14 Unanswered Topics

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Member Avatar for mattster

Hi All, I am developing something for a client and I urgently need this solved. My client has a Magento store, which has several categories (say CatA and CatB). If someone purchases an item from CatA, I need Magento so send an email to admin@example.com. Is this possible? If so, …

Member Avatar for Pundia

Hello! I'm trying to fill a Crystal Reports in a generic way. This is because I don't have direct access to the database, I just call a service that returns a DataTable. I'm no expert in C# or Crystal Reports, is there any way to fill a Crystal report without …

Member Avatar for nmaillet

I'm trying to create some custom styles/control templates for WPF. The only control that seems to be giving be any issues (so far) is the ScrollViewer: <Style x:Key="{x:Type ScrollViewer}" TargetType="ScrollViewer"> <Setter Property="OverridesDefaultStyle" Value="True"/> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType="ScrollViewer"> <Border Background="#404040"> <Border BorderBrush="#808080" BorderThickness="1" Margin="4"> <Grid > <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition/> <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/> …

Member Avatar for ZeroZen

Hello Daniweb! I'm an amateur programmer who's learned quite a bit from online references, and usually searching eventually reveals the problem but I'm stuck! I've overcome many obstacles when creating a custom button on the Ajax Editor control, namespace issues, registring the controls properly etc. I resist the temptation to …

Member Avatar for PoovenM

I'm creating a custom `ComboBox` that allows the user to select a date; the calendar display is localized making the built-in `DateTimePicker` undesirable (see [here](http://support.microsoft.com/Default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;889834&x=18&y=19) for more information). I need the UI control to mirror the look and feel or the existing components. Here's what I've tried and the problems …

Member Avatar for ihatehippies

I'm trying to create a wx.ListCtrl with a searchable header. I've been looking through the listctrl mixins, but I really don't have the wx expertise needed. I'm thinking I need to paint a textctrl using a dc object, but other than that I'm lost. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for y2kshane

im creating a custom component .how to create a property that has to choose a file(lets say image) from my hard disk ??

Member Avatar for ranu jain

hello, i just want to know what is the need that we make a custom tag...i know that its for reusebility..but i want some examples where should i use them. thanks

Member Avatar for NubTruck

Hi guys, I am trying to create a edit control, with pure win32. When the return key is pressed I would like it to run a section of code. I have tried getting it to handle the return key message through the main windows message handler. Unfortunately that causes it …

Member Avatar for Lereyn

Hello, First of all, I would apologize about my english which is not very good ;) I'm a newbie in .NET, and I hope my code is correct :) I'm on a project which consist of going on websites and retrieiving informations based on the 'criterias' the user has given …

Member Avatar for McLaren

Hi, Again I am trying to do a simple thing but with joomla it is advanced. What I want to make is to show articles on front page in the way like it is in the atached picture. You can see the red bracked on the left. There is 3 …

Member Avatar for Thew

Hi, I've made a custom month view calendar control but I'm having a problem in my custom day event drag code. I don't use any of the drag and drop in winforms, basically I just override the OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp, OnMouseMove methods and listen for appropriate actions to get my own …

Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m

hi, i want to create a custom gridview control with paging, sorting and filtering. I tried a lot of for it , but didnt get it correctly. Can you give me the code for it. thanks in advance, sreevidya

Member Avatar for jatin24

Im trying to customize the Contact Card that appears on the Office Communicator 2007. The default information about the pesron that appears on the Contact Card is not enough and would like to include some more information. I've downloaded the API and also looked into adding custom tabs using an …


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