pvong 0 Newbie Poster

:eek: Newbie here using VS2005 learning to program in VB.Net. I've got a simple Formview and in the Insert Template, I have s simple Textbox. The txtbox is databound and I have a code that auto put today's date in the txtbox. This post fine as long as I want to use today's date, but when I try to change the date to something else like 12/15/1945, it will post with today's date. No matter what I put in there, it will only post today's date. I have this code in the PageLoad event. Is this the right Event to use or should I use something esle?

'-----This puts in the current date
            Dim dtmToday As String
            dtmToday = Now.Date.ToString("MM/d/yyy")
            Dim LastMtgLabel As TextBox
            LastMtgLabel = FormView1.FindControl("DateTextBox")
            LastMtgLabel.Text = dtmToday

Thanks and this is my first post on this board.