577 Topics

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Member Avatar for nickora

Google do have cinema listings but they dont have an api available for [url]http://www.google.com/movies[/url] even though the search itself works. when using a standard search api google ommits the cinema data which you can usually do be performing the search: "movies, local area" so has anyone got a workaround for …

Member Avatar for ebay1989

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this but a website I recently created keeps being unable to load. It will go through periods of loading fine and everything working and then all of a sudden it just wont load, then awhile later it'll load again …

Member Avatar for ebay1989
Member Avatar for jimbennett57

I'm a newbie to SOAP, and have been searching for an answer with no luck. Hopefully someone can help me out here. I have a VB script which successfully retrieves a SOAP response (xmlhttp.responseText). I can see the response with WScript.Echo, save it in a variable or can save it …

Member Avatar for jimbennett57
Member Avatar for DrueY

Does anybody have an idea of how this data is collected: [url]http://www.boxoffice.com/statistics/analysis/most_discussed[/url] I'd like to do something similar, but I'm not sure where to start...web crawling maybe? Drue

Member Avatar for lgriess

I've posted this problem on several forums and no one has come up with the correct answer, but anyway here it goes: I've tried stringifying and querystring'ing the parameter but the Response error continues to be {"Message":"Object reference not set to an instance of an object.","StackTrace":" at ProvaReportLocale._Default.GetColumns() in \\ProvaReportLocale\\Default.aspx.cs:line …

Member Avatar for masocha

Can anyone assist me by telling me where and how to to get a live precious metal feed on my website. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Borzoi

I am planning to start up a new business soon and part of it is selling online. I was planning on using PayPal in the early days to handle the payments until we can afford good enough security so that we can hold data such as credit card information ourselves. …

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for chintan@dani

Hello Everybody, My site [url]www.mygospellove.com/[/url] is https based. It works fine in all major browsers but it shows system information message in IE. It shows site contains secure & nonsecure items. How i can resolve this issue..? Any help will be appreciated..

Member Avatar for osirus

I recently acquired a dedicated hosting site from godaddy.com. I have a registered domain [url]www.realfucknlove.com[/url] that i use with my google blogger account. When I upload media files such as mp3s to my download folder in my hosting account the link looks like this [url][/url] I how would I replace …

Member Avatar for rohan_tahil

Can someone explain the difference between a web service and web app? and also if i am making a J2me app and want a user to get authenticated when he sends a login request to the server which 1 should i use? Do both perform all functions automatically without human …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for mikemessiah

Hi there having a bit of an issue using a webservice for an application. Basically i need to consume the web service via a winform app that will run some data transformation routinues, create an xml file and then pass the xml file to the webservice. The advice I am …

Member Avatar for GDICommander

Hello, everyone! I'm not able to access a WSDL file on a remote machine. I am using DOSGI and I'm creating a service in a OSGI bundle. My container is Apache Felix. DOSGI takes care of exposing a OSGI service as Web services. DOSGI publishes a WSDL at [url]http://localhost:9595/prototype1Service?WSDL[/url] on …

Member Avatar for GDICommander
Member Avatar for valipour

hi if i have a web adress like myadress.blogspot.com but if i change my adress to myadress.blogger.com is there a way to say to google your new adress?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for aslamdoctor

Hello Friends, I am looking for a nice Address Finder web service for London only. I want to create a module on my website that can make easy for users to enter/select their address. It will be fine if it is paid service. Thank You

Member Avatar for pkdaftari

I have created a website at google site and wand to add a log in page. Can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for CBResources

Hi there, I'm new here so please forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong area or something... I am helping a friend setup a website and on this website we are having daily horoscopes. We have a provider for this service, and they have provided us with some info. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Tyrial

Hi there I am trying to develop a silverlight game to be deployed on facebook. This game needs to make use of a database to store information about the players stats. At the moment i am just trying to get the silverlight wcf services working. By making a simple grid …

Member Avatar for Tyrial
Member Avatar for flyblackbox

I followed this tutorial and set up comments on my website: [url]http://www.ruhanirabin.com/easy-steps-to-facebook-connect-comment-box-how-to/[/url] Our site received hundreds of "Like's" and Comments. I changed the URL for my root directory and got a SSL certificate. The Facebook app is broken now, can anyone lend some insight?

Member Avatar for flyblackbox
Member Avatar for NT.

Hi, I am trying to access a web service using the WSDL url. I am able to get all the related classes from that wsdl using wsdl2java emitter. I am able to create a client that can basically call the methods of the web service. Now, the problem is I …

Member Avatar for anony

while hosting a asp.net web service, where do i put the services in. like we put it in the iis in our computer. Any help will be really appreciated as i am clueless on how to do it.

Member Avatar for anony
Member Avatar for Maksym

Hi all! Want to conveniently organize beta testing process - communication with testers. Need something that can be easily integrated with my application. Maybe somebody already had some experience using services available. Really apreciate your advice. Thanks!

Member Avatar for davidscr

Hi, i realized a web service with xfire library, tested with a simple client simulator and with xmlspy. Now another client try to invoke the service, but this is the error that i can read on Tomcat catalina log. Can you help me to understand where is the problem? Thanks …

Member Avatar for backendcode

Hello guys, I dont know about RSS feed. How caan i do for my website and what is the benifit of it. Thanks

Member Avatar for abiseo
Member Avatar for jayavenkat

Hi, Can anyone say about the steps involved in android xml parsing using sax

Member Avatar for sacarias40

I was wondering if anybody knew of a totally free web service that allows you to poll for city and state just by inputting the zip code. Thanks, Zack

Member Avatar for bnasah

I need to implement a file sytem to store images using web services , Websphere. Please for any pointers..THANKS A LOT

Member Avatar for asiyak

send me exact meaning of the semantic web,i need concept of semantiv web

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for aonewebdesign

Sorry not to formely present my self but I'm in need. I need to insert the following code: [CODE]<?php readfile('http://output94.rssinclude.com/output?type=php&id=136641&hash=61b747f31efc47d0a66790b2fe8d8f1b')?>[/CODE] on my web site it is a php code rss feed. Problem is I am using xtreemhost.com for my hosting and they support php but not this exact code for …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for aonewebdesign

Sorry not to formely present my self but I'm in need. I need to insert the following code: [CODE] <?php readfile('http://output16.rssinclude.com/output?type=php&id=136641&hash=61b747f31efc47d0a66790b2fe8d8f1b')?> [/CODE] on my web site it is a rss feed powered by rssinclude Problem is I am using xtreemhost.com for my hosting and they support php but not this …

Member Avatar for nick3592

Hi, i have made a rss feed that automatically updates, what i done use php to grab information from the database as new content is added in xml. Everything seems okay but when i click subscribe to rss feed it displays "Failed to load feed". My extension is .php is …


The End.