There are several misconceptions about angular frontend development and hence developers as well. It is a misconception that angular is a library, Angular applications are slow and not for performance intensive use cases as they aren’t been developed accurately. It does not have state management or is not compatible with Flux or Redux.

It is believed that angular is a library unlike others like jQuery. However, that's actually a framework of patterns and applications to design a webpage app.
Many developers believe that Angular apps are much slower, thus performing poorly. But this isn’t true as the new Angular framework comprises a special feature called Ahead of Time compilation that helps in improving the performance of the web application. Yes, there were problems in the older version while using templates and modules.
The new Angular framework follows the unidirectional data flow design pattern at its core which makes it easy to be used with popular state management libraries like Flux, Redux, RxJS or ImmutableJS. Even without using these external libraries due to the good change detection strategies you can use state-in common services and inject them into your Angular Modules.

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