shmay 0 Junior Poster in Training

I have an ecommerce site that uses asp.

On my site (on the page that lists the products(prodList.asp)) I have universal navigation code. it goes like this:

sub pageNavigation(formFieldName)
	Response.Write langGenNavPage & " "
	Response.Write "<select onChange=""location.href=this.options[selectedIndex].value"" name=" & trim(formFieldName) & " style=""FONT-SIZE: 8pt"">"
	for I = 1 to TotalPages
		Response.Write "<option value=""prodList.asp?" & queryStr & "&curPage=" & I & "&sortField=" & server.URLEncode(sortField) & """ " & checkMatch(curPage,I) & ">" & I & "</option>" & vbCrlf
	Response.Write "</select> " & langGenOf & " " & TotalPages & "&nbsp;&nbsp;"
	Response.Write "[ "
	if curPage > 1 then
		Response.Write "<a href=""prodList.asp?" & queryStr & "&curPage=" & curPage-1 & "&sortField=" & server.URLEncode(sortField) & """>" & langGenNavBack & "</a>"
		Response.Write langGenNavBack
	end if
	Response.Write " | "
	if curPage < TotalPages then
		Response.Write "<a href=""prodList.asp?" & queryStr & "&curPage=" & curPage+1 & "&sortField=" & server.URLEncode(sortField) & """>" & langGenNavNext & "</a>"
		Response.Write langGenNavNext
	end if
	Response.Write " ]"
end sub

I want to have that exact same navigation on the page that views the product(prodView.asp). So is there a way to store curPage, sortField etc. in universal variables so that I can transfer the information in those variables to the current prodView.asp page, therefore enabling me to create that exact same navigation bar on prodView.asp?

I want this so the user doesn't have to click "back" on the browser, but can just do it from my site. I hope that makes sense. Thank you very much.