Opera Feature 2: Manage Site Preferences Community Center by Mahen … a site by site Management compared to other browsers. In Opera, if you click on Tools > Preferences > …. The “General” Tab is where you can customize weather Opera should allow the page to show “Popups”. The “Cookies”… The “Display” Tab allows you to customize the way Opera will display the frames of that particular website. The “… Opera opens and loads ad sites automatically Hardware and Software Information Security by EthanH Opera opens and loads ad sites automatically every 10/20 minutes …:\Program Files (x86)\Winamp\winamp.exe E:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\Opera.exe d:\My Downloads\HiJackThis_v2.exe R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft… Re: Opera 10 hits 10 Million Digital Media UI / UX Design by Kruptein Opera is the best :p I thought, "lets see how opera is", I downloaded it and I fell in love with it, I only use ff for some plugins and that's it. There is a browser war, but I hope IE will lose it (and safari too) and Opera Chrome and FF will win it together. End of the story Re: Opera starts throwing rocks at Microsoft Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jwenting Opera is loosing money scru, and they know full well that … to make money by forcing EU computer makers to ship Opera with computers instead of IE (because that's what'll… Opera Digital Media UI / UX Design by Enio ….br[/url] (in portuguese). It does not work on the Opera Browser. Is there anything that I can do in order… to have it workin under Opera Browser? I mean, if somebody has some clue for what… in the html code or css that affects the way Opera render it, I would be very thankful. Thansk for any… Re: Opera Digital Media UI / UX Design by MidiMagic What is it doing wrong or not doing right in Opera? Re: Opera Digital Media UI / UX Design by Enio Well, man, the layout was shown completely messed up. I've already discovered what happened: I replaced the property "show block" to "show table" and it worked. There was also a problem with the size of the table. Now, I put one script to redirect the css. file when Opera is detected. thanks man!!! Re: Opera Feature 2: Manage Site Preferences Community Center by MattEvans … option is the “Browser Identification” where we can configure how Opera will Identify itself in it’s User agent String. [/QUOTE…] Unless Opera then automatically emulates the browser it identifies itself as, that… Opera Dragonfly is a web bug predator Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by newsguy … and devices running a supported version of Opera. [*]Opera Dragonfly is a new breed of hybrid application…Support for editing CSS rules will follow. [*]Opera Dragonfly's full-featured JavaScript debugger enhances user … Christen Krogh, Chief Development Officer, Opera Software says "At Opera we've always believed there should only… Opera 10 hits 10 Million Digital Media UI / UX Design by newsguy … since the Vikings, [URL="http://www.opera.com"]Opera[/URL] the web browser has certainly lost favour…Firefox and everything changed, pretty much overnight. Today, Opera struggles to get column inches ahead of even upstarts … you can add tens of millions others browsing on Opera products for mobile phones, game devices and even televisions… Opera browser question about History feature Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Maywyn …discovered an item entered in my History when I open Opera browser when the browser history has been cleared. I …downhill journey. No answer but a lot of attention from Opera. I understand the function of history. What I don'… new? A glitch? Somebody hack my computer? Change my Opera browser settings somehow? Or is it a regular feature of… Opera starts throwing rocks at Microsoft Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by happygeek … by not following accepted Web standards." Opera has requested the Commission to take the necessary… notorious Embrace, Extend and Extinguish strategy." Opera says that Microsoft's unilateral control over standards…," said Jason Hoida, Deputy General Counsel, Opera." The European Court of First Instance confirmed… Opera Unite Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by MktgRob …are adding a new Technology called Opera Unite. According to the Opera website, "Opera Unite harnesses the power of today… time." In non-marketing speak, anyone using Opera Unite can serv and share content and services directly…of our companies/clients to make them realize that Opera has such a small browser market presence. I invite… Statistical Warfare: Opera and iPhone Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by newsguy …. So what is going on here? Well, Opera insists that according to the StatCounter statistics its browser… figures[/URL] the market share ordering is clear enough: Opera, iPhone, Nokia, iTouch, BlackBerry, Sony PSP, Sony … of presenting the numbers I reckon, especially as Opera runs on different devices with different operating system platforms… Re: Opera 10 hits 10 Million Digital Media UI / UX Design by dapxin I dont get the so called war. I stumbled on Opera circa 2003 and ever since cant use no other browser - … Re: Opera 10 hits 10 Million Digital Media UI / UX Design by ahsanpervaiz I think [B]loading wise and memory wise Opera is best[/B], but [B]functionality and plugins wise Firefox is better[/B], IE is just losing ............ Re: Opera starts throwing rocks at Microsoft Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by scru …. Firefox gets bundled on most Linux distros, nobody cries, and Opera does indeed get bundled on some mobile platforms. Perhaps it… bundling other browsers into Windows is really funny. What does Opera expect Microsoft to do their marketing for them? My God… Re: Opera browser question about History feature Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Maywyn Problem was a glitch in the old version of Opera, a style option issue. New version doesn't have the item showing up in history. Re: Opera starts throwing rocks at Microsoft Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jwenting …... Maybe we should launch a complaint against Symbian for bundling Opera with their operating system... Re: Opera Unite Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by InsightsDigital I will check out Opera. My concerns are privacy and viruses. Opera restores complexity Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by GuyClapperton …'s a thing. The web browser [URL="http://www.opera.com"]Opera[/URL] is coming out in a new version…, Opera Unite, and it's going to let you host all … Opera most used version (besides latest) Programming Web Development by culebrin … updates, you know), but I never used Opera, and I want to make my site opera-friendly, so, I wan't to… know (besides the latest version) wich version of Opera browser is popular in the browser market? Thanks! Omar Opera web browser question Community Center by big_k105 … post here. anyway i was wondering if anyone else uses opera and if they have a problem changing there prefrences on… to veiw 100 hits at the same time. but in opera it can never remember this. but i go into the… Re: Opera web browser question Community Center by deanpence It could be a caching problem. (If available, which I?m not sure it is in the free version of Opera) Go to File->Preferences->History and Cache, and specify ?Always? for ?Check Documents?, ?Check Images?, and ?Check Other?. This will make sure that Opera checks for the latest version of a page instead of just showing the cached version. Re: opera problem (98) Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Xpenetrator …this (especially if you use NOD32): [url]http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=146689[/url] There are… some hints on Opera startup problems. If nothing helps, delete the opera6.ini… your profile folder (backup your old one before deleting) - Opera will rebuild it and you loose your settings, but maybe… Opera and Easycleaner Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by hudgybear :confused: Hi I am new here so hope I have the right place for my query. I just installed Opera and would like to use Easycleaner as I did/do with Internet Explorer. How do I use Easycleaner with Opera? I would like to delte cookies, etc but the buttons on Easy only refer to IE. Thank you opera problems with hover menu Programming Web Development by rachaelmom … website. It is working fine in all browsers except for Opera for Windows (and possibley old version of NN). What happens… of problem (although it's strange it only happens in opera). I can't really assign a layer to the menu… Opera Javascript bug? (works in Firefox) Programming Web Development by bball7210 … am currently developing a UserJS "plug-in" for Opera in Linux using verision 9.21, build 641. I have…; var hidden = document.createElement('iframe'); hidden.src = "http://www.opera.com"; hidden.id = "iframe" document.body.appendChild… Opera Doesn't Fired Unload Events Programming Web Development by Potato.Head Hi to all, I get the following problem Opera Browser doesn't fired the Unload Event. I try to … that I'm not the only one with this problem, Opera Developers claims that the unload event is not fired when… Re: opera problem (98) Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by linux i am using the most current version of opera. i just upgraded it.i don't have any bookmarks in opera. all of my bookmarks are in firefox.