Spotify Disputes Lady Gaga Poker Face Math Digital Media Digital Marketing by newsguy …it accounted for a measly £108 in royalties. Senior Spotify vice-president Paul Brown [URL="http://www.independent…"]…URL=""… Spotify IPO Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Spotify is going public next week with an IPO. Who plans on investing? Re: Spotify IPO Community Center Geeks' Lounge by rproffitt … bag. Not nice is it? So if you are a Spotify exec, this is great news. Re: Spotify IPO Community Center Geeks' Lounge by rproffitt More news on Spotify offering. The offering is not even that. No capital raise and didn't use Goldman Sachs to bring it to the market. It appears to not even be an IPO. Just shares that were private are now going to start trading on the market. Good for them. Spotify and Apple iPod nano Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by mary_16 Hi please excuse my ignorance but can I download Spotify to an iPod nano and then use tracks in a vehicle via Bluetooth ? Re: Spotify and Apple iPod nano Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by dragon25 Wow this has been here for 11 months with no response? If you haven't found an answer yet - no it's not possible to download/install Spotify on iPod nano as there is no app for it. Re: Spotify IPO Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Or, they could be like Facebook, who had no good advertising revenue prospects, until *after* they went public, and realized they had to figure something out ASAP, and it worked for them. Or Twitter, who also went public without any great advertising prospects figured out, and *still* haven't figured it out. Re: Spotify IPO Community Center Geeks' Lounge by rproffitt Fine examples and why I'm not a buyer. If you want to know what I'm buying I'll just share what I bought in the past year. Symbols only then why. DNP and RCS. Thinking about more ATT (T). The first two are now monthly dividend paying stocks in the 7 to 10% per year range. ATT is well, still doing well. DNP is boring with investments (… Re: Spotify IPO Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Boring can be good. But it depends how big of a risk taker you are. In the case of Facebook, if you believed in them enough to buy them when they had no decent forms of revenue or profits, then you probably watched your money sink after the IPO'd and continued to not have any decent forms of revenue or profits, and their stock declined. But once … Re: Spotify IPO Community Center Geeks' Lounge by rproffitt The last IPO I bought was Red Hat. After a huge gain in one day. Sold it. When you do that you never look back. Re: Spotify IPO Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani RHT was one of my first stocks as well, back in the day. Held onto it for a decade plus. No FOSS for Spotify Programming Databases by newsguy … and increasingly popular legal free streaming music service Spotify was to open up with the release of …announcement of the availability of [URL=""]Libspotify[/URL] itself, … any FOSS applications to emerge and flourish. While Spotify may well talk of user empowerment and how Libspotify… Was Spotify hack an Android proof-of-concept demo? Programming Mobile Development by happygeek … systems and internal company data' is music streaming service Spotify. The disclosure itself was something of an odd one… with the Android app. Oskar Stal, CTO at Spotify, claims that the investigation suggests no password, financial … companies are to keep our personal information safe. Spotify’s statement makes no reference to when the compromise… Trying to create a spotify application Programming Software Development by tomay Hi guys, I'm trying to create a spotify like program for windows. I know a little about programming, I'm just not sure where to start with this project. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks e-mail/spotify work but no browers work Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Wurlitzer28 … it will launch Chrome and connect to that site. Also, Spotify works for him. **I tried to get him to go… Re: Spotify and Apple iPod nano Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by rproffitt @dragon, it turned out they were spamming some app so replies vanished. Re: Was Spotify hack an Android proof-of-concept demo? Programming Mobile Development by <M/> Wow... a lot of major companies are getting hacked now a days... Target, Ebay, and so on. I even heard of someone writing about [100 hackers get arrested]( for creating a malware just recently. Good article! Re: Trying to create a spotify application Programming Software Development by NormR1 Can you show what your current design ideas are? And explain what your problem is coding that design in java. Re: e-mail/spotify work but no browers work Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by dloj333 You might want to upgrade to Win 10 Technical Preview. I believe you can from Vista. Go to this site and you can start. PSR-4 and Autoloading Programming Web Development by diafol … should load the class in **src/Baz/Spotify.php** called **Spotify**. The Spotify.php file content: class Spotify { public function __construct() { echo "yes…;; } } This is the error: Fatal error: Class 'Foo\Bar\Baz\Spotify' not found in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\autoloader.php on line 44 This… Loaded with viruses!!!! Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by pcmic …processes: C:\Users\pcmic\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\Data\SpotifyWebHelper.exe C:\Program Files…[Spotify] "C:\Users\pcmic\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\Spotify.exe" /uri spotify:autostart O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Spotify… Web Helper] "C:\Users\pcmic\AppData\Roaming\Spotify Good Apple, Rotten Apple Hardware and Software Hardware by Techwriter10 …had allowed an iTunes competitor, [URL=""]Spotify[/URL], to place an app in the App …apple-says-it-has-approved-app-from-music-service-spotify/"] reports[/URL] that Apple has approved… an iPhone App from Spotify. This is significant because Spotify is an online music service that at … Re: PSR-4 and Autoloading Programming Web Development by cereal Hi! Define the namespace in **Spotify.php**: <?php namespace Foo\Bar\Baz; class Spotify { public function __construct() { echo "yes"; } } Then it should work fine. Re: Virus, taskbar doesn't work, neither avast Antivirus Hardware and Software Information Security by Krizuu … Files\\LastFM.exe C:\Program Files\Spotify\spotify.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.exe C:\Program…\kristian\kynnis~1\ohjelmat\kynnis~1\spotify.lnk - c:\program files\spotify\spotify.exe IE: E&xport to…Data SmartSound Quicktracks 5 Sonic MyDVD Sonic RecordNow! Spotify Steam Suite Shared Configuration CS4 Suojauspäivitys Windows … The best things in life aren't free Community Center by GuyClapperton …com"]Last.FM[/URL], [URL=""]Spotify[/URL] and [URL=""…some of the music to be taken down. Last month Spotify had to start restricting its music along regional lines. …say that if I sign up to a service called Spotify I should be allowed loads of entertainment without payment. … Can Sky beat Apple at the iTunes game? Hardware and Software macOS by newsguy …powerhouses such as Apple's iTunes and the streaming service Spotify in a market which was worth £106 million in the…/08/28/apple-says-yes-to-iphone-itunes-killer/"]Spotify[/URL] there is no free ad-supported model, which …from them - although the subscription is cheaper than a Premium Spotify, ad-free, account. iTunes may feel the heat a little… Virus, taskbar doesn't work, neither avast Antivirus Hardware and Software Information Security by Krizuu …:\docume~1\kristian\kynnis~1\ohjelmat\kynnis~1\spotify.lnk - c:\program files\spotify\spotify.exe IE: E&xport to Microsoft Excel… internet not working after Malwarebytes trojan removal Hardware and Software Information Security by damnably … 10:22:56 -------- d-----w- c:\users\damnably\appdata\roaming\Spotify 2011-07-15 10:22:56 -------- d-----w- c:\users…\damnably\appdata\local\Spotify 2011-07-15 10:22:52 -------- d-----w- c:\program… files\Spotify 2011-07-06 21:37:29 -------- d-----w- c:\users… Re: Virus, taskbar doesn't work, neither avast Antivirus Hardware and Software Information Security by Krizuu …:\\Program Files\\uTorrent\\uTorrent.exe"= "c:\\Program Files\\Spotify\\spotify.exe"= "c:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Adobe\\CS4ServiceManager… Apple developing cloud music community? Digital Media Digital Marketing by GuyClapperton … surprise, in the light of [URL=""]Spotify[/URL], [URL=""…