Mosaic bug causes devastation IMO Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by cwarn23 …and closing. I know that Internet Explorer was based on Mosaic just like Firefox and possibly Safari. Then Crome was …m asking is it possible that a memory leek in mosaic has caused devastating side effects for nearly all browsers …based on mosaic code. The memory leek I am talking about is … Re: How to create a photo mosaic Programming Software Development by JOSheaIV … a collection of photos you want to use for the mosaic. Then read in each image at a time, read each… probably have to resizes to the same size, and the mosaic itself, will be rather huge, cause you won't want… How to create a photo mosaic Programming Software Development by jonymanolo Hello Guys I am looking for some code,that can help me to build a C# method that can generate a photo mosaic (a big picture that is build up from other pictures) but really i dont have idea how can i do this. :S Thanks for all your help :D Re: How to create a photo mosaic Programming Software Development by <M/> No one is ever going to do this for you. Show some effort, anyone can say they have no idea what to do. Show us something we can help you with. Just Google the solution you will find it. I even found this in one search: Re: How to create a photo mosaic Programming Software Development by ddanbe You could also search in the direction of ASCII art. Assign some fotos to ascii chars and get started. Looking forward, what you come up with. Re: How to create a photo mosaic Programming Software Development by jonymanolo i still trying to figure out how to do this i get this code public static Bitmap MakeGrayscale(Bitmap original) { //make an empty bitmap the same size as original Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(original.Width, original.Height); for (int i = 0; i < original.Width; i++)… Re: How to create a photo mosaic Programming Software Development by Paul_45 Old topic, but I think a good approach would be to get a large collection of images, and you resize each image to 1 pixel. Once you have done this then the image has an absolute final color, that being whatever color those images are. This can be used as a 1:1 map that you can use to map each pixel of your larger picture to an individual photo. If … Add links in EasySlide images (JavaScript)? Programming Web Development by riahc3 … this.options = Object.extend({ effectType: 'mosaic', duration: 3.0, frequency: 3,…this.fade, 'blend' : this.blend, 'mosaic' : this.mosaic }; this.sections = this.wrapper.getElementsBySelector('div.section… camelNotation: IE resets home page to "about blank" upon exit Hardware and Software Information Security by camelNotation … Prefix (should be http://) [www] http:// Registry value: Mosaic Prefix (should be http://) [mosaic] http:// Registry value: Home Prefix (should be http… Recurring problem cleaning pc with hijackthis Hardware and Software Information Security by DaveSW …]http://%6E%6B%76%64%2E%75%73/[/url] O13 - Mosaic Prefix: [url]http://%6E%6B%76%64%2E%75%73…]http://%6E%6B%76%64%2E%75%73/[/url] O13 - Mosaic Prefix: [url]http://%6E%6B%76%64%2E%75%73… Dynamic drive problem Programming Web Development by -Zarah- …"/> <img src="images/mosaic.jpg" /><a href="mosaic.html"/> <img src… Javascript Dynamic Dropdown Box validation Programming Web Development by prasath03 …</option><option value="93">Mosaic</option><option value="94">…</option><option value="93">Mosaic</option><option value="94">… error on line 3218 at column 8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: div line 0 Programming Software Development by Romeo_4 …', 'url': '?view\x3dflipcard'}, 'magazine': {'name': 'magazine', 'url': '?view\x3dmagazine'}, 'mosaic': {'name': 'mosaic', 'url': '?view\x3dmosaic'}, 'sidebar': {'name': 'sidebar', 'url': '?view\x3dsidebar'}, 'snapshot… changing homepage Hardware and Software Information Security by tyberium ….html?page= O13 - Home Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O13 - Mosaic Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O14 - IERESET.INF: START_PAGE_URL=http… Re: changing homepage Hardware and Software Information Security by zenfulcreations ….html?page= O13 - Home Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O13 - Mosaic Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O14 - IERESET.INF: START_PAGE_URL=http… I need help w/ about:blank too Hardware and Software Information Security by SKess …\NPDocBox.dll O13 - Home Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O13 - Mosaic Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O14 - IERESET.INF: START_PAGE_URL=http… Re: I need help w/ about:blank too Hardware and Software Information Security by crunchie …\fmpcka.dll O13 - Home Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O13 - Mosaic Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= Reboot & navigate to &… Re: I need help w/ about:blank too Hardware and Software Information Security by TallCool1 …\fmpcka.dll O13 - Home Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O13 - Mosaic Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O16 - DPF: {41F17733-B041-4099… can't remove searchpage.html trojan Hardware and Software Information Security by Coombaya ….html?page= O13 - Home Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O13 - Mosaic Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O16 - DPF: {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF… Re: can't remove searchpage.html trojan Hardware and Software Information Security by Coombaya ….html?page= O13 - Home Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O13 - Mosaic Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O16 - DPF: {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF… Re: can't remove searchpage.html trojan Hardware and Software Information Security by crunchie ….html?page= O13 - Home Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O13 - Mosaic Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= Did you do all your… Can anyone help me with a hijacked IE? Hardware and Software Information Security by Drewpyhat …\NPDocBox.dll O13 - Home Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O13 - Mosaic Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O14 - IERESET.INF: START_PAGE_URL=http… Re: Can anyone help me with a hijacked IE? Hardware and Software Information Security by Drewpyhat …\NPDocBox.dll O13 - Home Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O13 - Mosaic Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O14 - IERESET.INF: START_PAGE_URL=http… IE problem with "about:blank" & "search for..." Hardware and Software Information Security by chacal … Messenger (HKLM) O13 - Home Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O13 - Mosaic Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O16 - DPF: {00000000-CDDC-0704… IE hijacked Hardware and Software Information Security by PCoker ….html?page= O13 - Home Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O13 - Mosaic Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O14 - IERESET.INF: START_PAGE_URL=http… About blank error message keeps comming back Hardware and Software Information Security by Grungy Kurt ….html?page= O13 - Home Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O13 - Mosaic Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O16 - DPF: {00B71CFB-6864-4346… Re: About blank error message keeps comming back Hardware and Software Information Security by Grungy Kurt ….html?page= O13 - Home Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O13 - Mosaic Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O16 - DPF: {00B71CFB-6864-4346… Re: About blank error message keeps comming back Hardware and Software Information Security by crunchie ….html?page= O13 - Home Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= O13 - Mosaic Prefix: c:\searchpage.html?page= Uninstall Messenger Plus. Then if… My hijakit Log Hardware and Software Information Security by cbrooksebrooks … .spop: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Plugins\NPDocBox.dll O13 - Mosaic Prefix: [url][/url] O16 - DPF: {01A88BB1… Re: My hijakit Log Hardware and Software Information Security by caperjack ….exe O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [alchem] C:\WINDOWS\alchem.exe O13 - Mosaic Prefix: [url][/url] O16 - DPF: {56336BCB…