Text to Speech Conversion Using Hugging Face Transformers Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … to 5, the speech is generated at a much faster rate. ## Putting it All Together Finally, to streamline the process, we… Re: Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by aishamushtaq Absolutely, I appreciate the reminder. If you're experiencing difficulties with your CRM's workflow feature, it might be beneficial to provide more details about the specific steps you've taken so far to troubleshoot the issue. That way, others in the community can offer more targeted assistance or suggest alternative solutions based on your … Rate Up or Down system Programming Databases by svcghost … case? I have users submitting ideas. Now other users can rate an idea UP or DOWN. I want to keep track… (auto increment prim key) rateType (single boolean, 0 for rate down, 1 for rate up) userID (userid who rated) ideaID (ideaid of… Re: Rate Up or Down system Programming Databases by svcghost … case? I have users submitting ideas. Now other users can rate an idea UP or DOWN. I want to keep track… (auto increment prim key) rateType (single boolean, 0 for rate down, 1 for rate up) userID (userid who rated) ideaID (ideaid of… Re: Rate Up or Down system Programming Databases by IIM To mark thread as solved ...click [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/solved.php?t=369857"]Here[/URL] Another way to mark thread as solved is by clicking on mark this thread as solved at the end of the thread page. Use of unassigned local variable 'rate' error message for code Programming Software Development by ipodtrip … error message Use of unassigned local variable 'rate' is there a way to define the … void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { double shipping_cost, distance,rate; distance = double.Parse(textBox2.Text); if (radioButton1.Checked) switch… Exercise - Calculate the pay rate Programming Software Development by khelkely …for the first 40 hours, the rate is the given rate (the rate that a user has entered); for…"; cin>>empname; /*-- get pay rate with error checking on null and 0 values --*/ do…0) break; else cout << "Invalid pay rate."; } while (1); pay_rate=atof(test); /*-- get … Re: Exercise - Calculate the pay rate Programming Software Development by khelkely …as follows: for the first 40 hours, //the rate is the given rate (the rate that a user has entered); //for hours over…::showpoint); /*-- create output --*/ sprintf(final_output,"\n\n Your Pay Rate is : \n------------------------------\n", empname); cout << final_output;… Why does rate calculate to zero? Programming Software Development by 3FatCats … laborForce[126]; int numberOfEmployed[126]; int numberOfUnemployed[126]; double Rate[126]; double Rate1; int LF1; int i; int employData…+ numberOfUnemployed[i] == laborForce[i]) return true; } bool validRate() { if(Rate[i] == (numberOfUnemployed[i] / laborForce[i]) * 100) return true; } … Re: Use of unassigned local variable 'rate' error message for code Programming Software Development by Momerath … code you need to look at:[code]double shipping_cost, distance,rate; distance = double.Parse(textBox2.Text); if (radioButton1.Checked) switch… compiler is telling you that it is possible for 'rate' to not have a value when it reaches the…change line 1 in this block to double shipping_cost, distance, rate = 0; Now a comment on style: the if … Re: Why does rate calculate to zero? Programming Software Development by 3FatCats … whiz! In the original data file, the teacher said Rate was declared as a double and the others as integers…t mind...is there a way to have the calculated rate round to the tenths place so it will exactly …match the rate listed in the indata? example: indata outdata 4.1… Re: How to reduce bounce rate of website? Digital Media by Rajan_7 … same time period) and multiply by 100. A high bounce rate generally indicates that site entrance pages aren’t relevant to… your visitors. “It is hard to get a bounce rate under 20%. Anything over 35% is a cause for concern… your website. 2. The most powerful way to reduce bounce rate is to adjust it by calculating the time spent on… Pay rate Programming Software Development by Nasi23 …hr, min; char meridian; }; struct Garage{ string name; float rate; Time time_in, time_out; }; struct PayRecord{ string name; string … Garage car; car.name = "Wednesday"; car.rate = 12.50; cout<<"Enter time you …lt;fixed<<setprecision(2)<<car.rate<<endl <<"TimeIn: … can you guys help me get the interest rate i cant get it right i tried so plz help Programming Software Development by BigBang5 …int numMonths; double balance; double numBalance; float rate; double totDeposited = 0.0 ; double totWithdrawn …;:" ; cin >> withdrawn; mthlyInterRate = (rate/100)/12; totDeposited += deposited ; totWithdrawn += withdrawn ; … Re: can you guys help me get the interest rate i cant get it right i tried so plz help Programming Software Development by BigBang5 … main () { int numMonths; double balance; double numBalance; float rate; double totDeposited = 0.0 ; double totWithdrawn = 0.0 … <<":" ; cin >> withdrawn; mthlyInterRate = (rate/100)/12; totDeposited += deposited ; totWithdrawn += withdrawn ; numBalance = balance … commission rate in c++ Programming Software Development by i2u2me …<< "First sale? "; commission rate cin >> sale1; cout << …>> sale2; cout << "Commission rate in decimal format? "; cin >> commissionRate…by multiplying the total sales commissionRate; by the commission rate 4. display the commission cout << &… help with the formula to compute rate Programming Web Development by ehpratah … to do is to compute the rate of vehicle that is rented..the… came up is with the **perday rate** and the other 2 i cant…perday * $totald+2500; $totalmonth=$totalm * $permonth; $rate=$totalday + $totalmonth; } ?> this will be the weekly… it will be directed in form2 rate=15000 because it is already equivalent… Re: can you guys help me get the interest rate i cant get it right i tried so plz help Programming Software Development by BigBang5 …std; int main () { int numMonths; double balance; double numBalance; float rate; double totDeposited = 0.0 ; double totWithdrawn = 0.0 ; double …; month <<":" ; cin >> withdrawn; mthlyInterRate = (rate/100)/12; totDeposited += deposited ; totWithdrawn += withdrawn ; numBalance = balance + deposited -… Newsletter open rate Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani … an HTML-based monthly newsletter? I am measuring open rate based on the number of hits a particular image within … - and how many users actually click the link? Is read rate based on a user reading a piece of mail or… I'm mistaken, there's no way to track read rate unless images are enabled. Re: Social media platforms can cause to increase website's bounce rate? Digital Media Digital Marketing by AssertNull … being spam or useless links. I think also think bounce rate by the linked definition can be misleading. At least it… Google. Seems that would result in an abnormally high bounce rate since I'm going from google.com every single time… since I'm specifying the site I want. High bounce rate doesn't automatically equate to spam, though it often does… Issue trying to rate limit my API with Redis Programming Web Development by Dani …> 5000) { // Flood control is over the rate limit print_json(array( 'status' => 'token_limit', 'error' =>…; 'Rate limit exceeded: Please try your request again in a…race conditions that can cause issues with API rate limiters, but I can't seem to … Re: How Can I increase my Click Through Rate ? Digital Media Digital Marketing by balubojja … Listing or PPC Differently we will get best click through Rate Thanks & Regards Balu [QUOTE=vishalkhialani;1294928]Hi, I …having two sites. Site A gets a 40% click through rate while site B gets only 10% at best click through…tried many layouts and ads to increase the Click Through Rate but I have failed. Is there a site which can… Re: can you guys help me get the interest rate i cant get it right i tried so plz help Programming Software Development by SgtMe …>>deposit; cout<<"Enter annual interest rate (eg. 2.5%):"<<endl; cin>>… of your main function can become: [CODE]int numMonths; float rate; double balance, numBalance, totDeposited, totWithdrawn, mthlyInterRate, totInterest;[/CODE] [B]!!!EDIT… Re: Bounce Rate from Social media and Ranking Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by almostbob SE bots cannot determine bounce rate, reiterate #SE bots CANNOT determine bounce rate, the bot sees only the page as presented, … site monitoring system. If you use GA, your bounce rate is available to Google, and your stats are wrong. …self hosted monitor, to calculate your stats your bounce rate at search engines is ZERO aka Do not use Google… Video Card Refresh Rate Question Hardware and Software Hardware by rcrevolution …, and such but one is a XFX with a refresh rate of 2???x1??? @ 85Hz and the other is a eVGA… with a refresh rate of 2???x1???@ 75Hz i forgot the exact resolutions but… on both cards the only difference is the 10Hz refresh rate will 10Hz make a noticable difference? if not Ill get… Changing an interest rate (once) on an Excel Spreadsheet Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by VeroSFO … is made by taking out a loan at whatever interest rate I wish to use (interest accrues & is pegged annually… 5 years, etc., BUT...for this question assume the int. rate will be "x" from age 60 to age… of the borrower. I want to change the current interest rate shown to another number. It is currently 6%. How can… Re: Pay rate Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon … a THE RATES FOR THE GARAGE LISTED IS: Day: Wednesday Rate: $12.50 TimeIn: 12:30am TimeOut: 1:0am Press any… LCD monitor refresh rate Hardware and Software Hardware by JordiB … the setting is doing. Is it perhaps adjusting the rate at which my computer is sending update information to the…. Also, I was wondering about the relation between 'refresh rate' and response time. I have one LCD monitor with a…. What happens to the displayed image when the refresh rate is higher than what the response time suggests that the… Botnets boost click-fraud rate Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by happygeek … report suggests that while the overall industry average click fraud rate was down 0.1 percent from last quarter to 16….2 percent. it was up from the 15.8 percent rate this time last year. However, the average click fraud… rate of PPC advertisements appearing on Google AdSense, Yahoo Publisher Network … How can I reduce bounce rate of my website? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Newspiderman888 * 82.21% - Bounce Rate, * 00:01:15 - Avg. Time on Site, * 73.58% - % New … don't know why my website has this much bounce rate. Could anyone tell how much this is good statistics? Also… relevant information (I believe its already have) to reduce bounce rate? Please suggest.