popup page on entry Programming Web Development by rizla777 Hi I'm trying to find a tutorial that shows me how to create a popup page upon entry. The popup should save the user's cookie info and be big enough to display a user agreement which the user must click on to accept. Does anyone know of any tutorial showing something like this? Even if it's just for the popup is fine. Thanks Riz How to open a popup page automatically? Digital Media UI / UX Design by uxohus2b …to make a simple popup page appear every time a user visits a particular page on my website. I… want to make sure that the user reads the message in the popup…, so I would like the popup to be superimposed on the… webpage that called the popup. Basically, I want to have something … Re: how to retrive data of textbox in aspx page to popup page....? Programming Web Development by Pari13 … I am using popup for displaying preview of new forumpost on button click... and this preveiw page has so many…used this usecontrol in this parent page) and now i want on preview click popup page will display and that show …Query String to pass a data beween the parent page and the popup window. Check these links. [URL="http://… Simple question: Popup page to post data to mother page Programming Web Development by derekcpt … I need, When on page x, one can click a link where page z opens as a popup. Page z has to collect data…, and when finished, page z has to send… also, if someone can tell me how to specify the popup page's dimensions - I don't want to use javascript. how to retrive data of textbox in aspx page to popup page....? Programming Web Development by Pari13 … having problem in retrives values from textbox at aspx page to popup page? aspx page code: one textbox-- [CODE] <asp:TextBox ID="…] I want to use this txtTopicTitle values on the popup page(Default.aspx page ).. Then what is the process require?? I hope somebody… onclick content display popup page Programming Web Development by vijayram Hi, everybody, user post the plancard.click the evryplanbook display popup page with content how can i make it. anybody plz help … Re: onclick content display popup page Programming Web Development by vijayram Hi, i need user click plancard,that time display popup page same content.every plancard unique id. plz help me. Re: popup page on entry Programming Web Development by vsmash stick it in the header for future reference just google window.open remember that you can't count on popups getting past popup blockers. Popup window close Programming Software Development by haripriyamca05 asp.net ( c#) I have parent window and popup new page from parent window In popup page i'm creating textbox dynamically and in button close i have to get that textbox values and i have to close the popup window Page refresh Programming Web Development by arslanovski How can I refresh parent page when popup page is close in ASP.NET . I update the db in popup page. I list the information on parent page. Re: Simple question: Popup page to post data to mother page Programming Web Development by derekcpt …it then possible to ; - When on page x, post data to page z, which is a popup (know how to do this) - Continue… with page z - When completed page z, post the… data bo the parent page, but… Re: How to open a popup page automatically? Digital Media UI / UX Design by anuradhu you can do it by calling a Javascript function which opens the window on the load of the page... there is an attribute onLoad with the <body tag....you can use that....... but be very sure that the popup has to open everytime the page is viewed...... Re: How to open a popup page automatically? Digital Media UI / UX Design by tgreer You can use [INLINECODE]window.open()[/INLINECODE]. I suggest using a DIV, instead. For an example, look at any of [URL="http://www.tgreer.com/resources.html"]my technical articles[/URL]. Click the header, and a popup regarding the logo appears. All the CSS and scripts can be found by viewing the source on an article page. Re: Simple question: Popup page to post data to mother page Programming Web Development by langsor … to the browser, PHP can no longer change the page environment. You can otherwise have your pop-up window…using javascript anyway, you might as well update the parent page without reloading it ... using javascript. Good luck If you… form with the link to the javascript [I]popup, auto-parent-refreshing, auto-pop-up-closing [/I]functionality… Re: how to retrive data of textbox in aspx page to popup page....? Programming Web Development by Ramesh S … Query String to pass a data beween the parent page and the popup window. Check these links. [URL="http://www.codeproject… Re: how to retrive data of textbox in aspx page to popup page....? Programming Web Development by catherine sea Check the following 2 articles and see if they are helpful: [url]http://riderdesign.com/articles/Opening-popup-windows-in-ASP.NET.aspx[/url] [url]http://aspnet101.com/tutorials.aspx?id=61[/url] Thanks. Re: how to retrive data of textbox in aspx page to popup page....? Programming Web Development by Pari13 ….. but u r not getting me . acutally I created one page Default.aspx contains one textbox. and when user fire button… clck the textbox value is dispaly on pop up page(another page dispaly at front of parent… Re: how to retrive data of textbox in aspx page to popup page....? Programming Web Development by dlrahul Use sessions; think that there is one text box in parent page; create session for that; session["Textbox"]=textbox1.text.toString(); i think tat it may help u;;\ All the Best;;; and Best of Luck;;; Re: onclick content display popup page Programming Web Development by vijayram anybody suggest popup window with content .i need code Re: onclick content display popup page Programming Web Development by vijayram … me.(i wand to both method)this content click one page display ajax formate . another module,display new window. function viewPlanbook… Re: popup page on entry Programming Web Development by vsmash [CODE] <script>window.open('http://myURL','nameformypopup','height=300,width=500,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbar=yes,titlebar=no,toolbar=no,top=100,left=100')</script> [/CODE] 'namemyformpopup' is optional; everything after it is also optional. Re: popup page on entry Programming Web Development by rizla777 awesome man thanks. i'll try it right now. ive been searching everywhere through using jquery and such. its a bit daunting sometimes. Re: popup page on entry Programming Web Development by rizla777 should i put this in the head tag or a separate file and call that .js file? Re: Popup \ Open Popup onclick Help Programming Web Development by almostbob a popup, will get blocked on more browsers every day, and get … link that opens or closes a layer above the current page at the link location, put your contact details in it…; <li>in this case the content of the popup page goes in this div</li> <li>… Image popup into template with ads Programming Web Development by txwebdesign … know I have to create the thumbs gallery page and the ad page (or popup page) but I need to have the thumbnails load… into their full size images into the popup page which will have the focused advertising (i.e. banner ads…m not after the look of the gallery page, just how to code the popup portion and code behind that passes the… PHP Popup Window... Programming Web Development by Mapper99 Is it possible to get a PHP page to popup in a new page after a form post? Then, return information from the popup page to the parent page? Right now when I post my data, the browser window navigates to the new page and I have no way to get the data from my PHP popup page back to the parent page. Thanks in advance, M Mouse over on hyperlink that shows what was selected on previous page Programming Web Development by Marcus_3 … that shows what the user selected on the page they just left or saved. For example, …link that says 'Add' and it opens a popup window where they select a list of items … click save to close the popup and they return to the original page. The user then hovers over… shows them what they selected on the popup page. Can this be done and if so how? Re: How to popup window using ajax in asp.net? Programming Web Development by reach_yousuf …problem in popup page using ajax in asp.net. I have one P1.aspx page.Onclick event … Hyperlik on P1.aspx How to Popup page P2.aspx(Which is Interface for …quot; strScript += "</script>" Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("ShowPupup", strScript) End If END … How to popup window using ajax in asp.net? Programming Web Development by Pari13 Hello All, I have problem in popup page using ajax in asp.net. I have one P1.aspx page.Onclick event of Hyperlik on… P1.aspx How to Popup page P2.aspx(Which is Interface for inserting value in database) … How to close a popup page? Programming Web Development by mark103 …, I need your help, I want to close a page when a button is pressed. I'm using the script…> <script type="text/javascript"> function Popup() { window.open("add_address.php", "_blank", &…message` box and it will redirect to the `send.php` page to output the list of email addresses in the `text…