247 Topics

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Member Avatar for grh1107

how you would compute/denote the time complexity of two loops based on different variables? I understand how to compute the time complexity for a simple loop PseduoCode while X<N { while Y<M { Z++ } X++ } one loop occurs N times - time complexity O(N) the other loop occurs …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for kishpopboy

pls help.. I have a to create a timecard calculator. it goes this way txtbox1 is for their 1st in txtbox2 is for their 1st out textbox3 is for the difference of txtbox1 and textbox2 txtbox4 is for their 2st in txtbox5 is for their 2st out textbox6 is for …

Member Avatar for kishpopboy
Member Avatar for gunsofnavarone

I need to select data available between 20:00 and 08:00 (8 PM to 8 AM). How do I achieve this? The column is of type TIME.

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for rugged1529

I'm trying to create a table in oracle here's the code [code] drop table class; create table class (schedule_num integer primary key not null, semester varchar(10), course_name varchar(14), credit int, department varchar(15), /* meeting_time time,*/ meeting_place varchar(20), enrollment_limit int); [/code] I don't how to initiate the 'time' data-type, can someone …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for Joe34

Here is my code... [CODE]function buildTimer(second,minute,hour,day,month) { if(getCookie('day') == "") { setCookie("month",month,1095); setCookie("day",day,1095); setCookie("hour",hour,1095); setCookie("minute",minute,1095); setCookie("second",second,1095); } var d = new Date(); var curr_month = d.getMonth(); if(month >= curr_month) { year = d.getFullYear(); } else { year = d.getFullYear()+1; } var Bday = new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for newgeekintown

Hi guys, Recently I was struck by a question "[B][COLOR="Red"]HOW MUCH AVERAGE TIME IS REQUIRED TO WRITE A TEST CASE OR TEST STEP FOR ANY APPLICATION. CAN WE HAVE ANY METRICS FOR IT.......[/COLOR][/B] Please Help ! Thanks in advance.......

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for navi18
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Member Avatar for inuasha

The title really says it all. For example if I had a music file and I wanted to have it play all the way through then how would I make it start another music file after the first is done?

Member Avatar for inuasha
Member Avatar for redrobby02

Hi i am very new to delphi and have only been working with it for a few months, i need to calculate the difference between 2 TDateTime Variables regardless of the number of days passed. Currently im using this: [CODE] var StartTime, EndTime, TimeDiff: TDateTime; begin StartTime := (Now); EndTime …

Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu
Member Avatar for mags11

Hi all! I am in the beginning to mid stages of my project. It's an autobody program. You get the calculations when you click Calculate. However, I can't seem to get the hours of labor box to compute to the correct amount. Whenever I put something more than 1 hour, …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for dv1r

i know this is a stupid question but i just don't know :\ if i have 2 time variables [CODE] a = 00:00:12 and b = 00:00:05[/CODE] how would i add them together to make [CODE] c = 00:00:17 ?[/CODE] i get the data from the database in this format …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for rayidi

Dear Friends, I'm developing a website that can show online users, When ever a user logged we can update the status to "Online" On our database. Now i'm using AJAX. Is it possible to show the online users without refreshing a page ? That means timed interval for a ajax …

Member Avatar for rayidi
Member Avatar for rayidi

Dear Friends, I'm developing a website that can show online users, When ever a user logged we can update the status to "Online" On our database. Now i'm using AJAX. Is it possible to show the online users without refreshing a page ? That means timed interval for a ajax …

Member Avatar for makman99
Member Avatar for theprofoundgeek

Hello! I have coded a compression technique and I am having trouble in measuring the speed of it. I tried to generate log of start time and end time, but compression time of same file varies a lot under windows. That may be happening because other processes would be consuming …

Member Avatar for ExpertsGuide
Member Avatar for solomon_13000

I am attempting to retrieve records 7 days before the termination date. The code below doesn't seem to work. [CODE] CREATE VIEW vwRenewSubscription AS SELECT c1.id as userId, p1.id subscriptionId, a1.id as advertisementPlanId, c1.companyName, c1.rocNo, a1.description, a1.fees,a1.duration FROM subscription AS p1, subscription AS p2, corporate AS c1, advertisementplan AS a1 …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for super9876

Hi. I'd like to add time (and no date, and not a timestamp) data to a field in MySQL through a PHP form. I've been having problems, as the date is also included. But I only want the time (I want to be able to sort the data by the …

Member Avatar for super9876
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Is it Mother Date and Father Time? Any way, getting all the different date and time displays working can be imperturbably perplexing at times. You take a look at it in this Windows Console Application.

Member Avatar for Tsawm
Member Avatar for el-black

Hello everybody? I created a website and I totally like it The content is always updated and the goal of the website is good (according to me and some others), but It don't seem to get traffic. I submitted it to many directories, it's active on social networks, I submitted …

Member Avatar for prcys
Member Avatar for ravinder yadav

i want to write a program which display alert message whenever 15 mins are over.But i am not finding solution of my problem using waitforexit() or delay() functions. [CODE] #include<time.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<conio.h> void main(void) { time_t timer; struct tm *tblock; time_t t; //timeout=18000; /* gets time of day */ …

Member Avatar for ravinder yadav
Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees

Hi....Friend i have to make this task...... create a time clock that display on the status bar and keep on changing every after 1 second. Kindly keep the format as given in the picture. i have created code but i dont know how to put on status bar... my code …

Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees
Member Avatar for rimilbadal

Can anyone please help me how to improve the loading time of my news website [URL="http://jhnews.co.in"]http://jhnews.co.in[/URL]

Member Avatar for aquilawebs
Member Avatar for mcclainra

I've been given a basic form of programming to do. And I simply cannot figure it out. I know this topic has been covered several times before. But each of them going around the one crucial step that I need to complete my programming. My instructor insists that the 24 …

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Member Avatar for FALL3N

Hello. I am writing a script to do some copying of files. I feel confident that I can do that part, but before I even start doing the actual copies, it compares the last modified dates of two files.. I know this seems a very basic question that I would …

Member Avatar for FALL3N
Member Avatar for gotboots

Hi all, just wondering what the best way is to structure time in sql database. For example, at present i use this format ; 19/08/2011 (which is day/month/year). when i call this in a sql statement, it shows all results, but not in a chronological order. Can any body solve …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Monster Killer

Hello. I am trying to create a javascript date/time script to display the current GMT date, but obviously because javasceipt is client side it displays the clients current date not the GMT date. Does anyone know how i can get javascript to show the current GMT date to anyone (even …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for karthik_ppts

Hi Frendz, I have two text fields 'from time' and 'to time'. The time format of the two text fields are 11:30 am 01:30 pm. I want to give alert message in javascript when the users enter the to time less than the from time.

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for chiiqui

Guys help me please, the equation on 2/3 is giving the waterTemp to 0; how come it is not changing? and also, if the nWaterTemp reached 20.00or somewhere 20.00 to 21.00; it is supposed to print that "THe kettle is now on "Help please [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<cstdlib> #include<time.h> void wait …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Rass Saee

I need to get the current time from Internet using C language. Any help is appreciated, hopefully a source code sample. Thank you in advance.

Member Avatar for naavinm
Member Avatar for Andy90

I want to make an application in vb.net which will allow user to use mouse in a different way. i.e Dwell Clicking. Suppose user moves mouse pointer at particular location and if the user doesnt move the mouse pointer from that location for 2 seconds then single click will be …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for Coffee_Table

I am trying to determine the time complexity (and space complexity if anyone would like to have a go at it) of a sort function i implemented with a custom comparator. it is the sort function from the STL <algorithm>. First off, I am using Visual C++, so I am …

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The End.