], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)); }

                    // Increment

                // Obtained or not
                if ($Temp['date']) { $Temp['obtained'] = true; } else { $Temp['obtained'] = false; }

                // Increment Points
                if ($Temp['obtained']) { $this->Points['current'] += $Temp['points']; }
                $this->Points['max'] += $Temp['points'];

                // Append temp data
                $NewList[] = $Temp;

            // Set Achievement List
            $this->List = $NewList; 
        public function get() { return $this->List; }

    /*  Parser
     *  ------
     *  > getSource - $URL [protected] (Fetches the source code of the specified url.)
     *  > curl - $URL [private] (Core curl function with additional options.)
    class Parser
        // The source code of the most recent curl
        protected $SourceCodeArray;

        // Find data based on a tag
        protected function find($Tag, $Clean = TRUE)
            // Search for element
            foreach($this->SourceCodeArray as $Line)
                // Trim line
                $Line = trim($Line);

                // Search line
                if(stripos($Line, $Tag) !== false)
                    // If clean, clean it!
                    if ($Clean) { $Line = $this->Clean(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Line))); }

                    // If empty, return true for "found", else return line.
                    if (empty($Line))
                        return true;
                        return $Line;

            // No find
            return false;

        // Find data based on a tag, and take the next i amount
        protected function findRange($Tag, $Range,$Tag2 = NULL, $Clean = TRUE)
            $Found      = false;
            $Found2     = false;
            $Interates  = 0;
            $Array      = NULL;

            // If range null
            if (!$Range) { $Range = 9999; }

            // Search for element
            foreach($this->SourceCodeArray as $Line)
                // Trim line
                $Line = trim($Line);

                // Search line, mark found
                if(stripos($Line, $Tag) !== false) { $Found = true; }
                if(stripos($Line, $Tag2) !== false) { $Found2 = true; }

                if ($Found)
                    // If clean true, clean line!
                    if ($Clean) { $Array[] = $this->Clean(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Line))); } else { $Array[] = $Line; }

                    // Iterate

                    // If iterate hits range, break.
                    if ($Interates == $Range  || $Found2) { break; }

            // Remove empty values
            $Array = array_values(array_filter($Array));

            // Return array, else false.
            if ($Array)
                return $Array;
                return false;

        // Finds all entries based on a tag, and take the next i amount
        protected function findAll($Tag, $Range, $Tag2 = NULL, $Clean = TRUE)
            $Found      = false;
            $Found2     = false;
            $Interates  = 0;
            $Array      = NULL;
            $Array2     = NULL;

            // If range null
            if (!$Range) { $Range = 9999; }

            // Search for element
            foreach($this->SourceCodeArray as $Line)
                // Trim line
                $Line = trim($Line);

                // Search line, mark found
                if(stripos($Line, $Tag) !== false && $Tag) { $Found = true; }
                if(stripos($Line, $Tag2) !== false && $Tag2) { $Found2 = true; }

                if ($Found)
                    // If clean true, clean line!
                    if ($Clean) { $Array[] = $this->Clean(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Line))); } else { $Array[] = $Line; }

                    // Iterate

                    // If iterate hits range, append to array and null.
                    if ($Interates == $Range || $Found2) 
                        // Remove empty values
                        $Array = array_values(array_filter($Array));

                        // Append
                        $Array2[] = $Array; 
                        $Array = NULL; 

                        // Reset founds
                        $Found      = false;
                        $Found2     = false;
                        $Interates  = 0;

            // Return array, else false.
            if ($Array2)
                return $Array2;
                return false;

        // Removes section of array up to specified tag
        protected function segment($Tag)
            // Loop through source code array
            $i = 0;
            foreach($this->SourceCodeArray as $Line)
                // If find tag, break
                if(stripos($Line, $Tag) !== false) { break; }

            // Splice array
            array_splice($this->SourceCodeArray, 0, $i);

        // Clean a found results
        private function clean($Line)
            // Strip tags
            $Line = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($Line));

            // Random removals
            $Remove = array("-->");
            $Line = str_ireplace($Remove, NULL, $Line);

            // Return value
            return $Line;

        // Prints the source array
        public function printSourceArray()

        // Get the DOMDocument from the source via its URL.
        protected function getSource($URL)
            // Get the source of the url
            # Show($URL);
            $Source = $this->curl($URL);
            $this->SourceCodeArray = explode("\n", $Source);
            return true;    

        // Fetches page source via CURL
        private function curl($URL)
            $options = array(   
                CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER  => true,            // return web page
                CURLOPT_HEADER          => false,           // return headers
                CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION  => false,           // follow redirects
                CURLOPT_ENCODING        => "",              // handle all encodings
                CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER     => true,            // set referer on redirect
                CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT  => 60,              // timeout on connects
                CURLOPT_TIMEOUT         => 60,              // timeout on response
                CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS       => 5,               // stop after 10 redirects
                CURLOPT_USERAGENT       => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.110 Safari/537.36", 
                CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER      => array('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8', 'Accept-Language: en'),

            $ch = curl_init($URL);  
            curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);   
            $source = curl_exec($ch);
            return htmlentities($source);   
Member Avatar for LastMitch

hi all i have this api but can not figure out for the life of me how to echo specific data from the api i am new-ish to php so any help would be great thanks in advance

What are trying to accomplish? What data do you want to echo out?

im trying to echo things like character name, avatar, level, and class more so at mo if i could just get one of them to echo i can work out the rest

Looks like this is returning objects. Where did you get this?

got it from guys over at xivpads i have sent a message to the developer but nothing back.
so to use this api i will have to learn oop :( i get so confused looking at oop lol

I wrote an introduction to it. You can find it here. Perhaps it will help.

cool i will check it out thanks

Member Avatar for diafol

Tell me that somebody didn't just dump 780 lines of code into a post and say "help me with something random", without referencing any line numbers of functions or anything. He didn't, did he?

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