18 Topics

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]16416[/ATTACH]This Friday, Google will announce its acquisition of [URL="http://www.slide.com/corp/index.html"]Slide[/URL], for $182 million. Earlier this year, Slide was [URL="http://www.fastcompany.com/mic/2010/industry/most-innovative-web-companies"]named one of the ten most innovative web companies[/URL] by Fast Company. If you've ever thrown a sheep at someone on Facebook, you've used a Slide product. The company, which says it's responsible …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]19662[/ATTACH]In an [URL="http://www.wdc.com/en/company/pressroom/releases.aspx?release=ba433e4b-bff8-4d99-b60f-7f02aa42f444"]announcement made today, Western Digital (WD) agreed to acquire Hitachi[/URL]’s Global Storage Technologies division for roughly $4.3 billion. With this acquisition, WD, an industry leader in consumer and entertainment-class storage solutions that recently ventured into the solid-state drive market, no-doubt aims to become a major player in the …

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Day 1 of the Intel Developer Forum kicked off with some cool announcements from Intel's CEO, Paul Otellini and EVP/General Manager, David Permutter.[ATTACH]17175[/ATTACH]First off Otellini went into some numbers, stating that Gartner estimates each day 1 million PCs are shipped.[ATTACH]17176[/ATTACH]Next he reminded us that Moore's Law still lives strong and …

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[ATTACH=right]16801[/ATTACH]The holiday shopping season has apparently come early to the tech world. First came the big and stupefying news that [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story305645.html"]Intel was purchasing security leader McAfee[/URL] for $7.68 billion earlier, and now the end of the week brings a new flurry of acquisitions from three more industry leaders. [B]Google Likes …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]16532[/ATTACH]Yet [URL="http://techcrunch.com/2010/08/09/google-aquires-jambool-social-gold/"]another target of Google's shopping list has been revealed[/URL], this time [URL="http://www.jambool.com/"]Jambool[/URL], the producer of Social Gold, a payment product that allows developers to build a payment system directly into their applications. The purchase price is a rumored $55 million dollars, with an additional sum on earnout. Founded in …

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Intel is known for being…well, Intel. They have been making processors and the like for as long as anyone cares to remember and while they may be the current reigning champ in the desktop PC processors wars, the same cannot be said about the oh-so-popular “gadget” market. Intel is a …

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According to the Associated Press article, "[URL="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100706/ap_on_hi_te/us_tec_technology_consolidation;_ylt=Aue.2rGwfTjg.EXFBurPtDIjtBAF;_ylu=X3oDMTMwZ2I5cjU2BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNzA2L3VzX3RlY190ZWNobm9sb2d5X2NvbnNvbGlkYXRpb24EY3BvcwMxBHBvcwMxBHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA3RlY2hjdXN0b21lcg--"]Tech customers question industry's takeover spree[/URL]," large technical companies have absorbed smaller tech companies to the detriment of their customers although these tech "sponges" say they're doing it "for their customers." How can there be such a disparity between the reality of customer pain …

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What's Apple up to now? Yesterday it became public that the company had acquired [url=http://siri.com/]Siri[/url], whose sole purpose in life appears to be to make [url=http://siri.com/about/]Siri[/url], a free iPhone app that helps you find things and make plans. To [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpjpVAB06O4&feature=player_embedded]watch Siri in action[/url], it does look pretty useful. But why …

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Even Microsoft is sometimes faced with the decision of whether to "buy or build." This time it chose to buy. With the acquisition of Opalis Software announced yesterday, Redmond in one stroke takes a major leap in data center process automation. And it couldn't have come at a better time. …

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After a swirl of rumors that Apple was in talks to acquire music-streaming service [url=http://www.lala.com/]Lala[/url], the [url=http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704342404574576544196064138.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_LEFTWhatsNewsCollection]Wall Street Journal reported[/url] yesterday that the companies had reached a deal. Exact terms were not disclosed. Lala, a four-year-old private company, offers a terrific Web-based [url=http://www.lala.com/#howitworks]music streaming and download service[/url] that lets you …

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Skype might stop next year. The service's owner, eBay, has said that it is in dispute with the VoIP system's founders (see a report [URL="http://www.revolutionmagazine.com/news/rss/924222/Skypes-future-shaky-warns-eBay/"]here[/URL] but it doesn't say much more than I'm going to repeat here) and that if the new owners can't get the underlying technology from the …

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[URL="http://www.intel.com"]Intel[/URL] acquired [URL="http://www.windriver.com"]Wind River[/URL] for $884 million to boost Linux adoption in the Intel Atom market. Obviously Intel sees Wind River's embedded Linux market as new opportunity for its Atom processor family. There's also buzz about multi-core processor offerings from the two in the near future. I see this as …

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It's probably a little early to be looking for implications of Oracle buying Sun (no, it's official, here's the [URL="http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/press/018363"]press release[/URL]). They've only just confirmed it's happening, and as one of the journalists who covered Novell buying Lotus many years ago I can confirm things aren't done until they're done, …

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Some are feeling the pinch of the credit crunch and cutting their spending accordingly, others continue to spend, spend, spend. Symantec would appear to fall into the latter category as it has announced a definitive agreement to acquire online messaging and Web security specialist MessageLabs for a purchase price of …

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The Wall Street Journal reported this morning (and thousands of others since then) in a [URL=http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121496732802022117.html] front-page story[/URL] that Microsoft is seeking new channels of opportunity for acquiring the search business of Yahoo. Redmond has reportedly been in talks with Time Warner and WSJ parent company News Corp., cooking up …

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In the past few weeks, we have seen Microsoft trying to acquire Yahoo! for some $46-odd billion dollars. They failed. So, moving on, they are [URL="http://furrier.org/2008/05/19/silicon-valley-rumor-microsoft-to-buy-yahoo-search-and-then-facebook/"]trying to acquire Facebook now[/URL]. Mark Zuckerberg is standing firm on this one though. They are decisively saying "no" to the acquisition. [URL="http://www.ginside.com/2008/1589/google-to-buy-facebook/"]Facebook is not …

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I don’t know about you, but I’m glad the Microsoft bid to acquire Yahoo was a bust—and I hope it stays that way. I shudder to think of the consequences of a company like Microsoft acquiring Google-like power. Microsoft already has too much power and control over my life. I …

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[url=http://www.sun.com]Sun Microsystems[/url], the pioneers of the Java technology, announced today that auto maker General Motors has chosen the Java ES to provide an “integrated software environment


The End.