456 Topics

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Member Avatar for elie.karkafy

i want to copy data from an access database to a sql database 2008 through coding in vb.net any help ? NB : I WANT ALSO TO CHECK FOR DUPLICATES EACH I SELECT FROM ACCESS TO COPY IN SQL

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for ankit1122

hello sir, i have a php code like <?php $count = 0; foreach($_POST as $item) { $count += (is_array($item)) ? count($item) : 1; } // echo "Items = $count"; $db=$_POST["db"]; $skills = explode(",", $_POST["skills"]); $table = explode(",", $_POST["table"]); $city = explode(",", $_POST["city"]); $region = explode(",", $_POST["region"]); $country = explode(",", $_POST["country"]); …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for saiphyn

Hi, I'm looking for a way to get a single data value from a table by an SQL statement and store it in a variable (i'm using C#). example: table: customers(customer_ID, name, age) string variable = SELECT name FROM customers where customer_ID = 25 It's probably not that hard, but …

Member Avatar for arunkumars
Member Avatar for Tcll

I'm trying to build an interactive IDE... the IDE has a file testing interface which displays a tree of the called functions in relation to the data in the file being tested. what I want to do is when you select a function referenced in the tree, it'll highlight that …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for ravi142

Hello I have use 'LIKE' query in Model $this->db->like('job_title','keywords','both'); $query = $this->db->get('job_description',$data); which generate Query Output like SELECT * FROM (`job_description`) WHERE `job_title` LIKE '%keywords%' LIMIT 1 **Problem:** How could i remove the LIMIT that automatic generate in Query **OR** can i given Infinite LIMIT in CI Query. Can you …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for hiiiiii@

hi i have a select(dropdown button) which displays various chioce for the user to select .. i want to validate it that if the user does not select any choice i should not able to do any action how to do. Is there any like required available for text box …

Member Avatar for hiiiiii@
Member Avatar for Siya_2

There are many themes on the web but I don’t know who’s theme best to my blog. I am going to create a new wordprss blog and I want to lot of traffic on to blog. I have a also a wordprss blog but it has not much traffic. So …

Member Avatar for blackmiau
Member Avatar for XodoX

It's a server-client code. The client should wait for the server, and if there's no response, then send a new request. There's a 2 second wait. It's UNIX. I've been looking at some select() examples, but I'm not really sure... I found this example. #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/time.h> …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for oskido2010

Hi Guys I am trying to display friends of a logged in user for my website, the user(person1 is friends with person2 and I would like this to display when either person1 or person2 log in( this should be under the hyperlink) Friends. and also to be able to see …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Nigam_1

I am creating a website wherein Admin is supposed to create a Form and the other users are supposed to fill it and submit it. My main goal is to the give the Admin user a webpage where he will type the question , select the type of answer to …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for navenchary

Hi, I m new to ajax. I have to implemented the ajax autocomplete in my code.When I press any alphabet say suppose "a", I should get all names starting with "a" say arman,anoop,anju etc one below other. now when i select one of them say 'arman' the text box will …

Member Avatar for kaushal_1
Member Avatar for Start4me

I have a listbox which contains items in it. After you click on the selected item, the listbox will be populated with different items relevant to the item which you clicked on. What I want to make, is instead of having to click on the selected item, I want to …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Slavi

Hey guys, I ve been using elementary (luna) os distribution of linux and I am really satisfied with it .. the only problem that i am facing is when switching between application sounds .. I ll give you an example: Using my headphones to speak on teamspeak and listen to …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for BogdanCov

Hello, fellows. I have a simple question to you, maybe you can help me. I try to save data in C#. For exemple, i make an application and the user select his options. **What type of file should I use to save his options?** The next time the application opens, …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for riayas

i have 2 tables one holds and id number for a transaction and the other tables holds the data for that transaction i can populate the first datagridview with the "id" data. I want to be able to select the row on the datagridview (id) and show the details for …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for Start4me

What I have is a listbox with items imported from the database. From the Data Sources (Shift+Alt+D) I've dragged a table in the form of Details, instead of DataGridView. What I'm trying to figure out, is how to make the information to be displayed in the Details when an item …

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

I'm trying to create a set of selectable labels, New Game, Load Game, Options, and Exit. I created a MenuItem class which extends Label, and set up the constructor to use the standard stuff expected from a Label. Here is the class. package com.irridium.echo.menu; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label; /** * …

Member Avatar for Galbatorix
Member Avatar for acrocephalus

Hello! I have started experimenting with GUI programming using TkInter. Up to now, I have written this code: [CODE]import Tkinter, tkFileDialog, Tkconstants from Tkinter import * root = Tk() root.title('Watermark Image Processing 1.0b') #Options for buttons button_opt = {'fill': Tkconstants.BOTH, 'padx': 5, 'pady': 5} #Define asking directory button dirname = …

Member Avatar for ronkalycarlos
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, I have select(/dropdown) list.Below is code <div id="complete_form"> <b>Skill Type :</b> <select id="skill_type_name" onchange="load_div()"> <option value="">Select</option> <option value="Language">Language</option> <option value="Database">Database</option> <option value="Framework">Framework</option> </select> <div id="id_skill_name" onchange="load_other_skill()"> <b>Skill : </b> <select id="skill_name" name="Skill[skill_id]"> <option value="">Select</option> <option value="test language 1">test language 1</option> <option value="test db 2">test language 2</option> <option value="test fw …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for airhalynn101

For this project, my client asked me if he could select seven names from the list (which is a DataGridView) and use them in a single, separate form. The solution that came to my mind is to use the CheckBoxColumn for this matter. My problem is I have never used …

Member Avatar for airhalynn101
Member Avatar for gazem

hi there ; I want to search for student from my database using select method , like you choose the ID then it shows ID search Textbox and go on ... how can i do it

Member Avatar for [NOPE]FOREVER
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hello Lets say I have a online store where I sell shirts. First I select a shirt (colored or design) after I can choose to draw something else or leave it as is. Later, standard regular checkout and buying process. How can I do this? What eCommence should I choose? …

Member Avatar for oCodewire
Member Avatar for henryz_box

I found this along my way of trying to learn how to use databases 1."SELECT usname, password FROM userinfo " & 2." WHERE usname = '" & textbox1.Text & "'" & 3." AND [password] = '" & textbox2.Text & "'" I would like to know how I would execute code …

Member Avatar for henryz_box
Member Avatar for dhani09

I have a drop-down list, which contains a list of over 150 schools. Each school in this drop-down list is located in one of 30 states. What i'm trying to implement is this: If a user chooses a school from the "select" list, the text box below it would automatically …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for malatamil

for pagination i need to display number of data.here is my query but am getting error like You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'st.state)as num from spa s left join relatedcatagories …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for joshmac

Hello, I need to run a report against a database, and I am having a difficult time thinking of a way to run a particular report. What I need to do is run a report which selects students that have no course registrations for three consecutive semesters. The semester table …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for thilipdilip

I want to make a select box like pop up item, I come accross with this link http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/NaturalLanguageForm/ In that they have done select box overwrite method. when clicking on the food it opens in popup about list of the items. can anyone please tell me how to do similar …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for seyit4

please i have a project and doing for my school where many people register and also they send and accept friend request so i have a problem of how to make it that when a user post sometin all of his/her friends will also get the post just like that …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for riahc3

I have a table called "mytable". The columns are Time_Stamp (datetime) PK Time_stamp_ms (int) PK data1 (int) data2 (int) data3 (int) data4 (int) data5 (int) data6 (int) cycle (int) name (varstring) I want to order by Time_Stamp and Time_stamp_ms and then each time cycle reaches 1, I want to get …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Ali_khan11

i have a text field with name "date" and i want to retrieve all he records from database when user write a specific date on that text field.......I am using MS access data base......Query below is not showing any record String date=request.getParameter("OrderDate"); String query = "SELECT * FROM DoorStepRequests where …

Member Avatar for stultuske

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