jhl2 0 Newbie Poster


I am a real newbie to ASP. I took over for a fellow who wrote a whole intranet full of ASP that I get to support now. I am having several users that are not able to use some of the pages in the intranet site. When the pages are called for its as if the form or text boxes and related controls are not displaying. Below is the code. I am posting all three pages related to just one of the pages that are not working. BTW - this happening on Win2k and WinXP boxes.
Initial page called ..

<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %><html>
TD {text-align: center}
Function IIf(expr, val1, val2)
 If (expr) then
  IIf = val1
  IIf = val2
 End If
End Function
Set Production = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Production.Open Session("Production_ConnectionString")
Set cmdTemp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set rsData = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cmdTemp.CommandType = 1
cmdTemp.ActiveConnection = Production
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Plant-Wide Production Count Data</title>
<style><!--a:hover {color:red}--></style>
<body background="/Images/Raygun/Background/Back2.jpg"
topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="MyForm.Date.focus()">
    <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
    width="100%" align="left">
   <th colspan = "7" background="Images/Raygun/Navigation/Nav1.jpg" width="70%"><font size="6" color=white
   face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Units Shipped Data</font></th>
        <tr bgcolor="#FFFFCC" align="center">
            <td><strong>Product Line</td>
            <td><strong>Qty Shipped</td>
            <td><strong>Leaks Reported</td>
 <tr><form name="MyForm" action="UnitsShippedAction.asp" method="GET">
  <td><INPUT NAME="Date" TYPE="TEXT"></td>
  <td><INPUT NAME="Model" TYPE="TEXT"></td>
  <td><INPUT NAME="QtyShipped" TYPE="TEXT"></td>
  <td><INPUT NAME="LeaksReported" TYPE="TEXT"></td>
  <td align=center><input type="SUBMIT" name="cmd" value="Add New"></td>
 cmdTemp.CommandText = "SELECT TOP 100 * FROM clManUnitsShipped ORDER BY musDate DESC, musModelNumber"
 rsData.Open cmdTemp
 Do While Not rsData.EOF
   <td><a href="UnitsShippedEdit.asp?ID=<%Response.Write(rsData("musID"))%>">EDIT</a></td>
 Set Production = Nothing
 Set cmdTemp = Nothing
 Set rsData = Nothing

2nd page called by first page...

Set Production = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Production.Open Session("Production_ConnectionString")
Select Case Request.QueryString("cmd")
 Case "Add New"
  Production.Execute "INSERT INTO clManUnitsShipped (musDate, musModelNumber, musQtyShipped, musLeaksReported) VALUES ('" & Year(Request.QueryString("Date")) & "-" & Month(Request.QueryString("Date")) & "-" & Day(Request.QueryString("Date")) & "', '" & Request.QueryString("Model") & "', " & Request.QueryString("QtyShipped") & ", " & Request.QueryString("LeaksReported") & ")"
 Case "Update"
  Production.Execute "UPDATE clManUnitsShipped SET musDate='" & Year(Request.QueryString("Date")) & "-" & Month(Request.QueryString("Date")) & "-" & Day(Request.QueryString("Date")) & "', musModelNumber='" & Request.QueryString("Model") & "', musQtyShipped=" & Request.QueryString("QtyShipped") & ", musLeaksReported=" & Request.QueryString("LeaksReported") & " WHERE musID=" & Request.QueryString("ID")
 Case "Delete"
  Production.Execute "DELETE FROM clManUnitsShipped WHERE musID=" & Request.QueryString("ID")
End Select
Set Production = Nothing
Response.Redirect "UnitsShipped.asp"

Third page called by code on first page...

<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %><html>
Function IIf(expr, val1, val2)
 If (expr) then
  IIf = val1
  IIf = val2
 End If
End Function
Set Production = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Production.Open Session("Production_ConnectionString")
Set cmdTemp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set rsData = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cmdTemp.CommandType = 1
cmdTemp.ActiveConnection = Production
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Edit Plant-Wide Production Count Data</title>
<style><!--a:hover {color:red}--></style>
<body background="/Images/Raygun/Background/Back2.jpg"
topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
cmdTemp.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM clManUnitsShipped WHERE musID=" & Request.QueryString("ID")
rsData.Open cmdTemp
<form action="UnitsShippedAction.asp" method="GET">
<INPUT TYPE="Hidden" NAME="ID" VALUE="<%Response.Write(Request.QueryString("ID"))%>">
<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" align="left">
   <th colspan = "2" background="Images/Raygun/Navigation/Nav1.jpg" width="70%"><font size="6" color=white
   face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Units Shipped Data</font></th>
  <td><INPUT NAME="Date" TYPE="TEXT" VALUE="<%Response.Write(rsData("musDate"))%>"></td>
  <td>Product Line:</td>
  <td><INPUT NAME="Model" TYPE="TEXT" VALUE="<%Response.Write(rsData("musModelNumber"))%>"></td>
  <td>Qty Shipped:</td>
  <td><INPUT NAME="QtyShipped" TYPE="TEXT" VALUE="<%Response.Write(rsData("musQtyShipped"))%>"></td>
  <td>Leaks Reported:</td>
  <td><INPUT NAME="LeaksReported" TYPE="TEXT" VALUE="<%Response.Write(rsData("musLeaksReported"))%>"></td>
  <td align=left>
   <input type="SUBMIT" name="cmd" value="Update">&nbsp;
   <input type="SUBMIT" name="cmd" value="Delete">&nbsp;
   <input type="SUBMIT" name="cmd" value="Cancel">&nbsp;
Set Production = Nothing
Set cmdTemp = Nothing
Set rsData = Nothing