13,153 Topics
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to, all....ive come up with this codes on coming up with a registration form.. i debuged it and have not been able to get the output. [code=asp.net]<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head runat="server"> <title>Courier Management</title> </head> <body> <form … | |
imcoming up with icons such as home, customer, login, logout...i dont know how the codes using asp.net looks like? please help... | |
I am very new to SharePoint... I need to know two things: 1. How to work on a single website with multiple developers? 2. How to deploy the SharePoint website or webapplication on production server or client machine? Do anybody know some answer or some links which can help me? … | |
i want to connect asp.net 2005 with access . now i need for the code do do this connection | |
hi, to all...im having problem with the codes below: [icode]<form id="form2" method="post" name="lOGIN" action="Default.aspx" runat="server">[/icode] im not sure the purpose of the method 'post'. why can't i use action instead? when it comes with action, can i use some other names than default.aspx? please help. | |
I want to speed ChechBoxList's getting the selected items, the normal approach is [code=c#] foreach (ListItem li in checkListBox.Items) { if (li.Selected) { } } [/code] but if I've 6000 items in the CheckListBox, that's mean I should go through the 6000 items to know which is selected. Performance POOOOOOR!!! … | |
hi, to all..im coming up with these codes below: [code=html]<html> <body> <h1>Welcome to my Homepage!</h1> <form runat="server"> What is your name? <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtName"></asp:TextBox> <br />What is your gender? <asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="ddlGender"> <asp:ListItem Select="True" Value="M">Male</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value="F">Female</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value="U">Undecided</asp:ListItem> </asp:DropDownList> <br /> <asp:Button runat="server" Text="Submit!"></asp:Button> </form> </body> </html>[/code] at the … | |
Programmatically add linkbutton to gridview in asp.net with c#.net | |
The following is my login code for my project.. [code]Function ValidateUser(ByVal uid As String, ByVal pwd As String) As Boolean 'Dim sName As String Dim sUser As String Dim sPwd As String Dim blnValidUser As Boolean blnValidUser = True Dim strConn As String = "server=YOGESH\SQLEXPRESS;Trusted_Connection=yes;database=jobbunch.mdf" 'Dim MySQL As String = … | |
Hi, In my aspx page,when a user clicks on a asp.net Location "LinkButton", a new textbox should be dynamically added without refreshing the whole page.A user can add maximum of 5 textboxes. Also,I need to programmatically attach Ajax AutoCompleteExtender to this textbox. How do I achieve this functionality? Thanks | |
Hi. I tried dragged and dropped an SqlDataSource and then click "Configure Data Source". From there i start a new connection and select my server. Under "Select and enter a database name" listbox i can not see anything. So i try to attach a database file "NORTHWND.MDF". When i try … | |
I'm relatively new to ASP .NET and I was wondering if anybody knows about any good reference books? Thanks in advance for your help. | |
Any one knws hw to upload rtf file in webserver in asp.net.Can any send code of it | |
I want to know dat is it possible to create and run .asp file in microsoft visual web developer 2008 ? The problem is dat there is no inbuilt .asp extension file given in vwd 2008....if anyone knows how to create and run....den plz help me out.... thanks......... | |
I want to restrict the data types that FileUpload control show on some types. i.e. whaen the user clicks on the Browse button the window that comes up show only for example the word files(.doc and .docx). I'm using VS.Net 2005. Thanks in advance. | |
I want following code using C# and ASP.NET 2.0? 1. How to read log file which is located in directory(C:\WINDOWS\system32\Logfiles\W3SVC1) using C# and ASP.NET 2.0? 2. How to store the content of that log file in database using SQL Server 2000? Log file contain following information. I want to store … | |
Hii everybody, i want to make connection of my window application in c# and asp.net with remote sql server 2005 then how can i make connectionstring and connection with remote database? please help me on this topic. also if suppose connection is established, then how we can show the data … | |
[COLOR=blue][B]Hello all,[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]I want autocomplete textbox facility like google in my application and i searched on the net and i found some articles that shows i've to use ajax(combination of javascript and xml) but they are using .dll file component but i don't want to use any kind of .dll … | |
hi, im doing a project on 'courier management systems' . i am using asp.net as the application and mysql as the database. im not clear on how to integrate mysql with asp.net... i would appreaciate if some description plus some examples are posted on...thank you | |
i hav created an application in asp.net, i wan to create a virtual directory so tat i can run my application on LAN....how can i do so... Thanks in advance... | |
Hey guys! I have been told to demonstrate 1 or 2 good examples of silverlight2 which has applications similar to flash? Could anyone give me useful links where I can find such examples? Thanks in advance, Aditi | |
Hi all, Please take a look on this page [URL="http://www.vistaprint.com/vp/ns/studio3.aspx?pf_id=088&combo=31679.96.32.93307|93307|137|0&uei=94406&icparts=yes&ag=true&combo_id=82920&ssc=1&filter=9%3a10013||1%2c4%3a10003||1%2c3%3a10001||1&xnav=previews&rd=3&referer=http%3a%2f%2fwww.vistaprint.com%2fpremium-business-cards%2fgallery.aspx%3fpg%3d1%26rd%3d2"]http://www.vistaprint.com/vp/ns/studio3.aspx?pf_id=088&combo=31679.96.32.93307|93307|137|0&uei=94406&icparts=yes&ag=true&combo_id=82920&ssc=1&filter=9%3a10013||1%2c4%3a10003||1%2c3%3a10001||1&xnav=previews&rd=3&referer=http%3a%2f%2fwww.vistaprint.com%2fpremium-business-cards%2fgallery.aspx%3fpg%3d1%26rd%3d2[/URL] and this [URL="http://www.vistaprint.com/vp/ns/studio3.aspx?pf_id=088&combo=911.122.5.4421|4421|137|0&uei=5316&icparts=yes&ag=true&combo_id=4164&ssc=1&filter=9%3a10013||1%2c4%3a10003||1%2c3%3a10001||1&xnav=previews&rd=3&referer=http%3a%2f%2fwww.vistaprint.com%2fpremium-business-cards%2fgallery.aspx%3fpg%3d1%26rd%3d2"]http://www.vistaprint.com/vp/ns/studio3.aspx?pf_id=088&combo=911.122.5.4421|4421|137|0&uei=5316&icparts=yes&ag=true&combo_id=4164&ssc=1&filter=9%3a10013||1%2c4%3a10003||1%2c3%3a10001||1&xnav=previews&rd=3&referer=http%3a%2f%2fwww.vistaprint.com%2fpremium-business-cards%2fgallery.aspx%3fpg%3d1%26rd%3d2[/URL] They are basically 2 templates for Business Card printing. Notice that the text fields will be updated to the Image on the right dynamically with different style and position from one template to another. Does anyone has … | |
Hi, I am Abhilash a web developer from bangalore. Currently for my work I am exploring formbuilder kind of stuff, which will enable the end user to create a form, save it, and use it any of the web page.I am following the Microsoft.Web.Preview.dll and Ajax Script manager to implement … | |
i am doing a prioject on 'courier management system. im planning to use asp.net and mysql...is it appropriate? if i do choose these languages...will i sustain? | |
i wasn't quite sure where to put this, since this is more of an html/encoding question, but since I'm working in .net I figured this is the best place to start... I have a site, and the content-type meta tag is utf-8. I am receiving an rss feed, and am … | |
Well I need ur help as i want to give shortcut link to the button in my asp .net proj like for save button [U]S[/U]AVE (Ctrl + S) . how can i do in my code to get this type of functionality. Thanks... | |
Check the enclosed doc file and help me to solve the following problem. Thanks in advance. [B]"As per my knowledge we can put Allow IP configuration in the webserver either apache or IIS. This would work for browser IP (Client IP). But I would like it to capture the server … | |
Good Afternoon All In all my Application, i used to write my login screen and i will not have a problem. i have inherited the ASP.NET Application that uses a login control. Below are the pics of how it looks here is a code for Forget Password link [CODE] protected … | |
I send mail in asp.net using kerio .It work fine when i use string variable to get id But i use textboxes to get id it gives following err: [code]Read from Stream threw an System.Exception: System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the … | |
I have 2 XML files as follows - one.xml ======= [code=xml]<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <CMS> <Episode> <name>Mentor: Communicating Effectively</name> </Episode> <Episode> <name>Facilitator: Managing Conflict</name> </Episode> <Episode> <name>Monitor: Measuring Performance</name> </Episode> </CMS>[/code] two.xml ======= [code=xml]<CMS> <Episode> <eNumber>1</eNumber> <partOne>0</partOne> <partTwo>1</partTwo> </Episode> <Episode> <eNumber>2</eNumber> <partOne>1</partOne> <partTwo>0</partTwo> </Episode> <Episode> <eNumber>3</eNumber> <partOne>0</partOne> <partTwo>1</partTwo> </Episode> </CMS>[/code] Now, … |
The End.