I want to get data from my database table "Client",but I get this result:


this is my code:

            namespace OP\OPBundle\Controller;
            use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
            use OP\OPBundle\Entity\Client;
            class ClientAPIController extends Controller
                public function indexAction()

                    $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
                   $personne = $em->getRepository('OPOPBundle:Client')->findAll();
            //    $personne_tab=array();
            //    $personne_tab['nom']=$personne->getNom();
            //    $personne_tab['prenom']=$personne->getPrenom();
            //   $personne_tab['id']=$personne->getId();
                $personntojson=  json_encode($personne);
                    return $this->render('OPOPBundle:ClientAPI:index.html.twig', array(
                            'reponse'=> $personntojson


this is index.html.twig:

` {{reponse}}`

thanks for Help

Shouldn't you be using something like:

{{ reponse.nom }}
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