Hi Everyone, I have the following script and I would like to rename the uploaded file to web-image(ext)

The file is being uploaded to the correct location on the server and the database is being updated correctly, But I am unable to figure out how to rename the uploaded file with the correct ext of .jpg or .png

                $img1 = $_FILES['web_image']['name'];
                //let's add a security check, to make sure only allowed files are uploaded
                $ext=explode('.',$img1);//explode the image name into an array to get the extension
                $allowed_exts=array('jpg','jpeg','png');// allowed extensions, add or remove any extension you want allowed(LOWER CASE ONLY)
                if(in_array(strtolower($ext[1]), $allowed_exts)){//file type is allowed!

                    // store image 
                    $val= move_uploaded_file($_FILES['web_image']['tmp_name'], $dest);

                    chmod($dest, 0644);//make sure you have permissions for the file
                    //update database and rename
                    $filename = $_FILES['web_image']['tmp_name'];                   

Hoping someone can help.

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Hi Sorry the following should have been removed -


we will give an unique name


the new name will be containing the full path where will be stored (images folder)

Member Avatar for diafol

Never use explode to get extension. Use pathinfo()

$ext = pathinfo($_FILES['web_image']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$dest =  "images/uploads/" . $username . "_" . time() . "." . $ext;
$val= move_uploaded_file($_FILES['web_image']['tmp_name'], $dest);
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