Inny 1 Posting Whiz in Training

This might be a big ask? can the code simply be improved in any way, sometimes it seems not to work? can it be made cross browser compat?

current code ( onsite screensaver)

<script language="JavaScript">
Timeout=30000 // set delay time for effect
function oStatic() {
if(timerRunning == true||blurred==1){ // if win1 opened or opener is blurred, return
timerRunning = true"",'','fullscreen') // if win1 not opened, open win1
Timer=setTimeout("oStatic()",Timeout) // run function oStatic after delay
opened=0 // win1 not opened
function oActive(){ // 
if(opened==1){return} // if win1 opened, return
timerRunning = false
Timer=setTimeout("oStatic()",Timeout) // if win1 not opened run function oStatic after delay
document.onmousemove=oActive // detect mouse movement
document.onmousedown=oActive // detect if button pressed
document.onkeypress=oActive // detect if key press


<BODY onblur="blurred='1'" onfocus="blurred='0';oActive()">

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