7,368 Topics

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Member Avatar for naithsleeray

I have a database in mysql which contains of four tables (Student, Units, Offering and Enrols_in) and i want to create an enrolment page where students can enrol in units which will be offered in each semester. Student names will be entered in the database and they will use their …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for CreatorZeus

Probably just overlooking something small but its 5:30 am here so please forgive me. $sql = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username = $testuser"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); if (!$result || mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { // output data of each row while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo "id: " . $row["id"]. …

Member Avatar for radow
Member Avatar for Makara

Hello. I have a challenge in editing a joomla component. In the below picture, I want to add another functionality but I cant access the component in the admin ![problem.png](/attachments/small/4/e6fa4064f75a939a2a23cdee07da935b.png "align-left") ![problem.png](/attachments/small/4/e6fa4064f75a939a2a23cdee07da935b.png "align-left") Someone to help please

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for dharam_05

Can anyone explain me what are the main difference between a null value and blank value in database. It important please help me out. thank you.

Member Avatar for jacks009
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw. I'm a bit stuck with a lot of confusion here. I'm developing a client/server applications which communicates to each other, my project is a multi-thread based and I'm currently using MS Access and database but I have hit a very challenging problem as this was the wrong database …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for toxicandy

My problem currently is that I am trying to call a function with jquery at a specific event but it is running at the wrong event. The function I want to call is: function resolvedAjax(tid){ $.ajax({type: 'post',url: 'resolveTicket.php',data: 'tid=' +tid, success: function(s){ $('#resolvedTicket').html("Resolved"); mainTable(); }}); } I am trying to …

Member Avatar for toxicandy
Member Avatar for TheFearful

Hey guys, I am trying to figure out a few things right now. 1. Is it possible to do a nested checkbox where there is the main checkbox and then two tabbed checkboxes that are related to the main one and when the main one is checked, the other subcheckboxes …

Member Avatar for TheFearful
Member Avatar for Johannes_1

I am about to launch a website where i want to display links to my games and show pictures i made. My problem is that the website server does not support php. Is there a way to create a comment box on my website without using php? (I do not …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for thatsnotmyname

in my database I have table called memory and it have images , description and title I want to display the image like how online shop display their products (eg: http://www.houseoffraser.co.uk/Women%27s+Tops/310,default,sc.html) I was thinking of using grid or table but I don't know which is better I also want to …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Hi, I need your help to zoom a place when click a marker in Leaflet. I used this code from http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#control-zoom map.on('click', function(e) { alert(e.latlng); }); this click event not working

Member Avatar for ravoras

Hey Guys, So using a webform textarea I am passing some data into PHP. This data is basically 4 columns of an excel sheet and potentially unlimited rows. Now I want to be able to go through this data, select each of the four individual elements from each row, insert …

Member Avatar for skradoslav
Member Avatar for Stefce

I want to make dynamic search button i have this code but doesnt work it gives me this error `Could not connect to database. Fatal error: Wrong SQL: SELECT * FROM kladilnica WHERE Location = Macedonia AND Uplata = 50 AND Liked = 50 Error: Unknown column 'Macedonia' in 'where …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for thatsnotmyname

my web application is really simple there are two buttons one called "save" and the other called "show my images" basically the user can save images from facebook API and store them in the server folder called "backup" (to back up their images on the server so if they deleted …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for WmsuUser

Im a newbie and i am a student and new to php could anyone teach me how to upload image to database and view it.Please Help me or send the link for complete tutorial

Member Avatar for FarrisFahad
Member Avatar for shany0786

i have table category_master(cat_id(pk),category_name,active) and sub_category table with fields(sub_cat_id(pk),category_id,sub_category_name,active) now what i want is count number of active sub categories having value=1 if this count is 0 then update active=0 in category_master table i have been trying this but no go,can anyone help me in this? SELECT active,category_id, count( * …

Member Avatar for SpottyBlue

Hi, I need help with the attendance form. I’ve changed the coding in the attendance form (index.php). When I tried to update the first row, nothing happened. For the last row, the message says, "**We couldn’t update the attendance form at this time**." Please check lines 96 and 101 to …

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Member Avatar for McAdams12

I need help creating a database for my website. I want the user to be able to sign into their personal account and add comments, have their own profile page, and add friends. My friend is creating a Garry's Mod (video game) server and I was gonna design the website …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Jatinder_1

I am retrieving images from database, Now how can i link dynamically images to their url which are also stored in same table, image coloum is adv and url coloum is adv_url , Moreover i dont want to see the url , when i click the image it should go …

Member Avatar for jacks009
Member Avatar for rouse

Apparently I don’t know how to insert a row into a MySQL data base using PDP and I would like to know what I am missing This PHP PDO script does not insert data into a database. I would like to know why. It does not error out but the …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Hi, I need your help to plot multiple locations from mysql table using latitude and longitude and I want to display a particular location in different color using google map or any other

Member Avatar for TheFearful

Hey everyone, I have a question and I am not sure if it's possible or not to do it with what I'm using. I am using HTML, PHP, JavaScript, and mySQL to make a web page that pulls information from a Database. After that, I want to have a dropdown …

Member Avatar for TheFearful
Member Avatar for facarroll

I have a MySQL database which contains a text field which contains well formed xml. I want to export this data as an xml file named result_new.xml on the fly. I have made the tmp folder and have set the permissions on the folder to 0777. If I run this …

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Member Avatar for sukumar paul

`Inline Code Example Here`Hello friends, I am building a multidimensional array with the following code: `Inline Code Example Here` the example code is $Questions = array( 1 => array( 'Question' => 'CSS stands for', 'Answers' => array( 'A' => 'Computer Styled Sections', 'B' => 'Cascading Style Sheets', 'C' => 'Crazy …

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Member Avatar for TheFearful

Hello everyone, I am learning PHP with mySQL and I want to know if it's possible for me to do a dynamic dropdown box(which I have) that will automatically fill in fields below it such as a textbox. If I select a userID from the dropdown, that selection will fill …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for facarroll

I have a mysql database that has previously stored the text of an xml file including tags. I want to select that data from the database and return it as an xml file rather than just text, (eg filename.xml). It is to be further processed with a javascript file which …

Member Avatar for facarroll
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan
Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Bob Hensley

# MySQL Stored Routines: Another Useful Scenario # [In a past guide](http://blog.bobbyhensley.com/sql-procedures-functions-authentication-example/) I discussed MySQL stored routines within MySQL. Now I’m back with another guide on MySQL stored routines. And this time it’s a more concrete case; one that you may run into yourself in the future (or maybe you …

Member Avatar for batuzai04123
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

So I want to remove space between tags. The tags are seperated by comma. But I don't want to remove space between words just right after the commas. So this: cats, funny cats, cute cats, funny To this: cats,funny cats,cute cats,funny I want them ready for insertion into database. This …

Member Avatar for FarrisFahad
Member Avatar for showman13

Using PHP / MySql... I have a transaction table and a record is automatically inserted when someone Initiates a transaction, and then is updated later in the process, based on the recID. I want / need to keep the recIDs filled with completed transactions without any skips in the ID …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for shashigowda

Hi iam working on one scenario.. employe A send a Requesting mail to Project manager B, project manager B approves a request from employee and send the mail to project manager C for further process,after approving from project manager C it will go to department head like this... so here …

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The End.