18 Topics

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Member Avatar for exsoft
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Part 2 of exploring/tasting the Swift language takes a look at dictionaries; process flow controls like loops, if/else and switch/case; functions and sorting. I hope I can follow this up with part 3, a closer look at class operations.

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for surfingturtle

Dear members please help me in understanding the control flow in the following code, thanks #include <iostream> class constructs #include <iostream> class constructs { char inp; public: void acceptCharacter() { cout<<"Enter a character: "; cin>>inp; if(inp>='A') //ASCII value of A = 65 if(intp<='Z') //ASCII value of Z = 90 cout<<endl<<"Uppercase"; …

Member Avatar for surfingturtle
Member Avatar for abey ella

i am working in a bank and am working on project to write a program that will work on touch screen kiosk and make customer flow management easier but i don know what programing language i can you and how can i do it , and what algorithm to use …

Member Avatar for abey ella
Member Avatar for Jason_6

Im completely new to programming, and this is my problem. For example, if a train travels 40 miles per hour for three hours, the distance trav-eled is 120 miles. Design a program that asks the user for the speed of a vehicle ( in miles per hour) and how many …

Member Avatar for Jason_6
Member Avatar for SnowFall

Hi! Im looking for the best way to describe a flow chart with xml where blocks have multiple inputs and output. Blocks are placed in "folders" here in my xml I called them blockgroup. Each block has a name that must be unique within a blockgroup. Inputs and outputs must …

Member Avatar for JasonPS

Hi all, I wonder if you wonderful people can point me in the right direction?? I'm quite new to web programming, I'm OK at conventional C/C++ etc but just really getting into the whole webside thang. Anyway, I was wondering how I may solve the following. I want to have …

Member Avatar for markspend01
Member Avatar for harry.knuckles.79

Hello, Today I was working on my home Pc. As I work my 2nd job from home. I was working away and clicked some random news site and all of a sudden Mcfee says they have blocked a trojan, and then get a little box pops up wanting me to …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for Alexispap

%author: Alexis Papathanassopoulos from Tkinter import * import Image, ImageTk import os import glob import time top = Tk() c=Canvas(top,width=800,height=400, bg='lightblue') c.grid(row=0,columnspan=2,sticky=N+E+W+S) pdict={} class Flow: def __init__(self, clickfunc): self.cfunc = clickfunc def goto(self, canvas, nr): global velocity,autorotate clickeditem = canvas.find_withtag("pic_" + str(nr)) tagsofitem= canvas.gettags(clickeditem) oldcenteritem= canvas.find_withtag('center') if clickeditem: if oldcenteritem: …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for belenos46

So, I'm automating a payment import system, writing the whole thing from scratch. It has to pull data from excel files (including extraneous data that we need to discard), process it, and insert it into a database. Oddly, those aspects are going quite well. However, I'm running into a problem …

Member Avatar for belenos46
Member Avatar for fonzi

Hello I am currently working on this code and the code can be runned well from 100-10,000 random elements after that the heap sort says stack over flow, im thinking the recursive calls are the cause of this, so please healp public static void MAX_HEAPIFY(int [] A, int i, int …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for webdep

What will be the steps for finding the DFD of A Project based on Banquet Hall? The project if of basic level. thank you.

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for jacob21

hi, I am trying to add autoplay in my playlist.When player loads it automatically plays all videos inksn loop. Thanks Need Suggestions. link: http://flowplayer.org/demos/plugins/javascript/playlist/youtube.html Code blocks are created by indenting at least 4 spaces ... and can span multiple lines <script> $(function() { $f("player", "http://releases.flowplayer.org/swf/flowplayer-3.2.9.swf", { clip: {baseUrl: 'http://happylandings.in/demo'}, autoPlay: …

Member Avatar for baGoGoodies111

Hello everyone, I hope everyone is having a wonderful afternoon. I am a college student who is Majoring in Computer Information Systems. In one course, we have a group project that covers the whole SDLC, and we are actually creating a new system. We're creating a e-commerce website that runs …

Member Avatar for kuku293

Hi guys. I need some help with this flowchart. Write a program that controls an elevator in a three-story building. Inside the elevator, there are three buttons to make the elevator go to particular floors. Outside the elevator, each floor has one or two buttons to summon the elevator to …

Member Avatar for compulove

I have a program in C# that I would like to make a process flow chart for other people understanding the processes and functions within it. I know I can use Microsoft Visio and make it myself but I have to do this about 50 times so a program would …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for baby_c

Dear friends, I'm developing a software for one of our assignments. But the problem is I's still learning these things.But since I have bunch of Java expert friends I have no fear to face it ;) .So friends this is the code. [CODE]package census; import java.io.*; public class Main { …

Member Avatar for baby_c
Member Avatar for MylesDBaker

Hello All, I am trying to solve maximum flow, and I am experiencing some problems formatting the output. Here is some pseudocode I am trying to implement. c [u, v] is capacity from u to v, f [u, v] is the flow, cf [u, v] is the residual capacity. for …

Member Avatar for daviddoria

The End.