Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by Oven … lem-in project. Im coding in go lang. But its… Re: What are good ways to learn to become the best digital marketer? Digital Media Digital Marketing by priya_41 Learn the basics (free courses!), pick your passion (SEO, social media etc.), get hands-on (own blog, volunteer!), master the tools (free & paid!), and keep learning (news & workshops). You'll be a pro in no time! Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by rproffitt This assignment would get a failing grade if you used GPT or found code. Toss all that out and write it yourself. Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by Oven Sadly, like i said GPT is not working anymore. My team coded this one. And AI & Ready code is acceptable. But it has to simple because we must understand the code. I found the working code but its 800 rows. So no we cant use it either. Even if anybody can explain the algorithm, that would help a lot too. Its like onion, we are thinking we … Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by rproffitt Then you have to design and create the algorithm before you write code. There's a lesson here about writing code before the design is done. Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by Oven True. Wish we had able to. We cant manage it, thays why im seeking some help. Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by rproffitt This is some academic assignment so the lesson isn't about fixing this found or GPT generated code, it's not even about coding. It's about designing before code. Without a design, how would we code? Or if we use AI to write code, it's a lesson about how we still have to understand the code that it generates. Now for those that just want it … Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by toneewa Display everything to see where you go wrong. Also, simplify your testing, e.g., 1 ant 2 rooms, 2 paths. There are some algorithms to consider. The Breadth-First Search (BFS) and Dijkstra’s algorithms are ways to find the shortest path. Research those to understand your use case. A fix to your parse function and ant struct will help get you back … Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by Dani Wow, this is old. I just stumbled upon it and it’s so crazy looking back at old code you wrote once upon a time. Especially since we are still working off the same framework so it’s just interesting to see how much it’s morphed and evolved over the years. Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by pyeri Glad to know that Daniweb uses CodeIgniter! It's a very minimal but robust framework and has all the bells and whistles which other so called "modern" frameworks keep talking about. I myself use CI3 for most of my freelance projects. For database interaction, I usually don't use the CI models, I prefer dealing with the `$this->db` … Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by Dani I started with CI3 probably like a decade ago, and that’s what I’m continuing to use, albeit with a bunch of security updates and so forth. It’s not worth it to me to upgrade to CI4 right now since that would pretty much be a complete rewrite of the entire app for not much upside. Do you have any experience with CI4? Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by pyeri I have never bothered to check CI4 as CI3 fulfilled all my web development needs. It required some modifications when PHP 8 came (PHP 8 didn't allow dynamic properties which are used in CI3). But otherwise, it works fine for most small to medium sized projects. One of the best things about CI3 is that it works out of the box with minimum initial … Re: Master Page Programming Web Development by kvprajapati Master page tutorials: 1. [url][/url] 2. [url][/url] Re: Master Page Links Problem Programming Web Development by plazmo Master pages are not made to display external pages. If you want to have a menu and display external sites, put a iframe where your content panel would be. and on the menu links put target="iframesID" Master Foo and the Script Kiddie Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dave Sinkula … each other, confused by the stranger's barbarous language. Master Foo just smiled and replied: “You wish to learn…'s b0xen.” “I do not teach that Way,” replied Master Foo. The stranger grew agitated. “D00d, y00 r nothing…tell me what you find.” The stranger bowed and left. Master Foo finished his meal. Days passed, then months. The… Master:Detail Views? Programming Software Development by fishsqzr …end of the list of objects in the master table. Two grids and all of the associated… as planned. As I move among master records in the master grid, the appropriate detail records are … grid. BUT - I need to filter the master records. I can do so by adding a …appropriately. I can switch the DataSource of the master grid to the view and I can get… Master Page Problem?? Programming Web Development by anuj_sharma …pages and now i want to add a master page to all the pages. But when i… tried to add the master page the following error occured "Content controls…a content page or a nested master page that references a master page." FYI i did not… check the check box "Select Master Page" when i was making the pages.… Re: master page not running Programming Web Development by riteshbest … out,i m new to vb 2008,and i created master page but its not shows following error Directory… consistent layout for the pages in your application. A single master page defines the look and feel and standard behavior that…. You need to create content page whose container is your master page. And then run content page which shows page along… Re: master page not running Programming Web Development by jinal161188 … m new to vb 2008,and i created master page but its not shows following …running very well,but help out in master page[/QUOTE] --------------------------------------- Hey dear.... Master page is only directory Listing its …first we give reference or content type as select master page ....its like a container or for formtting webpage… Master Page ASP:Buttons stopped working in specific page. Programming Web Development by MrCapuchino …application. I have some buttons defined in a Master Page File and then I have a lot… in all the pages that derive from the master page. Here is the weird thing, the … work. Obviously the page is deriving from the master page (checked in the code) all the design… is exactly the same as the master page too. I'm getting out of ideas… Re: master pages editing Programming Web Development by JorgeM …needs larger page height of same master page. need some clarification here... Your master page should only contain those controls…variations of the master, its possible to "nest" your master pages. In other words, a master with the …require any extra effort on your part. In your master you have a content control which when you select… Master:Detail deletions Programming Software Development by fishsqzr … to delete related child records when a master record is deleted. The master gets deleted from the dataset OK and …if I use that approach and then add a new master record and some child records before updating, the constraints …are violated again unless I update the master table before the child table (in direct conflict with … Re: Master Page Problem?? Programming Web Development by Ramesh S …following things: 1. set the MasterPageFile property to your .master file name. 2. Remove the form tage from the …child page if the master page already has the form tag. 3. Wrap controls…should be the ID of the ContentPlaceHolder control from the master page. Also check this link: [url]… Re: Master Form Programming Web Development by Ramesh S … asking about Nested Master Pages feature of ASP.NET. Master pages can be nested, with one master page referencing another …x2b3ktt7.aspx"]Nested ASP.NET Master Pages[/URL]. It explains about nested master pages in detail with sample code….net/scottgu/archive/2007/07/09/vs-2008-nested-master-page-support.aspx[/url] [url]http://www.codeguru.… Re: Master page Programming Web Development by Ramesh S … It will open a dialogbox where you can select the master page for the web page. Refer these links also. …[URL=""]Creating a Site-Wide… Layout Using Master Pages[/URL] [URL="… master pages editing Programming Web Development by HunainHafeez i have a master page mp1.master, i need it for almost 9 pages of my website. but i have 6 pages which needs larger page height of same master page. so what should i do whith my master page ? the only hting in need in other six pages is increased page height (vertical area). so is it possible to modify master page for other fields or wat ? Re: Master slave problems Hardware and Software Hardware by nizzy1115 …bios. I have tried setting both jumpers to master and using 2 ribbons and the bois sees …only the cdrom as primary master but doesn't see the hd. I have…been told it is best to set both as master, it worked for my other computers. Any ideas?[/…] Set the jumpers on the CD-Rom to master, and the jumpers on the hard drive to slave… Re: Master and Slave hard drive? Hardware and Software by oalee … See Wiki excerpt below regarding the communication priority of Master/Slave HDDs on a single Parallel ATA port. *"…Although they are in extremely common use, the terms "master" and "slave" do not actually appear in…It is a common myth that the controller on the master drive assumes control over the slave drive, or that the… Master Master synchroniztion get halt. Programming Databases by rchawdhari Hello all, My master master synchronization working properly but from yesterday after 4pm my sinking get stopped. My uplink working properly but downlink not working.I failed to found any issues. Please tell me why such master master get stopped and any solution for it. Master slave problems Hardware and Software Hardware by belikemike …set on cable select. However the cdrom is the master and the hd is the slave in the bios…. I have tried setting both jumpers to master and using 2 ribbons and the bois sees only… the cdrom as primary master but doesn't see the hd. I have … it is best to set both as master, it worked for my other computers. Any ideas?