Retrieval Augmented Generation with Claude 3.5 Sonnet Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 In my [previous article](…) **Query3:** ``` query = "How many players participate in a football game?" generate_response(query) ``` **Output:** ![image5.png](… Re: The powerful of ChatGPT Community Center by jkon … code. Yes you can prompt "create me a snake game in Python" to an LLM and get a result… Re: Which programming language is best Ludo game development? Programming Game Development by m2host I will choose Python or JavaScript Re: Game Programming Programming Game Development by epicasian … long as you are competent in C++, you can learn game programming without a book. There is a how-to get started… in game programming video series by a game programmer on YouTube by the name of GyroVorbis… Re: Game programming Programming Web Development by Taywin … ways to do it. Also, depends on what type of game you want. However, there is a problem with animation part… goes by. Anyway, there is no such a tutorial for game programming purpose. However, you could search for DHTML which was used… for game before. Learn from there to get some ideas how to… Re: Game Programming Programming Game Development by PixelExchange If you already know C++, then I suggest you pick up Windows Programing (A.K.A. Win32 Programming). Game programming is nothing more than creating software with animated pictures. Game Programming Programming Game Development by cblue Can Any one reccomend a good book in c++ on Game programming? Re: Game Programming Programming Game Development by Electrohead I have read excellent reviews of "Beginning C++ Game Programming" by Michael Dawson. You can get it on Amazon and some amazon customers said that you can learn fluent C++ from it even if you don't want to make games. Aside from that, i am sure its even better if games are your thing! ;) Re: Game Programming Programming Game Development by Gargen …=Electrohead04]I have read excellent reviews of "Beginning C++ Game Programming" by Michael Dawson. You can get it on Amazon… Re: Game Programming Programming Game Development by bikes i m looking 4 free game programming books Game programming Programming Web Development by rotten69 Hi everyone, Would anyone suggest good tutorials on simple game programming in javascript preferably using HTML4 ? Thank you.. Re: Game programming Programming Web Development by rotten69 Anyone do game programming in JavaScript at all? Game Programming VS. Software Engineering Programming Software Development by Hawkpath … High School and looking for a career in programming, and my dilemma is this: Game programming or Software Engineering? I have heard the… horror stories of terrible hours and bad job security in game programming. But I haven't heard much about software engineering. Please… Re: Game Programming VS. Software Engineering Programming Software Development by Hawkpath … a job when I get older, don't go into game programming? A nearby University offers a masters in Software Engineering, and… saying that job security is terrible for game programmers and Software engineers, or just game programmers, thanks. BTW, I'm in honors… Re: Game Programming VS. Software Engineering Programming Software Development by geoffy0404 … am not really interested in going into a career through game programming at all, i think that would be totally "kick… I took the time to really dig deeper into c programming and more..(c is the class i am currently taking… Re: Game Programming VS. Software Engineering Programming Software Development by mrnutty "I have heard the horror stories of terrible hours and bad job security in game programming." Its nothing compared to the joy one gets when making games (not to be ClichĂ©). Game Programming / Software Design Programming Computer Science by FlickGuY :lol: Hi to all! Do you guys support or have a section on game programming/design? if so whats the best language youd say to learn? :evil: Thanks FlickGuY... Game Programming Challenges Programming Game Development by NekoGráfico Would be really fun if we could maybe have some game programming challenges posted here on a weekly basis. This could help … Re: Game programming Programming Web Development by Taywin …to think what your game needs to have. If you want to script it in OO programming fashion, it would be… controller (mouse/keyboard listener), ants, and the game itself. The game board contains the value of food and animation display…mouse is click on, the controller ties functions from the game to whatever event listener you want (left, right, middle… Re: Game programming Programming Web Development by rotten69 The game I would like to make is something like a chess … out about the food in nests. Is it hard to game programe in Javascript? Why does the mark-up language have… Re: Game Programming Programming Game Development by Rez11 [url][/url] This in an online book. You will need Adobe reader which is free. Its helping me refresh on a few things before I start my second programming class. Good luck!!! Re: Game programming with Visual C++, MFC and TCP, UDP and Socket API Programming Game Development by nats01282 …=jwenting;1129470]Given your unfamiliarity with programming you shouldn't start out programming games. First get a solid background…add the specific areas of expertise needed for game and network programming, and then start designing your games. Just… i tried to jump sraight intio C++ for game programming but it has not worked now i have started … About C++ game programming, engines, etc Programming Software Development by kevindappah …everything that I possible can. I really like the programming aspect of games in general. Im also good …at math :) I do however have minimum knowledge in programming C++. I jjust started and im 20 years old …bought this book called beginning C++ through game programming (It basically teaches basic game development in console applications) I am … Is Win32 relevant to game programming? Programming Game Development by Chuckleluck … reading Michael Morrison's [I]Beginning Game Programming[/I], which teaches how to develop a game in C++ using the Win32 API…to mind-- what if Win32 isn't even relevant to game programming? The book I read is around 3 years old, …today? If it isn't relevant to game development, could someone point me to an API that is relevant to game programming? Re: getting into game programming with c++ Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 …). Other than that, basically, game programming requires good knowledge of object-oriented programming in C++. In other words,… and multi-threading. which are all central in game programming and OOP), but boost also is generally for … more advanced audience (lots of generic programming and template meta-programming in there). I also recommend OpenAL… how to do 2d game programming? Programming Game Development by gunbuster363 … been started to learn game programming for some weeks. I want to make a simple 2d game first, as a start… C# and silverlight.....does it have a future for game programming? Flash.......doesn't even have a tool to write …flash require money). However I am interested to make some game like bejeweled, they are awesome. Objective-c : popular … Best place to start game programming Programming Software Development by hwoarang69 hi i really interest in C game programming. i looked online for tutorials but they seem confusing. I am using c for one year, but i have no knowledge of game programming. could any one tell me where should i start and what is the best language for game programming. plz dont tell me a book to read unless its free online. Beginning Game Programming Programming Game Development by Chinney Hi, i am looking to go into game programming and would love for it to go into a career, … ask, is what route should i take to get into game programming as a career, i would like to go into the… i am not sure if this would help me with game programming. Thank you for your time. Re: Beginning Game Programming Programming Game Development by Chinney … will help me a lot more than a game programming course as then i can go into related… fields and not just have to stick with game programming. I realise it is hard work but i… already enjoy programming and i dont really know much and so… more i learn, the more interesting programming will become and the more i enjoy it. Re: About C++ game programming, engines, etc Programming Software Development by Stefano Mtangoo For 2D look at SDL engine. I don't have done Game programming, but M$ have their gaming engine. I think it is something to do with VS IDE