13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for serkan sendur

you can access repeater's row data using the code below in the ItemDataBound event handler [CODE]protected void rpt_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { object value = DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "columnName"); }[/CODE]

Member Avatar for serkan sendur

[CODE]System.Timers.Timer time; protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e) { time = new System.Timers.Timer (); time.Enabled = true ; time.Interval = 2000; time.Elapsed += new System.Timers. ElapsedEventHandler(time_Elapsed); } private void send() { MailMessage mm = new MailMessage (); mm.IsBodyHtml = true ; mm.Body = "foo" ; mm.To.Add(new MailAddress ( foo@foo.com …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur

it is pretty easy with one line of code : add System.Diagnostics namespace then [CODE]Process.Start("C:\\foo.exe");[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Kusno

[CODE]<ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager runat="Server" EnableScriptGlobalization="true" EnableScriptLocalization="true" ID="ScriptManager1" /> <div class="demoarea"> <div class="demoheading"> Calendar Demonstration</div> <br /> <b>Default calendar: </b> <br /> <asp:TextBox ID="Date2" runat="server" autocomplete="off"></asp:TextBox><br /> <div style="font-size: 90%"> <em>(Set the focus to the textbox to show the calendar)</em></div> <asp:UpdatePanel id="UpdatePanel1" runat="server"> <contenttemplate> <ajaxToolkit:CalendarExtender id="defaultCalendarExtender" runat="server" TargetControlID="Date1" Format="yyyy-MM-dd"></ajaxToolkit:CalendarExtender> <asp:TextBox id="Date1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" …

Member Avatar for btech_Saurabh

Hi developers, I have a question can we dynamically load a UserControl in Ajax Popup Extender ? kind Regards, Saurabh

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous

I hosted my website on server, some pages load data from Analysis services 9.0 It works in development machine. It doesn't work on deployment machine and through this exception [B]Exception type[/B]: OleDbException [B]Exception reason[/B]: Unspecified error The following system error occurred: The system cannot find the file specified. [B]Exception source[/B]: …

Member Avatar for vasanth.kanna

Dear All, I want to establish a remote connection with sql server 2005 in my Asp.net web service. How to do this in a effective and secured way, Please reply me with sample code, that will be very helpful for me. Thanks in advance, Thanks & Regards, Vasanth

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for vishwana

Hi, I have to read a xml file in a tree structure, modify and save the xml file. I tried using xmldatasource and treeview controls. But only the tag names are retrieved. The text and attributes in each tag are not getting displayed. since my xml file can contain many …

Member Avatar for Robins Antony

Hi Friends, Does anybody know How to Export data from a GridView to MS Access using C #. Any help would b greatly appreciated. Regards Robins

Member Avatar for Robins Antony
Member Avatar for dilake

Hi am new to this asp.net solution for next,Previous button in asp.net with c#.net. I have 7 Buttons ADD,SAVe,Edit ,Delete,Next,Previous and find to get the details of record in gridview. My save snippet is as follows: protected void BtnSave_Click(object sender, [code]ImageClickEventArgs e) { /* try {*/ //if (txtDate.Text.Length != 0) …

Member Avatar for web_developer

hey all i am facing a problem and i googled it and didnt find any solutin yet. hope u will help me. i have web application that support 2 langauges. i am using CLR. CLR supports a mechanism for packaging and deploying resources with any type of application. i was …

Member Avatar for tarim
Member Avatar for emilio

is it possible to catch an exception in a try-catch block and show the message in the page's validation summary ?

Member Avatar for emilio
Member Avatar for RushNP774

First off, I'm a beginner when it comes to ASP.NET, but I have some experience with C++, VB6, and PHP, so programming is not a new thing to me. I've started a website in Web Developer Express, and added the contents of a CSS template I found on the internet, …

Member Avatar for kheija

i've wondering here,if i can combine windows application and web aplication.Can i develop main page in web application then i want to access to the windows application.(e.g there's a button to link process mgt page.But process mgt page is developed in windows application).Else, if i do a view page on …

Member Avatar for vikette

Hello, I'm creating my first website using master pages and asp.net. As part of this project, I need to display a random banner image at the top of each web page. Let's say i have an "images" directory with image1.jpg, image2,jpg, image3.jpg and image4.jpg. In the past, I have used …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for moiseszaragoza

I have a field validatior on my page. but i noteces if i press the submit btn 2 times the validator does not stop the process. have any one have a problem like tihs? and how to solve it. Thakns [CODE] <tr> <td > <div class="buyIt_Titles2"> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1 runat="server" ControlToValidate="txt_BillingCity" …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m

Hi, I used the confirmation in a page when one of the ultrawebgridcell updated.I used the following code. [code] private void MessageBox(string msg) { Label lbl = new Label(); lbl.Text = "<script language='javascript'>" + Environment.NewLine + "window.confirm('" + msg + "')</script>"; Page.Controls.Add(lbl); } protected void uwgSelected_UpdateCell(object sender, CellEventArgs e) { …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

One of our new members "Gurvinder Suman" asked me how to create a custom select button for gridview in order to display details in the detailsview. Here is the answer: When you click the smart tag of the gridview and enable selection, it creates a linkbutton by default and writes …

Member Avatar for apease11

Hi, I am trying to pass parameters to my program, but I can't seam to get it to pass specific parameters. I want it like [icode]"C:\Age of Empires III Launcher.exe /x=agex.exe /y=agey.exe /z=age.exe"[/icode]. How would I go about doing that? I can't find a good tutorial on it. Thanks.

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Member Avatar for happyns

Hello 1 and all I have created a stored procedure for table X. X contains the fields B,C,D,E,F,G. B is a primary key with data type int. I am giving the stored procedure as follows: [code]Create Proc [dbo].[spXSelect] @B int=null as Begin If @B is Null Begin Select Ident_Current('X') as …

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Member Avatar for kdee

Hi all! I have a problem (probably a simple one). And I need some help with it. The line with bold red "verifyurl" gives me a bit of a headache. It comes up with an error [I][B]File <%verifyurl%> can't be found![/B][/I] If someone has an aidea about solving this issue, …

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Member Avatar for nadineatwaroo

Hey all! I have a gridview with multiple page, when i click on a check box in one page and proceed to the next page and click another check box in the previous page when I go back to the inital page the first check box click is cleared as …

Member Avatar for bcasp
Member Avatar for eswarsure

in this panel controle i took 2 textbox's and 2 buttons (i)out of panel controle i created one button(asp.net) (ii)in this button i gave name to this as USER(by understanding purpose only) (iii)i write code and created one button in runtime .that button is displayed in panel contol(MY AIM) (iii)after …

Member Avatar for mehdi2c

I use the following commands to save data in my database MydatabaseBindingSource.EndEdit() MydatabaseTableAdapter.Update(DBDataSet.mydatabase) When I enter data in debugging mode, and close the application, it wont keep the data, But, if I publish my application it will keep the data, is this normal? My plan is to save the data …

Member Avatar for joseph001
Member Avatar for bhavna_816
Member Avatar for soniajay

Hi, I am working on one in house web application for my company, I am facing one issue which is coming on deployment machine only Actually my application is based on multitier architecture, here when i am trying to throw a customized exception in business layer/data layer, it is throwing …

Member Avatar for julseypart

hi, i have set a condition on the upload function [code]if (FileUploadControl1.PostedFile == null) { lblResult.Text = "Please select a file first"; } else { //upload a file }[/code] but if i press upload button when no file is selected it still uploads a blank file regardless of the "if' …

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Member Avatar for brightline

I want to check if the user had selected a node from a treeview or not using javascript. I'm using VS.NET 2.0. Thanks In Advance.

Member Avatar for jaiswarvipin
Member Avatar for anusumesh

Hi I am using <asp:Gridview> to display my data. I am adding columns and rows dynamically. I am facing following issues: 1. I want [B]scrollbars around the gridview [/B]and for this purpose i used [B]<div style="overflow:auto">[/B] and its working fine. But issue is that the header row also scroll down …

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Member Avatar for ranjinibiliya

Let me explain the u in detail. First , In sql server i created a New database and then i created a new table. as UserId, User Name, and Passward. Secondly, i created a new Text document with .udl extension , and Got even the message Test Connection Succeeded. Created …

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The End.