rdub 0 Newbie Poster

Seems to search fine but only displays first record of result. Need to display all matching records.

Here is the code

// Connect database 
// If submitted, check the value of "select". If its not blank value, get the value and put it into $select. 
<html xmlns="[URL]http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml[/url] "> 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 
<form ID="form1" Category Listing"form1" method="get" action="<? echo $PHP_SELF; ?> "> 
Selections : 
<select name="select"> 
<option value="">--- Select ---</option> 
// Get records from database (table "member_list"). 
$list=mysql_query("select * from member_list order by id asc"); 
// Show records by while loop. 
<option value="<? echo $row_list['ID']; ?>" <? if($row_list['ID']==$select){ echo "selected"; } ?>><? echo $row_list['Category Listing']; ?></option> 
// End while loop. 
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Select" /> 
// If you have selected from list box. 
// Get records from database (table "member_list"). 
$result=mysql_query("select * from member_list where ID='$select'"); 
while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
Information about <strong><? echo $row['Customer']; ?></strong> company...</p> 
// End While statement
// End if statement. 

// Close database connection. 