im trying to run this code that adds a name and displays it. i keep getting the same message. can anyone tell me what i have done wrong?
thank you.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class treenode
             string data;
             treenode * left;
             treenode * right;

            // Constructor.  Make a node containing "student".  
           treenode(string student) 
            data = student;
            left = NULL;
            right = NULL;


class MyBST
     treenode * root;
        //Insert item s into a tree rooted at r
     void add(treenode * & r, string student);

	 //Display all items in the tree in order (in-order traversal)
     void printAlpha(treenode * r); 

    root = NULL;          

//function to add
void add(treenode * & r, string s)
    if( r == NULL ) //empty tree, easy case!!!!!!
        //create a new node, point r at it
        r = new treenode(s);    
    else if( s > r->data ) //go right!
        add( r->right, s );     
    else  // go left
        add( r->left, s);      

//function to print in alphabetical order
void printAlpha(treenode * r)
    if( r != NULL )
        printAlpha(r->left);  //print items in left subree
        cout << r->data << endl; //print item at root        
        printAlpha(r->right); //print items in right subtree   

//main program

int main()
  MyBST firsttry;
    return 0;   

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What message?

it states:
no matching function for call to 'MyBST::add[int, const char[5]]'
something along those lines.
im using Dev-C++ to complie and run this code.

That would be because you didn't associate your implementations for add() and printAlpha() to your class definition. You need to use the scope-resolution operator '::', just like you did with your MyBST constructor.

i added the scope-resolution operator, but i still get the same message as before.

You still get it for the same method?

Perhaps the main method needs to go to the top of the file? I could be wrong though, I have always seperated my classes into seperate files.

i added the scope-resolution operator, but i still get the same message as before.

I'm betting you did this:

void ::add(treenode * & r, string s)
/* ... */

Instead of this:

void MyBST::add(treenode * & r, string s)
/* ... */

There are other errors as well. Your firsttry variable are calling the methods wrongly.

int main()

	MyBST firsttry;  

	return 0;   

The add function needs 2 parameters and there is no display function defined for MyBST class.

Here's a working piece of code:

// TreeNode.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class treenode
		string data;
		treenode *left;
		treenode *right;

		treenode(string student)
			data = student;
			left = NULL;
			right = NULL;

class MyBST
	//	treenode *root;

		treenode *root;
		void add(treenode * & r, string student);
		void printAlpha(treenode * r);

	root = NULL;

void MyBST::add(treenode * & r, string s)
	if(r == NULL)
		r = new treenode(s);
	else if(s > r->data)
		add(r->right, s);
		add(r->left, s);

void MyBST::printAlpha(treenode *r)
	if(r != NULL)
		cout << r->data << endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	MyBST firsttry;
	firsttry.add(firsttry.root, "name");


	return 0;
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