
Am working on hooks wit codeigniter, am getting an error after applying hooks like "This webpage has a redirect loop".

My hooks.php file :

$hook['post_controller_constructor'] = array(
                               'class'    => 'SessionData',
                               'function' => 'initializeData',
                               'filename' => 'auth.php',
                               'filepath' => 'hooks',
                               'params'   => array()

auth.php file:

class SessionData{
    var $CI;

    function __construct(){
        $this->CI =& get_instance();

    function initializeData() {

Why am getting this error? Please help.


I noticed you have


when there is no session admin_id, the user get redirected to the admin controller. on redirect, the hook gets triggered for the second time redirect the user again and the cycle goes on and on and on .

A probable solution is to create another session that can be use to evaluate if this particular user has been or already been redirected to the admin page.

for example, first redirect, the user landed on the admin. We can set a session like this

$this->session->set_userdata('already_been_here', TRUE);

You can then modify this method

function initializeData() {

to this method

function initializeData() {
    if(!$this->CI->session->userdata('admin_id') && (!$this->CI->session->userdata('already_been_here'))){



Now, what the new method will do is to check for the second condition if the the session already_been_here is NOT TRUE and if it is NOT TRUE, then redirect to the admin controller page.

don't leave this as an empty array

 'params'   => array()

you can either comment it or just replace it with ''.

depending on your CI version, it migh allows you to change this


to this

redirect('admin', 'refresh');

Hi Veedeoo,

I have tried the changes you have suggested, but it doesn't work.When i applied the changes, the page is continuously refreshing like a loop.Please help.


May I see your admin controller? This should be the controller on redirect.

This should be added on the controller accepting the redirect

    $this->session->set_userdata('already_been_here', TRUE);

So that when the user is redirected for the first time, the session already_been_here will be set. When the user is set to go back again to the page where redirection was executed, script will not be redirected for the second time because the user is already been there.

Another concern I have is your statement on your constructor.

function __construct(){
    $this->CI =& get_instance();

If we look at the statement line by line, it is checking if the session is set. If not, the constructor load the library. There is a problem with that though. How can we check if the session exists if the session library is to be loaded later?

So, I would suggest for you to try checking if the session library is loaded , if not load it and then check if the session exists.

It can be something like this

if (!class_exists('session')){


In CI, helpers are functions, libraries are classes and therefore session library is a class.

To make sure that it is loading properly, we can test it like this with modified constructor.

public function __construct(){

     if (!class_exists('session')){


    ## remove or modify codes below to your requirements after successful testing
    echo (isset($this->CI->session) ? 'session is set': 'no session exists up to this point');

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