2,736 Topics

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Member Avatar for BobLewiston

I'm starting to learn SQL Server. As part of that effort, I'm experimenting with accessing AdventureWorks sample databases. In database AdventureWorks, I've been accessing table Person.Contact. Although in that table there are columns for a phone number and an email address, there are no columns for a postal address. I …

Member Avatar for BobLewiston

I’m trying to learn how to connect to an SQL Server database (I’m using the AdventureWorks sample database), but I’m having problems. Here’s the code I’m using: [code] // define connection string for database server string connectionString = "server=<server name>; database=AdventureWorks; uid=<user name>; pwd=;"; // no password // define SqlConnection …

Member Avatar for BobLewiston

How can I uninstall the AdventureWorks sample databases? They're not an application, so I can't do it via Add / Remove Programs or a downloaded uninstaller. They're apparently corrupt, and they've been trouble from the git-go. The machine crashed when installing them. When I try to access them via SQL …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for BobLewiston

Assuming it can be done (as I've been told): How do I import ".mdb" (MS Access / OleDb) files (specifically, Northwind sample database files) into SQL Server 2008 (Express with Advanced Features)?

Member Avatar for BobLewiston

I've installed SQL Server 2008 Express with Advanced Features, but I've been having so-far insurmountable problems installing the AdventureWorks sample databases. However, I've successfully installed the Northwind sample databases, and I've downloaded the installer for the Pubs sample databases, so: Can SQL Server 2008 access Northwind or Pubs databases?

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Morning Friends, I have a SP that is Supposed to Restore a Database from a Backup. In some Clients this works well but in those particular client its a Problem. The version is SQL 2005. Here is the Code that fails [CODE] set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go …

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Member Avatar for kazitula

hi I have got a table for internet accesswith user ID, it has 3 column user ID, starttime and endtime, i want to make another column which will show how many mins or hours that user was logged in to the internet. can anyone please help me... thanks kaz

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for BobLewiston

After some initial problems with the prerequisite installation of SQL Server Express with Advanced Features, I tried to install AdventureWorks sample databases. Upon launch of the installer, Windows cited Microsoft as AdventureWorks' publisher. I confirmed to the installer that it should run. A dialog box then came up saying something …

Member Avatar for Eager_Beever

I am working on an ASP.Net website with SQL Server database and C# 2005 as the programming language. In my database I have two fields namely RDate and RTime. RDate stores the date of the record and RTime stores a time like 09:00 AM, 09:15 AM, 09:30 AM etc. The …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for freshfitz

Can I copy data from one database to another by a sql script? I have an active database we'll call dbo.active and a temp database we'll call dbo.temp both are a customer list and all the customers in dbo.temp exist in dbo.active. I want to copy the notes from dbo.temp …

Member Avatar for freshfitz
Member Avatar for BobLewiston

I heard of a sample database called Pub. Does anyone know about it? Is it an SQL Server sample database that, unlike AdventureWorks, doesn't require SQL Server's Full-text Search capability to install? That's what I need.

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for djodjo1989

djodjo1989 Hello everybody, First sorry for my english because i'm French, here it goes, i'd like to add a new user, for example HelpDesktop to the localgroup Administrators, for example. But i disabled xp_cmdshell for security reasons and i renamed the xplog70.dll DLL. I know the easiest would be to …

Member Avatar for Eager_Beever

I have an ASP.net 2.0 website with SQL Server as database and C# 2005 as the language. On my webpage I have a calender from which I choose a date and display only the date part in a textbox (readonly) in the format dd/mm/yyyy. But internally SQL Server uses m/d/y …

Member Avatar for Eager_Beever
Member Avatar for khaled_elwakeel

Dear all I am asking about the MS SQL server certificates type & which of them I need as a web developer & what I need to study for passing MS Exam I wish an perfect answer & recommended tutorial I found a tutorial on for MS SQL server 2008 …

Member Avatar for pezza

Hi, I hope I am in the right place for this... I am looking for some help with a query. Basically, I am using a shopping cart which has option groups and I have created 2 new option groups. I now need to add these option group id's to all …

Member Avatar for pezza
Member Avatar for BobLewiston

I installed SQL Server 2008 Express, basic edition (SQLEXPR32_x86_ENU_Bootstrapper.exe, version 9.0.30729.1) without any problem. Then I attempted to install AdventureWorks Sample Databases for SQL Server 2008 (SQL2008.AdventureWorks_All_Databases.x86.msi). This attempt failed because SQL Server 2008 Express, basic edition doesn’t support Full-text Search, which AdventureWorks requires. So I uninstalled SQL Server 2008 …

Member Avatar for BobLewiston
Member Avatar for Eager_Beever

I am developing ASP.net 2.0 website with SQL Server as database and C# 2005 as the programming language. In one of my tables, I have a filed named RTime of char datatype to store times. The values of this particular field are like 09:00 AM, 09:15 AM, 09:30 AM, ------ …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for hkansal

Hello Experts, I am fairly new to MS SQL Server 2005. I am trying to create a table where a column has the restriction of allowing alphas only. I know how to achieve this in Oracle using String functions. But am not able to do so in MSSql. The replace() …

Member Avatar for hkansal
Member Avatar for BobLewiston

I did a full installation of SQL Server 2008 Express. Looking at Add / Remove Programs, I see the following pertinent programs installed: SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 Browser SQL Server 2008 Management Objects SQL Server 2008 Native Client SQL Server 2008 Setup Support File (English) SQL Server Compact …

Member Avatar for Geek-Master
Member Avatar for stockton

I have the following Stored Procedure which works for one client but not another:- [code] ALTER PROCEDURE spIssueScannedTickets @iEventID int, @MemberNum nvarchar(12), @BatchSize int, @FirstNumber nvarchar(12), @LastNumber nvarchar(12), @SlotsBalance int, @TableBalance int, @BonusBalance int, @UserID int AS DECLARE @Result int SET @Result = 0 BEGIN TRANSACTION if (@SlotsBalance>0) INSERT INTO …

Member Avatar for hdmnp

Hello all. When I run the statement: select regdate,description,machine_id,machine_nm,status from iris_log.dbo.tb_log_info where regdate like '%23%' I get the result: 2009-01-23 08:05:06.000 Administration Software is Closed. Operator's Name:admin But if I do: select regdate,description,machine_id,machine_nm,status from iris_log.dbo.tb_log_info where regdate like '%-23%' the result is null... why?!?! TIA, -hdmnp

Member Avatar for Geek-Master
Member Avatar for ebyong77

hi i need to know how to query a number of count on a particular table let say i have [B]emp_id[/B] and [B]emp_name[/B] field. on my table their are 2 records. the result looks this: rowcount | emp_id | emp_name 1 1000 albert 2 2000 leah is it possible? thanks, …

Member Avatar for ravinder007
Member Avatar for Raju5725

i have only one coloumn in a table i want to dispaly all the datas in a row.Name of the table is student which contains only one coloumns slno Student Slno 1 2 3 4 5 I want to display them as slno 1 2 3 4 5 Thanks in …

Member Avatar for Geek-Master
Member Avatar for phuynh77

Hi All, I plan to have a website that has database connect to it. On my database, I want to display vietnamese characters (Input and output). How can I add vietnamese collation on my MS SQL Server 2005 developer edition? I am looking forward your help. Thanks.

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for phuynh77

Hi All, I plan to design a website that uses for online news or magazine. I am having MS SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition. Please help me how to design a database. Please let me know where I can obtain information to design it or db diagram. Thanks.

Member Avatar for chris5126

Hi guys, Very new to sql and my question is prob very basic. I have a table desing shown below. I will using a c# program to add new rows to the database but i only want to add a new row if the hostname doesnt currently exist in the …

Member Avatar for chris5126
Member Avatar for rockdays

Hi, I have a table above 8.000.000 records. I am running a query like "select * from table where id=1093203". And the query turns in 24 second. This example i tested in SQL Server 2000 v8, Windows 2003 sp2. I am running same query in Windows Xp + Sql server …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for nschessnerd

Hey, so i have 4 tables i need to join together. basically this is how it looks table j: | id | uid | cid | text | | 1 | 3 | 1 | blah| | 2 | 1 | 3 | blah| table u | id | name …

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Member Avatar for agrothe

Note: I debated whether this should go in ASP forum or SQL Server forum and I think it belongs here. Ok, I have a classic ASP web application, a custom intranet, which has been used in 7-8 different installs, 3-4 different servers with no issues. It uses a SQL Server …

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Member Avatar for sknake

The End.