Microsoft buys Github. MSFT's track record on prior acquisitions? Programming Software Development by rproffitt When this news came across I only had to think of MSFT's prior acquisitions to think this may not end well. As the song goes " Should I Stay or Should I Go"? Re: Microsoft buys Github. MSFT's track record on prior acquisitions? Programming Software Development by Dani Microsoft bought Skype and, while I can't say that the software has really been improved in any substantial way since it was purchased, I don't think it was made worse or lost market share either. I guess we shall see what happens. Re: Microsoft buys Github. MSFT's track record on prior acquisitions? Programming Software Development by rproffitt @Dani re Skype, when I was traveling we started on Skype but as Microsoft appeared to be monkeying around we found it more and more unreliable so we moved to Google Voice and now Whatsapp. I get the feeling MSFT is trying very hard to get more on Skype by pre-setting Windows 10 to autolaunching Skype. Rumor has it MSFT may sync developer … Re: Microsoft buys Github. MSFT's track record on prior acquisitions? Programming Software Development by pty Microsoft has a mixed record. LinkedIn was barely touched (and remains a cesspit of the highest order), Skype was mangled and is a shadow of its former self, as was Nokia. Others, like Yammer and aQuantive were just absorbed. If Microsoft change too much too soon, GitHub users may leave for new pastures. However, if they stay hands off, it's not… Re: Microsoft buys Github. MSFT's track record on prior acquisitions? Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim Skype is worse since m$ took it over. First of all, I amn unable to defer/block updates while at the cottage but more importantly, there is now no way to block unsolicited requests to "kissieface wants to be added as a contact". Fortunately instead of getting 5-6 of these requests per day I now only get 1-2 per week. Still, I should be … Re: Microsoft buys Github. MSFT's track record on prior acquisitions? Programming Software Development by happygeek I must be the only person on DaniWeb that doesn't think LinkedIn is a steaming pile of poop. Not that I'm a huge fan, but I've had a profile their for the longest time, post links to my editorial and have had (and continue to have) offers of work that turn into paying clients. Beyond that, I've also made some interesting contacts that I wouldn't … Re: Microsoft buys Github. MSFT's track record on prior acquisitions? Programming Software Development by pty If you're a developer and list your skills and past places of work there you simply become a magnet for recruiters and are inundated with requests. Some recruiters are ok, most aren't, and a large proportion of the offers I get are extremely low quality or not even remotely suitable. Additionally, LinkedIn employs plenty of dark UI patterns … Re: Microsoft buys Github. MSFT's track record on prior acquisitions? Programming Software Development by happygeek Oh, I get more than enough requests from recruiters. However, I apply my usual common sense filtering and 99.9% of them are just diverted into the etherial dev null trash. Ditto the the crap that's designed to get you to sign up to the totally pointless (as far as I can see) premium subscription plan. The offers of work that turn into client … IT Industry Growth Community Center by Brian.oco … growth, and in some cases, they will need to make acquisitions to launch into promising sectors. IDC sees big software makers… operations. Finally, the long-running trend of Industry Mergers and Acquisitions will continue unabated as companies seek market share and/or… VC Activity for Tech Firms Drying Up? Hardware and Software by Brian.oco … be the year with the least number of mergers and acquisitions in a decade. Initial public offerings have also been notably… hauled in $34 billion from 86 public offerings and 304 acquisitions. Such poor returns mean that venture capitalists and their investors… Licensing and liability in the cloud Digital Media Digital Marketing by newsguy … mix. “In the past year Regent has tracked over 300 acquisitions of European software companies and there have been three times… the acquisitions of software companies today than there were nine years ago… Tech Sponges Squeeze Customers Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by khess … and Apple/NeXT. And, a final analysis of mergers and acquisitions from Steve Tobak, managing partner of Invisor Consulting LLC. [QUOTE… cost shareholders.[/QUOTE] The bottom line on tech mergers and acquisitions is that someone's going to be hurt in the… From IDF 2010: Day 1 Keynotes & Announcements Hardware and Software Hardware by WASDted …]17178[/ATTACH]He went on to mention some additional recent acquisitions and explained that Intel will continue to acquire and integrated… about having spent 50% of its available cash on recent acquisitions and he is confident in Intel's ability to generate… Beam me up Community Center Say Hello! by edengineer … opened the doors for many improvements. Telco competition, mergers and acquisitions, industry "buy COTS and not build" policies, and… Sponsored search links three times as likely to lead to unsafe sites as organic results Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek … was acquired by McAfee earlier this year. Unusually for such acquisitions, this tool did not find itself absorbed into a commercial… Henry Blodget: AOL “Disintegrating” Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Brian.oco … that 2007 was already a record high for mergers and acquisitions in the tech sector. According to the 451 Group, a… Investors to Yahoo: Nice Game Face, But Cut a Deal With Microsoft Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Brian.oco … Washington, D.C., lawyer who advises on corporate mergers and acquisitions, told the Associated Press. Still, Yahoo isn't backing down… Microsoft Shoots and Scores with Powerset Purchase Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Techwriter10 …, Keldsen is simply not impressed with this move. “All the acquisitions or investments (such as into Facebook) that Microsoft has made… Instant Analysis: IBM and Sun Community Center by Brian.oco … a deviation from IBM’s current strategy of tuck-in acquisitions.” Sun critics have said that the company was too overly… Larry Ellison Adds to His Collection Programming Databases by khess … companies since 1999 with most of those since 2005. Its acquisitions include Sun, PeopleSoft, Innobase, Siebel, Hyperion and BEA. $1 billion of Google display-ads driven by YouTube Digital Media Digital Marketing by newsguy … Google success can be laid firmly at the door of acquisitions back in 2005 and 2007. First Google purchased YouTube for… Consult the Oracle and then Hide Your Money Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess …"]Microsoft[/URL] II with all of its acquisitions and now its hold on those of us who use… Just tell your iPhone what you want Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by EddieC … Siri purchase is just the latest in a series of acquisitions for Apple, which reportedly has about a $40 billion cash… Weekend Weddings: Facebook buys Hot Potato, Nokia & Motally, Google & Hardware and Software by EricMack … the end of the week brings a new flurry of acquisitions from three more industry leaders. [B]Google Likes What it… Desperate for help with deciphering Perl script Programming Software Development by callyvan …')) { $branch_realname_e = 'Acquisitions'; $FORM{'branch_in_emailsubject'} = $branch_realname_e; } elsif (($branch_email_e eq 'Dot.exp.dgbi-exp… Is the Facebook bubble ready to burst? Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek … reports as delivering an average 32% decrease in cost per acquisitions along with a 30% increase in conversion rates. Did you… PayPal buys into bio-inspired security with CyActive Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek I don't usually write about acquisitions and all that financial stuff, but news that PayPal has … DB design capturing mergers and acquisitions Programming Databases by NewJoizey Hello - I'm just looking for some feedback and some discussion from other DB pros about the viability of a DB design I came up with. The goal is to create the DB back end to an application feature that keeps track of company name history in the event of name change, buy out or merger such that there is a traceable account history. I've come up … Re: DB design capturing mergers and acquisitions Programming Databases by timothybard Just so I am clear on the issue; for a particular acquisition, it is okay to have two acquirees, but there can only be one acquirer. Further, you want the databaes to prevent the user from entering two acuirers but without the use of a "trigger". Is that correct? Re: Commission Junction and subsidiaries Digital Media Digital Marketing by pulse … You have to give them time for that... mergers and acquisitions are never an easy thing!!!