Hello, just I ask for help because I can not find solution, despite my tests.

How can I get the final image file should be alone

rand + original file name + extension
instead of the rand + extension.

    // *************************************************************************
    // **** Setup the variables for your script
    // **** These are the only things you need to change in this script
    // *************************************************************************
    // **** Make sure the path you add as the 'filePath' has been created,
    // **** and a subdirectory called 'thumbs' is created underneath it.
    // *************************************************************************

    $filePath = "images/"; //This is where your images will be uploaded to.
    $maxFileSize = "50485760"; //Maximum image size (in bytes)
    $thumbWidth = 260; //The width of your thumbnails (in pixels)
    $thumbHeight = 240; //The height of your thumbnals (in pixels)
    $max = "600"; //The maximum size for EITHER dimension for the fullsized image (in pixels)
    // *************************************************************************
    // *************************************************************************
    // *************************************************************************
    // **** You shouldn't need to edit anything below this line execpt for the
    // **** following lines:
    // Line 40: What to do the image is not a JPEG
    // Line 44: What to do if the upload is too big
    // *************************************************************************
    // *************************************************************************
    // *************************************************************************

    //Make sure all of the images are JPG, and of the right size
    for($i=0; $i<count($_FILES['upload']['name']); $i++) {

        //Get the temporanry file path
        $tmpFilePath = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'][$i];
        //Make sure we have a filepath
        if ($tmpFilePath != ""){
            for($z=0; $z<count($_FILES['upload']['name']); $z++){

                //Check if the image is a JPEG, and if not, do something
                if(!($_FILES['upload']['type'][$z] == "image/jpeg")){
                   // >>>> Do something here if the image is not a JPEG 

                if($_FILES['upload']['size'][$z] > $maxFileSize){
                    // >>>> Do something here if the image is too big
    //Upload the photos
    for($i=0; $i<count($_FILES['upload']['name']); $i++) {
        //Get the temp file path
        $tmpFilePath = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'][$i];
        //Make sure we have a filepath
        if ($tmpFilePath != ""){

            //Time since Epoch to append to the file names
            $sinceEpoch = rand(1000,1000000);

            //Complete path
            $newFilePath = $filePath . $sinceEpoch . $_FILES['upload']['name'][$i];
            $newThumbPath = $filePath . "thumbs/" . $sinceEpoch . $_FILES['upload']['name'][$i];
            //Upload the full sized image
            move_uploaded_file($tmpFilePath, $newFilePath);
        //Prepare thumbnail properties
        //Upload the thumbnails
        $thOriginalImage = ImageCreateFromJPEG($newFilePath); 
        $originalThumbWidth = ImageSx($thOriginalImage); // Original picture width is stored
        $originalThumbHeight = ImageSy($thOriginalImage); // Original picture height is stored

        //Aspect ratio check
        $originalAspect = $originalThumbWidth / $originalThumbHeight;
        $thumbAspect = $thumbWidth / $thumbHeight;
        if($originalAspect >= $thumbAspect){
            $newThumbHeight = $thumbHeight;
            $newThumbWidth = $originalThumbWidth / ($originalThumbHeight / $thumbHeight);
        } else {
            $newThumbWidth = $thumbWidth;
            $newThumbHeight = $originalThumbHeight / ($originalThumbWidth / $thumbWidth);

        //Create the thumbnail
        $makeNewThumb = imagecreatetruecolor($thumbWidth,$thumbHeight);

        //Resize and crop the thumbnail
        imageCopyResampled($makeNewThumb,$thOriginalImage,0 - ($newThumbWidth - $thumbWidth) / 2,0 - ($newThumbHeight - $thumbHeight) / 2,0,0,$newThumbWidth,$newThumbHeight,$originalThumbWidth,$originalThumbHeight);

        //Get the original dimensions
        list($fullOriginalWidth, $fullOriginalHeight, $type, $attr) = getimagesize("$newFilePath");
        //If the image is larger that you have defined as a MAX size, resize it
        if($fullOriginalWidth > $max || $fullOriginalHeight > $max){

            //Find out if the picture is portrait or landscape and process accordingly
            if($fullOriginalWidth > $fullOriginalHeight){

                //Landscape image
                $aspectRatio = $max/$fullOriginalWidth;
                $fullNewWidth = round($aspectRatio*$fullOriginalWidth);
                $fullNewHeight = round($aspectRatio*$fullOriginalHeight);

            } else {

                //Portrait image
                $aspectRatio = $max/$fullOriginalHeight;
                $fullNewWidth = round($aspectRatio*$fullOriginalWidth);
                $fullNewHeight = round($aspectRatio*$fullOriginalHeight);

            $fullOriginalImage = ImageCreateFromJPEG($newFilePath); 
            $fullOriginalWidth = ImageSx($fullOriginalImage); // Original picture width is stored
            $fullOriginalHeight = ImageSy($fullOriginalImage);  // Original picture height is stored
            $makeImage = imagecreatetruecolor($fullNewWidth,$fullNewHeight);                 

I get lost in a glass of water I know, but I can not figure out how to solve.
Thank you

I would rather have a random file name, or a file name I can control, than to use/trust the original file name that's been uploaded by someone. Unless you really really need to have the original file name, which would be pretty rare I think.

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