341 Topics

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Member Avatar for andywyndom

I am wondering if anyone wants to try and better this code sample. Here is the request: Given a range of dates (start, end) return all rows that cross that range where the rows contain a start and end date. This appears to work. I just wonder if anyone else …

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Member Avatar for BenzZz

Hi, I have three drop down boxes for a Date field; one each for days, month and year. I want it so that when a year and month are selected they can be checked and then i can use those variables to insert the options into the days drop down …

Member Avatar for BenzZz
Member Avatar for BenzZz

Hi, I want to use javascript within my php file. The three drop down boxes involved are: [CODE] <select name="year" width="10"> <option value="<?php echo $curYear ?>"><?php echo $curYear ?></option> <option value="<?php echo $curYear++ ?>"><?php echo $curYear++ ?></option> </select> <select name="month" width="10"> <option value="01">01</option> <option value="02">02</option> <option value="03">03</option> <option value="04">04</option> <option …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

Hello Every one ! i am trying to make query to show the growth of sale of the product month wise ,i have one table name Sales .having following fields , SalesID,ProductID,amt,Qty,SalesDate i use this query to show my records [CODE] select ProductID,Amt,Qty,substring (datename(month,SalesDate ),1,3)as months,DATENAME(YEAR,salesdate ) as years [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

Hello Every One ! I m working on a software , i have one field name expiry_Date , now i want to make an query which subtract the current date from the expiry_date and give answer in no.of days , i use getdate() for current date , can any one …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for simplypixie

I have a CRON job set to run every hour (have to do it this often due to scheduling facilities on server) and one of the sections of the script is to check if a closing date for entries into an event is within 2 days and if so to …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for Marty1963

I'm still very new to this but is there a way to control content (text and/or image) using PHP and a specific date? For example I need to add "New Store Hours" to a listing of locations for a client website, however I don't want to have to go back …

Member Avatar for Marty1963
Member Avatar for vampshay

How many child command could be added to a Parent command? I already have one Parent and child relationship in my data environment but when I try to add another child, the data report will not print. My problem is that I need to incorporate three tables in that data …

Member Avatar for vampshay
Member Avatar for Virangya

hi, when i insert date time into my database it insert server time not local time how can i change this? even i tried ; [CODE]$currntdate = date("F j, Y, g:i a");[/CODE] which didn't work either.. thanx in advance.

Member Avatar for Virangya
Member Avatar for bipies

Hi everubody! I have a huge issue with dates and encoding in my database. Two weeks ago I restored a database from an Xcloner copy to my site, since then all problems are there. My site language is Spanish, and I was using in Wordpress define('DB_CHARSET', 'UTF8'); Since then if …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for Stickie

What am I doing wrong? I've stored the date in american format (yyyy-mm-dd) and want to output it in european format (dd-mm-yyy). This is my code. [code=php] //ZENDING $result = mysql_query("select ID, Bestemming, Afkorting, Datum FROM Zendingen WHERE ID ='" . $znding . "' ORDER BY ID, Bestemming ASC") OR …

Member Avatar for Stickie
Member Avatar for MassimilianoRiz

I've been given two dates that takes their values from two respective dtpickers. I've got to calculate the exact amount of days, months and years between them. So I tried this: Dim dteStartDate As Date Dim dteEndDate As Date dteStartDate = dtpStart.Text dteEndDate = dtpEnd.Text dteResultDays = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, dteStartDate, dteEndDate) …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for redrobby02

Hi i am very new to delphi and have only been working with it for a few months, i need to calculate the difference between 2 TDateTime Variables regardless of the number of days passed. Currently im using this: [CODE] var StartTime, EndTime, TimeDiff: TDateTime; begin StartTime := (Now); EndTime …

Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi Guys and girls, I'm using a TMonthCalander to display Dates, I'm using the BoldDays method to bold the important days. I have everything working fine when the user changes the month via the TMonthCalander controls. But I can not bold the days when they click a button. I've tried …

Member Avatar for rubenrav

i have one list and one database. The list is made after i've decided a number in a numbericUpDown. So for an example i can get the list fj1Section: 1 34 33 32 31 20 19 18 17 16 each of this sections exists in the database in the 2. …

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for VengefulToast

Hi forum, I am just wondering how I could just use the last two digits of a four digit year the user inputs. For example, I want to drop the [19] from [1960] and just use the [60] which should be 3C in Hex so the registers would read it. …

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Member Avatar for bikashdas

Hello. I stored dateFrom & dateTo as String '11/11/2011' and '11/25/2011' [mm/dd/yyyy] format. now when i fired query as below [code] select (case when pp_send_date_to_district between '11/01/2012' and '11/25/2012' then 'Dec/2012' else 0 end ) as Months, sum(case when pp_send_date_to_district between '11/01/2012' and '11/25/2012' then 1 else 0 end ) …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for solomon_13000

I am attempting to retrieve records 7 days before the termination date. The code below doesn't seem to work. [CODE] CREATE VIEW vwRenewSubscription AS SELECT c1.id as userId, p1.id subscriptionId, a1.id as advertisementPlanId, c1.companyName, c1.rocNo, a1.description, a1.fees,a1.duration FROM subscription AS p1, subscription AS p2, corporate AS c1, advertisementplan AS a1 …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Majestics

[code] mysql_query("UPDATE hostip SET time = '".date("d/m/y h:m:s")."' WHERE ipaddress = '".$ip."'"); [/code] Whats the problem in this query.... Its giving me syntax error...

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for bbman

Hey everyone, I have the following varaibles: $_POST['month'] $_POST['day'] $_POST['year'] I need them to be put into a string format such as '2012-02-15' (Year-Month-Day). Could someone please help me do this in php? I've tried a few times but can't connect them with the "-" successfully. Thanks for your help.

Member Avatar for bbman
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Is it Mother Date and Father Time? Any way, getting all the different date and time displays working can be imperturbably perplexing at times. You take a look at it in this Windows Console Application.

Member Avatar for Tsawm
Member Avatar for SethHall

Hey guys, I've been trying to do this since yesterday with no luck. I've tried stackoverflow, DIC and this is my last chance. I'm using drop down boxes to have a user select a ship date. I don't want them to be able to choose a date in the past …

Member Avatar for SethHall
Member Avatar for diestro

Hi, Having some trouble getting it all together. I have a table in which i need to get Distinct names based on latest date. This is what the table looks like; Table Scores; [CODE] --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Name | Date | High Score | Medium Score | Low Score | --------------------------------------------------------------------- …

Member Avatar for diestro
Member Avatar for magnum_vf

Hi folks, (Python 2.4.x - I cannot install any modules including dateutil) Here's what I have so far. [code] mydate=['20111025.00', '20111026.12'] start_time= time.strptime(mydate[0], "%Y%m%d.%H")[:5] end_time=time.strptime(mydate[1], "%Y%m%d.%H")[:5] for myhour in datespan(time.strptime(mydate[0], "%Y%m%d.%H")[:4], time.strptime(mydate[1], "%Y%m%d.%H")[:4], delta=datetime.timedelta(hours=1)): print myhour [/code] What I'm trying to do is take the two values in mydate list …

Member Avatar for magnum_vf
Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees

Hi....Friend i have to make this task...... create a time clock that display on the status bar and keep on changing every after 1 second. Kindly keep the format as given in the picture. i have created code but i dont know how to put on status bar... my code …

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Member Avatar for FALL3N

Hello. I am writing a script to do some copying of files. I feel confident that I can do that part, but before I even start doing the actual copies, it compares the last modified dates of two files.. I know this seems a very basic question that I would …

Member Avatar for FALL3N
Member Avatar for Monster Killer

Hello. I am trying to create a javascript date/time script to display the current GMT date, but obviously because javasceipt is client side it displays the clients current date not the GMT date. Does anyone know how i can get javascript to show the current GMT date to anyone (even …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for sibymary

hi,i want to insert date into mysql table..but the date must not be current date.for example if i am giving 12-3-2003.then ,this date should be insert into the database...... thanks advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Simon180

like the title says how to calculate 10 days from a date with delphi, am after simple way to get 10 days trial from current date of usage can anyone help thanks :)

Member Avatar for Simon180
Member Avatar for ebanbury

Hi Can anyone see what is wrong with this: [CODE]<?php echo date_format($row_rs_propdetails['add_date'],'Y-m-d'); ?>[/CODE] The error message I get is: Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, Any help would be much appreciated. Basically wanting to bring back the date in add_date column, but just the y-m-d with no time. …

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The End.