shawn_2008 0 Newbie Poster

I am an elementary user of ruby,i meet a problem about ruby curses.
source code as follow:

require "curses"
include Curses
ch = getstr #problem occurred here

I input some 2-byte-word (like chinese word) from the keyboard,but the screen do not show the right result, finally I find

that :
1) I input only one 2-byte-word from the keyboard , the screen show me the first byte of the word but abandon the another

byte of the word .
2) I input two 2-byte-words from the keyboard, the second byte of each of the two 2-byte-words was abandoned, and the screen

show me the result that it recompose a 2-byte-word by the first byte of each of the two 2-byte-words

I know it sounds like ruby curses do not support unicode, but I can call addstr to show chinese word, I really do not know
what the problem is, so I come for some help to solve the problem, thank you for your advice.

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