39,311 Topics

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Member Avatar for newbie37

Can you create a form and have it show in the same window when you click the submit window? can this be done with out a database? Here is a rough sketch of what I have in theory... see attachment Like signing a guest book.

Member Avatar for newbie37
Member Avatar for cambraydesign

Hi, I need help with this. I basically want users to enter their name email address with validation and also have a tick box for them to say yes or no to receiving future updates. This information will be sent to an email address not a database on clicking the …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for aditi_19

Hi, I want to upload pdf file on the network drive ([B]name : csu shared files on 'csu-isa-s1(S: )' [/B]) instead of uploading it in the local drive of the server computer? Could anyone tell me how this can be done. It will be great help ! Thanks, Aditi

Member Avatar for azegurb

Hi I have took from internet PHP script that uploads images to the host [CODE] <form name="upload-form" id="upload-form" method="post" action="./upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="30000"> <fieldset> <legend>File upload:</legend> <dl> <dt> <label for="file">File:</label> </dt> <dd> <input tabindex="1" accesskey="b" name="file" type="file" id="file" /> </dd> </dl> <input tabindex="2" accesskey="l" type="submit" name="cmdupload" value="Upload" /> …

Member Avatar for bouncycastle

Hello I have tow queries on my website. A first query that extracts a number of records from my "Tutors" database based on the criteria "Location". This query works fine and returns "Id", "Name" and "HourlyRate". I want my user to be able to see an extended profile for each …

Member Avatar for praveen_dusari
Member Avatar for anu.reka85
Member Avatar for NoID

Hello Guys, Can someone please show me if this is possible or not, if so where can i get further information or a code example will be nice. When i enter first name, and then click from the drop down selection "product spec 3" from options "product spec 2" , …

Member Avatar for NoID
Member Avatar for yonker
Member Avatar for awo

I just started using both PHP and MYSQL and i have this SQL statement that get record from three tables ie [CODE]Select name,age, datejoind, active, avrage_time_in,avreagework_duration from Personalrecord Union Activestaff Union Timetable[/CODE] but i need to be able to get a the list of Returnd field name into a PHP …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for leahmarie

Hi guys, I'm not sure if this is the right category for this inquiry. I have my phpmyadmin working for my existing database but I couldn't make it to work. The site is running in xammp localhost. I have the data in place . I get the database to run …

Member Avatar for jomanlk
Member Avatar for levsha

I've read some articles and forums on the topic, but still hasn't gotten a clear answer for myself... What I need is my incoming emails to be stored in my MySQL database. I understand that the email has somehow be submitted to a PHP script that will handle it further, …

Member Avatar for Simply T
Member Avatar for SunnySideUp

Hi, What I want to do is to upload a file to a specific directory as well as enter the data into a MySQL database. The specified directory would be a value that has come from a previous select statement from the database. So as an example, I would want …

Member Avatar for Simply T
Member Avatar for jino

Dear all, I am using apache2Triad for developing my web. I want to send email through the php email command. So first in my local system how can i see the sended email messages. Do i want to install any email applications other than configuring the phpXmail for viewing the …

Member Avatar for wolf_london

hey, i want to install apache ,php and mysql.in my ubuntu linux. but i come across a problem . i configure the apache ,and in the command line it works well: root@chrysanthemumwolf-laptop:/usr/local/apache2/conf# /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start httpd (pid 4325) already running root@chrysanthemumwolf-laptop:/usr/local/apache2/conf# /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl restart but when i test it in my browser …

Member Avatar for wolf_london
Member Avatar for AycheKay

I have a form where users enter data. If no data is entered in a given field my code still inserts a 0 into the MySQL database even though I allow Null values. This is a problem for two reasons. In some of my fields I'm using TINY INTEGER as …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for Sheridan

Here is my problem. I implemented a back button using: [code=php] echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER 'HTTP_REFERER'] . '">Previous</a>'; [/code] This gets stuck in a loop when I try to go back more than one level. Can anyone help?

Member Avatar for Dukane
Member Avatar for jessec

Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place for it. I'm thinking of creating a secure place on the internet. Some of my presumptions are: 1 - That no system/network is to be trusted. 2 - Important data should be encrypted. 3 - The link between data and …

Member Avatar for jessec
Member Avatar for toastyy

I have this database project due Monday and I am trying to create a PHP script to do a simple search query in the MySQL database. This is what I have... [B]search.html[/B] [code] <html> <head> <title>NOMO Auto Group Inventory Search</title> </head> <body> <h2>NOMO Auto Group Inventory Search</h2> <form action="results.php" method="post"> …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for rodrigo7x

Hi, I read this thread: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread130342.html#[/url] and I was wondering if the same thing is possible using notepad instead of word. I know on Mac text edit can open any word doc and with save as you can convert it to text format. I don't see that option in notepad …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for uttara032

I am using wampserver 2.0i php 5.3.0 mySQL 5.1.36 Apache 2.2.11 n have faced this error "Forbidden You don't have permission to access /< on this server." plzzzzzz help me out

Member Avatar for programmersbook
Member Avatar for ragnarok511

Is there a way to send a large amount of data through AJAX to a PHP script? Almost all tutorials say to modify the URL to equal whatever variable your trying to look up. I am wondering if it is possible to pass infomation to the server through an XML …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for mxarievilo

Dears Sirs, I'm brazillian, sorry my horrible english. I've been trying to do a quey that shows registers with 15 days remaining ---------------- I see an error: [CODE]1261306544 2009/12/20 Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'com_exception' with message '<b>Source:</b> Unknown<br/><b>Description:</b> Unknown' in C:\wd\xampp\htdocs\nf\admin\consulta_vencendo.php:9 Stack trace: #0 C:\wd\xampp\htdocs\nf\admin\consulta_vencendo.php(9): com->Execute('select * from P...') #1 …

Member Avatar for mxarievilo
Member Avatar for dss

Hello, I have a youtube script but it need ffmpeg on server. Can anyone let me know how to install ffmpeg on server where and what i need for that. Thank you

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Shanti C

Greetings For all..... I have number of products in mysite...I want to show short url for all my products in my site...How to make them dynamically...Is there any thirdparty tool??? Or any information would be appreciated.. Thanks in advance.... Shanti..

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for itsrahulk

Hi, I am having xampp installed on my windows xp service pack 3 machine.i am trying to do the url rewrting on local system in .htaccess file.but there is no output of the url rewriting. So i want to know, is url rewriting possible on windows having apache webserver installed? …

Member Avatar for jcanaway
Member Avatar for hallyhey

I am trying to learn this but I am so not logical and I'm lost as all hell. Anyway I'll just copy paste what I've already put on yahoo answers. Can you help me figure this out this php? So far this is what I have and I'm lost on …

Member Avatar for jcanaway
Member Avatar for xuexue

hi there, need some help: i have a command button in which it will generate a textbox whenever it is clicked, thus, if it is clicked 5 times, then 5 textboxes will appear. please help me with this, i want to code this using PHP or even HTML..

Member Avatar for sibizulu
Member Avatar for BlackPhoenix

Hi everyone, As the title of my topic says, I created a javascript loop that had some PHP code inside of it, hoping that every time the javascript function ran, it would re-call the PHP code inside of it. Turns out my hopes failed - the PHP code is only …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for anu.reka85
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Menster

Hi guys, I am trying to create an application to serve on the web which is an integration of a java application and some php for mostly presentation functionality. Has anybody here successfully done anything like this before, and if so how? Please help. In dire need here. Thanks in …

Member Avatar for kireol

The End.