48 Topics

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Member Avatar for lordluke_80

hi everyone. hi have a template with a form and many inputs that pass some data trough a POST request to a view, that process them and send the result to another template. in the final template, if i use the browser back button to jump to the first view, …

Member Avatar for battlex2010

I have made picture viewer in VB which also shows all the pics present in a folder as thumbnails using image list and listbox. The problem is whenever the user clicks refresh it takes long time for the image to load. I want to some how make a cache like …

Member Avatar for battlex2010
Member Avatar for Jimbest

Hi, I'm struggling to understand how to write script for Zeus web servers. I need to leverage browser cache images to get my Google page speed up. i know this is the code for .htaccess but Zeus is different: <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 2 days" ExpiresByType …

Member Avatar for jrotunda85

I've been having a reoccurring issue with my VPS since I moved to a new company and I'm trying to figure out what the issue is. There are a few different things going on (I believe they are all connected) -- [LIST=1] [*]When you visit a page that doesn't exist, …

Member Avatar for jrotunda85
Member Avatar for jacklegs

I need to access my browser cache specifically, the cache in Camino browser and Opera browser. I need the commands to get the cache, or any other method to obtain the cache. Thanking you in advance, I remain Mike Levinson

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for Braden0007

hello can somone please tell me why i cannot submit this twice i have a php form doing the validation and mailing but if there are errors in the form filling out it will send back an errorand tell them to fix it, without refreshing the form. the problem is …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for Valmian

Hello, I have a very strange error. I recently installed a test environment on my laptop with IIS7/PHP5/MySQL on Vista Home Premium. When I tried to install phpMyAdmin I found that it somehow failed silently, in particular, config file could not get written even though no error was shown. To …

Member Avatar for alenD

Hi, I am using mysql 5.0.77. I am running queries like create table T1 as Select t1.arg0 as ARG0, t1.arg1 as ARG1, t2.arg0 as ARG3 from table t1, table t2 where t1.arg0=t2.arg0 I want to create the table if the select statement does not return an empty resultset. If I …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for brunope

Hello everyone, I am looking to exclude some specific content from a cache system based on APC. This content is a complete directory. So if you have any idea, please let me know.

Member Avatar for benny2010

Hey im creating a cache simulation in C++ i have the read/write policies and most of the eviction policies but im struggling to get my head round adaptive replacement cache. i kind of understand how the two lists work but not very well. If anyone could help explain it to …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi

Hello there, Is there any way of disabling caching of asp.net pages in folder or application level.... meant to say, is there any option available in the web.config file for disabling caching...i have done by using page wise...but need to disable caching for all pages in my application... plz help …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for love_dude1984

Hi, I'm trying to build an windows application in C#, where i will be using Cache Application Block. I have downloaded the Microsoft's Enterprise Library (5.0), & also tried a sample too.. The sample works fine but there is a catch. I'm not willing to use a configuration file in …

Member Avatar for mikesowerbutts

Hi, I have a C# pdf library called PdfSharp which I use to create PDFs. I have a page (print.aspx) which instantiats the class which creates the pdf in the Page_Load() event handler. for some reason when I am running this through IIS, the process for the app pool (w3wp.exe) …

Member Avatar for mikesowerbutts
Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hello, I use Ruby with Sinatra in my application and I need to store a big data (exceeding 4K) in my session or somewhere secude on the server because I do some API calls and I refer to that data very often and that's why I need it stored. The …

Member Avatar for Clawsy
Member Avatar for skumar.snl

hi, We are showing Video with slides(images) in silverlight .Our images come from amazon server now we want to cache these images before starting Video. our code is given below: private void LoadImage(string ImageURL) { WebClient downloader = new WebClient(); downloader.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(downloader_OpenReadCompleted); string fileName = ImageURL; downloader.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(fileName, …

Member Avatar for desiguru

I have this line added to my .htaccess which is suppose to make all .png files cacheable until end of the month. [CODE] <FilesMatch "\.(ico|flv|jpe?g|png|gif|js|css|swf)$"> ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month" </FilesMatch> [/CODE] But when I run Google PageSpeed it still says that those images are not cacheable. What …

Member Avatar for adi.shoukat
Member Avatar for cwarn23

I'm not sure if this is possible but I'm kinda stuck in the middle. For my script I need to calculate the server load and the mysql cache usage both in percentage. Does anybody know of any scripts I can use for this. There are probably open source things that …

Member Avatar for cwarn23

The End.