London 2012 Olympic Games social malware targets Facebook, MSN and Skype Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek With the London 2012 Olympics due to open in just a few days … cyber-criminals looking to exploit the intense interest in the London 2012 event in order to distribute malware and steal data… an event such as the Olympic Games. The use of London 2012 themed content to distribute data stealing malware is ramping… Re: London 2012 Olympic Games social malware targets Facebook, MSN and Skype Hardware and Software Information Security by LastMitch … really interrupt with the games. It was a good Olympics. London was a good host. London Calling Community Center Say Hello! by phil.payne@ukon … Wales (Swansea), live in Scotland (Glasgow) and work in England (London). Confused? Yep me too, most of the time, but especially… London Times goes Paywall Digital Media Digital Marketing by GuyClapperton It's starting in the UK - the London [URL=""]Times[/URL] (… Re: London bombs AGAIN!!! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Cain … if folks werent already bent around the axles about the london bombings.. here is something to stir the pot a bit… evidence a wee bit?? I smell some rats in a london subway.. Re: London bombs AGAIN!!! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Asif_NSU …. [quote]Why did the people who perpetrated the attacks on London and in Mumbai do so?[/quote] Mumbai - I don't… know. But London because of Blair's foreign policy. [quote]Did they undergo… Re: London bombs AGAIN!!! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by server_crash You know, all of these london bombs make me wonder how well it's going over … Re: London bombs AGAIN!!! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by spiritoflondon … how you feel... We have made a song 'SPIRIT OF LONDON' to help the victims of 7/7... amybe you could… Re: London bombs AGAIN!!! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by goldeagle2005 The london bombings were bad enough, but did you guys follow the … Re: London bombs AGAIN!!! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by goldeagle2005 … me. Why did the people who perpetrated the attacks on London and in Mumbai do so? Did they undergo atrocities? If… GPS not as useful as a London taxi driver Community Center by happygeek … a clipboard and map attached to the handlebars driving around London, chances are they are doing The Knowledge training. Driving…all have SatNav in their cars, yet according to the London Taxi Drivers’ Association less than 5% of Black Cab … for example. Yet I cannot help but think those London cabbies have it right: they know the streets better … Blackberry users wrongly blamed for London riots Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by happygeek …point as rioting and looting rip apart the streets of London? The answer might appear to be a tentative yes …as I write, my old stomping grounds in South East London have been set ablaze including the likes of McDonalds, Debenhams…much of the rioting and looting that has spread across London has largely been co-ordinated using BBM, the Blackberry … Wireless warbiking in London, 2012 Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … in the warbiking event that has also been happening in London recently: warbiking is very much a sport for nerds. … Technology Strategy James Lyne cycled around the streets of London in orrder to create a heat map of wireless … hotspots were detected across more than 91 miles in Central London. Only 8% used absolutely no encryption, but 19% used … Flex Camp London - Free event 28/08/08 Community Center by Academy Class … now open! [url][/url] Flex Camp London 08 is a FREE, community-run event for everyone interested… Camp is on August 28th, 2-8pm at Conway Hall, London WC1R 4RL 10000 gallons of urine removed from London streets by SatLav Hardware and Software macOS by happygeek Rewind to London in 1850 and the first public toilets which required users …/"]Westminster City Council[/URL]. The shopping capital of Europe, London’s West End includes such famous places to do some… SatLav number (80097 if anyone in the West End of London is reading this with legs crossed) and with 25p duly… IT security threats appear as London 2012 Olympic Games fast approach Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek … intelligence agency, Jonathan Evans, has this week warned that the [London 2012 Olympic Games]( "present an…". Perhaps of more concern to your average visitor to London for the 2012 Olympics though is the Wi-Fi network… OPEN Source Risk Management - Lloyds of London Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ! ! …/08/12/opensource_indemnification/[/url] [QUOTE] [size=1]Lloyd's of London is close to offering independent insurance protection worldwide against potential… Hi from London Community Center Say Hello! by olson Hi, I am a web developer/designer from London in the UK. This looks like a great forum - Could … Need ASP.Net advanced commercial training in London - for a fee or unpaid work Programming Web Development by Nthusiast … hurdle - for a fee or prepared to work unpaid - in London, I will be immensly grateful. I have very good skills… Python Trainer Needed on 31st of Aug, London Programming Software Development by nobleprog …[/url] [*]Date: 31st Aug - 3rd Sep 2010 [*]Location: North Acton, London [/LIST] If you are interested or you know someone interested… Hello All from London Community Center Say Hello! by ALDONI Ltd. I'm glad to be a member in this wonderful Forum. I hope I can help, and find answers to my questions. My name is Stan I'm General Manager Aldoni Ltd. and I'm from London. SNIP Moving in London Community Center Say Hello! by diana23 Hello Forum! Me and my son are moving to E15 London and I am having difficulties finding a reliable, friendly removals company. If anyone could recommend one they have used before that would be amazing. Re: Hello from sunny London Community Center Say Hello! by jbennet London is actually very clean nowadays (coincidentally i used to live less than 40 miles from central london too - but now i live in Dundee which is NEVER sunny...) Welcome to the site Re: London Calling Community Center Say Hello! by selfhelpebooks Hi there, Thanks for the detailed intro. Best to place your site in your signature. Re: London Calling Community Center Say Hello! by Ancient Dragon Welcome to DaniWeb. You can put the URL to your site in your signature without us deleting it. Also if you want suggestions on improving it you can post the link(s) in [URL=""]Website Reviews[/URL] Re: London Calling Community Center Say Hello! by zandiago Glad to have you here! Re: London Calling Community Center Say Hello! by phil.payne@ukon [QUOTE=selfhelpebooks;622860]Hi there, Thanks for the detailed intro. Best to place your site in your signature.[/QUOTE] Thanbks - done. Re: London Calling Community Center Say Hello! by phil.payne@ukon [QUOTE=Ancient Dragon;622903]Welcome to DaniWeb. You can put the URL to your site in your signature without us deleting it. Also if you want suggestions on improving it you can post the link(s) in [URL=""]Website Reviews[/URL][/QUOTE] Thanks very much. Re: Hello from sunny London Community Center Say Hello! by GrimJack Welcome - sorry about the stony silence. I heard that since they cleaned up all the dust out of the air - the famous London Fog has disappeared, is this true? I remember back in 1990 that some locals were already complaining that they just did not get fog anymore!? A new take on mobile security Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …PDAs, 3179 laptops and 923 memory sticks left behind in London taxis. To put that into perspective, here’s the … getting them back. You see, the survey also revealed London cabbies to be the most honest. The global average chance…much higher than I would have imagined. Get forgetful in London and that chance rises to an incredible 96%. Best …