I am using XP Pro, Dreamweaver MX 2004 and IIS 5.1 with the most current version of PHP (5.2 I think) and MySQL 5.

I modified the PHP.INI file according to instructions, installed the latest ODBC driver and adjusted the ISAPI filters and Home Directory settings in IIS accordingly.

My first problem that I encountered was that Dreameaver was not connecting to my SQL databases. I have everything set up according to instructions in Dreamweaver and elsewhere but it won't connect to a database.

Now localhost can't even read a PHP page! When I test a simple PHP script with the date and time (like a basic "Hello, World" script), I get "The specified module could not be found." :confused:

I really need to get this working properly and am going crazy. Can anyone help me?????? Please???? :'(

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If you are setting up on your local machine then i recommend to you to go for "WAMP' or "EasyPHP".

this will directly install and configure you PHP and MYSQL... you dont have to do anything else just install and it and start using ...

Just searc in google for "Wamp" or "EasyPHP" to get the installer...


Thank you! This is definitely worth a try! I already have SQL set up in my system and it should be correct so hopefully that won't mess that up but I'll see.

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