dss 0 Junior Poster in Training

I need a urgent help on how to integrate paypal and how it works.
Please read the following query:
I am making a website on astrology and the requirment is that they had some paid services, like As a question?

If a person click on as a question a form will apear with fields
Place of birth
Date of Birth and Time
Amount/price = $15

Now after the person fill up the form details he had pay dues for service.
Now i want that if they pay the dues/payment then only the information filled in the form should be send to us.
So is there any code that paypal send to us when the payment is received/failed. so that accourding to that response we can do what we want.
The thing i had in mind is that
when user fill the information store the information in our database and then after payment if we get code say 001 (if payment received) then we should fetch the data from database and send his query other wise his/her data will be deleted from database.

If you have an Idea or any suggestion how can i do this.
Please give your suggestion how to do this.

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