48 Topics

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Member Avatar for singhabsk

Good morning all, here i have some probs. in logic if possible just solved it i have a text file contains following data..... sec TID SID ATTRIBUTE 69013 1-3039 1 REGISTER 69013 1-3039 1 100 69013 1-3039 1 401 69013 1-3039 2 REGISTER 69013 1-3039 2 100 69013 2-3039 1 …

Member Avatar for pauld581

I have a project that I'm having a hard time figuring out an approach for, which I'll try to describe briefly: My client has a business where salespeople input information from customers into a form. One of the things the customers decide with the salesperson is whether to accept a …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for swinefish

Hello all I'm working on a project for next year, and I've decided to be a little ambitious. One of the features I would like to have is the ability for my project to analyse an area of the earth (from Google Earth or a good atlas) and determine the …

Member Avatar for m7mud.mustafa
Member Avatar for AlexYIN

Hey! We all learn file processing [ATTACH]18526[/ATTACH] I don't understand what is the difference between "for writing" and "for update". Could you please explain that? Thx so much!

Member Avatar for AlexYIN
Member Avatar for Kremlan

I'm supposed to modify this method ([url]http://pastebin.com/6xF1pN51[/url]) to this (translated): "A faster algorithm to compute the average can be done by looping through the entire image in two passes in each session and make a one-dimensional mean value. In the first pass compute the mean value of the y-axis (one …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for Spiffy P Mcgee

I've gotten stuck on my assignment. The compiler says that the code is fine, but the program doesn't work properly. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void display_days (int []); void total_days (int []); void average_days (int []); void maximum_days (int []); void minimum_days (int []); int …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for xabi

I run a competition and want a form put online so anyone wishing to enter can do so without the hassle of snail mail. I have seen various scripts around which could do the job of taking the details, but I want the details that are emailed to me put …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for waleed.makarem

Dear all , I am trying to develop code that will check for each location (latitude and longitude) for a nmea file ( contains over 200,000 point) to check if this file contains some points that was close to a certain location or not . How can we do this …

Member Avatar for Sandhya212

Dear all. I have a file with lines like this.[CODE] query 210 ACTTGGACTC 219 query 311 ACTTGGACTC 320 ....[/CODE] From every line, I need to extract the number coming right after 'query' and then the DNA sequence. I currently read each line as a list but was only able to …

Member Avatar for Sandhya212
Member Avatar for DeIntegro

I understand that y = n ^ 4 will be pow(n,4)...but what about drawing the curve y = 1 - x ^ 4 y = (1 - x) ^ 4 y = 1-(1 - x) ^ 4 I appreciate your help. Thanks.

Member Avatar for DeIntegro
Member Avatar for koveras vehcna

Hello everyone, I am currently working on a code and I got stuck in a part. My algorithm is a text generator that operates on project Gutenberg and its flow is like this: Enter a sentence as input 1-Pick longest word of input sentence 2-Search the longest word of the …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for koveras vehcna

Hello everyone, I am currently teaching myself language processing by using the book of NLTK -found at http://www.nltk.org/book - and I have a problem. The following code retrieves every sentence in Shakespeare's Macbeth respectively as a list of list of list -or something like that- format: from nltk.corpus import gutenberg …

Member Avatar for koveras vehcna
Member Avatar for Garrett2011

Is there a macro that can get a text as input like "abc" and then extract characters in that text and generate a code using them, something like "{'a','b','c'}" ? thanks.

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for zia zia

Hello Guys... I'm a novice in both php/mysql. I'm creating an application and have many problems with it.I need help with some of the areas. First my application is a multiple forms based. The first page is that an admin logs into it by authenticating with mysql (This part I've …

Member Avatar for amac44
Member Avatar for ssmokincamaro

Hey everyone, I'm fairly new to python and have hit a brick wall in a program I'm writing. I need to read in a text file containing values (No problems here) the text file looks like this 10, .25, .26 12, .44, .34 4, .22, .56 The numbers 10, 12, …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for PMACLEAN

Could someone please advise me on how to implement fork() in a parallel processing (multiplying) of a 2d array....I have been at this for far too long.. here is my code [code] for (int i = 0; i < rowCol[0]; i++ ) result[i] = (float*)malloc ( rowCol[1] * sizeof(float) ); …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for MacUsers

Greetings everyone!! First of all, I'm a python newbie; my apology in advance if I'm being silly with my question but I really hope some one can help me on this. I got myself a project (just to start) to read iTunes library .xml file - iTunes Music Library.xml - …

Member Avatar for Pupo
Member Avatar for EddieC

Thought you were bleeding edge with your quad-core PC? Think again. A company called Tilera today announced that it's working on a chip containing 100 processor cores, which it says could be seen by 2011. It's part of its new TILE-Gx line of 64-bit multi-core processors, the first of which--a …


The End.